Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"SeeSee!" Okoro ran from his house and yanked her into his arms. Sigyn laughed as he lifted and spun her.

"Put me down!"

He set her on her feet but didn't let go. "Oh I have missed you! It has been too long. Where are my nephews?"

She giggled and pulled away. "They're not your nephews."

"Yes they are, just as you are my sister." He tapped her nose and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"They're at home. I needed a few days alone."

"I see." He nodded but said nothing of it. "Well then come! Ayoku will be glad to see you." He opened the door and ushered her in. "Ayo!" He called. "Look who is here!"

A young woman with skin darker even than Okoro's and bright eyes as dark and flinty as all her people's poked her head around the corner. She grinned.

"Sigyn! So good to see you! Nibi, Nibi." She waved her in and gestured for her to take a seat. She twisted a little girl's hair, her fingers flying as she braided it down. Her own hair was carefully braided and thrown over her shoulder, the black locks reaching to her hip.

Sigyn smiled and knelt in front of the little girl. "Is this little Imani?"

Imani grinned and wriggled to go to her. Ayoku tapped her shoulder firmly and made her sit still. She braided the last bit of hair and let the little toddler go. Imani crawled into Sigyn's lap and immediately cupped her cheeks, her eyes wide.

Okoro chuckled. "I forget she has never seen skin so pale as yours."

"Yes, I have pale hair." Sigyn winced as Imani tugged it. "Can you say hello?" She pulled her hair away and waved at the little girl. Imani waved, grinning widely. "Pele o?" Sigyn tried.

"Pele o!" Imani cried.

"Imani, nibi." She slid off Sigyn's lap and stretched for her father to pick her Up. Okoro set her on his hip. He murmured to her in their language and she giggled.

Sigyn smiled. "How are you, Ayo?"

"Tired!" Ayoku groaned. "I don't know why he couldn't wait for her to grow before giving me a second one!"

Sigyn's eyes widened and she looked down finally to see Ayoku's protruding belly. "No!" She gasped. "Oh, Ayo, that's wonderful!"

Ayoku smiled. "Maman says it is about time. Mosi's wife has three already and we only married a few months apart."

"Oh hush. Two is more than enough." Sigyn wouldn't have been able to handle the twins had Okoro not found Una. She didn't know what she'd do with three children. "How old is she now?"

"She will be two in a few weeks." Ayoku smiled. "Will you stay long?"

"No, no. I won't cause you trouble. Only for the day."

"No!" Okoro came back, having put Imani down for a nap. "You must stay a few days." He put his hands on Ayoku's shoulders. "We have room and you are always welcome. Stay and rest your woes with us. Hm? How does that sound?"

She sighed wistfully. "I can't leave Una with the boys without warning. Another time. I only wanted to see my friends for a bit."

Ayoku squeezed Okoro's hand. "That means she wants you. Go, I know when my husband is needed elsewhere." She waved them off.

Sigyn smiled sheepishly but didn't protest. Okoro held a hand out to her and she took it, letting him help her to her feet. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders again and walked outside with her. With his head bent low and his familiar dark eyes trained on her, he raised a brow.

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