Chapter 13 - The Holy Grail

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The noise of a distant creek woke me from a deep sleep. I got up and realized I was on the edge of a pond, the circular perimeter of which was covered with stones of various sizes. I raised my head and noticed that the flora surrounding me was different from that of the forest of Elysion. There were ancient Greek-style buildings that wore ivy on their roofs and thick bushes at their feet.

From the water I saw a female creature at least two meters high rise. Her body was slightly transparent and was a bright green color; the creature's chest gave off a light of its own. Her face was bare of eyes, mouth and nose. Her long hair moved like air.

I was scared, but inside I knew I could trust that being.

"Who are you?" I asked unsure.

"The Holy Grail," she replied in a divine voice.

I noticed that I had no injuries and that I didn't feel pain. "How is it possible?"

"This is a different world than yours. Here only souls can have access. I'm here to hear your request, Master of Lancer. What is your wish?"

"My wish...? So is the time to make that damn choice already? I thought I had more time to reflect. You can only grant one wish, right?"

"This is correct."

"Any wish?"


"So I could ask you to kill Magnus?"

"Yes. I can do anything. Is this your wish? "

"No, I was just curious. It would be nice to be able to ask you such a thing, you know? I would really like to take revenge on that bastard, but if I did I would waste the only chance I have of saving my life. However, on the other hand, it would be really nice to be able to snatch the life out of that bastard's hands."

The said nothing.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"

"I know what I need to know."

"This is not an answer," I said with a sigh. "You know, Grail, I think I have a lot in common with you and Enkidu. I speak, I think, I have memories and I have a will of my own. However, at the end of the day, I'm just an object designed to pursue a certain purpose."

"An object?"

"Yes. I'm an object. I'm simply a mean designed for a specific end. What I feel is irrelevant. In the end, it's all worthless. Whether I love Enkidu or not doesn't matter. Whether I hate Magnus or not doesn't matter. What matters is that, now that I cannot accomplish my purpose, I am forced to make choices that could make me or Enkidu suffer."

"Every choice requires a sacrifice—"

"I know. I'm not stupid. The importance of choice lies in the ability to know how to make sacrifices. The moment I chose to fight Magnus, I put my own life in jeopardy. I wouldn't be here if I chose not to rebel. I made a sacrifice and I'm paying the consequences, but it's unfair."

"Do you think it's unfair to suffer the consequences of your choices?"

"No. I think it's unfair that Magnus doesn't have to suffer the consequences for his choices. He slaughtered people, he played god with the life of his fellow men and all this for the sole purpose of satisfying his own selfishness. I'm here and I have to make some sacrifices, he can enjoy his fucking freedom without having to sacrifice anything."

"Then kill him," she said coldly.

"No. If I used my wish to kill him, then I would agree to die and make Enkidu suffer. I can't do it—I don't want to do it. However, if I wish to have my life saved, I will have to say goodbye to Enkidu and then I will be the one to suffer."

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