Chapter 6 - Berserker & Rider

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Quartus, a stout, bald man with two cold eyes, ordered Rider to stay in the rear to provide support. Secunda, a dry-faced woman with the movements of a queen, commanded Berserker to advance towards that home.

"Are you sure it's wise to attack him now?" Quartus asked.

"The storm has subsided and there is no sign of that Saber nearby. This is the perfect opportunity," Secunda replied confidently. "Now is the time to take out Nihil."

At that moment Lancer left the house.

"The Servant of Nihil..." Secunda said with a malicious grin. "Berserker, kill that Heroic Spirit."

The Servant of Secunda was the size of a bull, had two black horns and also had eyes as red as blood. That monster brandished two large steel axes and, after leaving a beastly scream from its mouth, leapt towards the opponent; Berserker's attack was devastating, but Lancer was able to stop it with the use of a shield made of chains.

"Not bad at all, Berserker, but don't think you have an advantage over me just because you have animal strength."

That beastly Heroic Spirit began to attack with fury and Lancer was forced to remain on the defensive, due to the speed of the opponent. Berserker was powerful, yes, but he was also swift and that made him really fearsome as a rival. Lancer was initially able to parry some attacks, but then they fell victim to Berserker's rage. The ax blade hit Lancer three times and, in the end, a kick knocked the green-haired Servant down.

The two Masters were happy to see what was happening, but both were wondering where Nihil was. At that moment they saw him leave the house and run in the middle of the forest. Quartus took it upon himself to chase him while Secunda stayed with the Berserker and Rider.

Lancer, meanwhile, took off and, after wiping their face, hinted a slight smile and immediately attacked Berserker. The kick of the Servant in white hit the face of that demon. Berserker responded immediately, but was not quick enough and was hit a second time and then a third.

"What happens? Have you lost the adrenaline in your body, Berserker? No wonder, you are not exactly at my level. I recognize something unique in you, but you're absolutely not comparable to a worthy opponent."

"I kill you!" he yelled.

"I'm surprised you can talk." Lancer dodged the steel axes twice. "But you're not too different from the beasts of Mesopotamia."

Enkidu's hand took on the appearance of a blade. The two Heroic Spirits began to duel again with fury and speed. Every Berserker's hit was dodged, every Lancer's attack was parried. Secunda, seeing her Servant in slight trouble, ordered Rider to help him out.

For a short time, Enkidu was forced to face two opponents together and was pushed back.

"So you wanna play this way, huh?"

Rider, brandishing her sword, attempted to stab Enkidu; the green-haired Servant's counterattack was swift. Rider was thrown into the middle of the forest.

"Who's next?"

Berserker tried to hurt Lancer, but failed and paid the consequences: a chain grabbed his arm and threw him into the sky. The green-haired Servant reached the enemy in midair and hit him with a kick; Berserker's crash shook the ground.

"I am sorry to have to do this to a creature who is not capable of understanding and willing, but the war requires me to kill you and so I will."

"You... don't kill... I... kill... you... in my... labyrinth!"


"Chaos Labyrinthos!"

Berserker revealed his Noble Phantasm, in so doing trapped the opponent inside a stone labyrinth. Lancer knew immediately that it wasn't Reality Marble, but it looked like it. The green-haired Servant understood that they had been dragged to a place that had been manifested with magic and had only two ways to get out of it: fight or solve the riddle of the labyrinth.

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