🍏🍎my psycho boyfriend🍏🍎

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"Please let me go, whatever you want I will do

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"Please let me go, whatever you want I will do. But don't hurt me," Chang pleaded.

 "Do it, he always thinks he's the  coolest boy in school, scratched his face with a razor blade, let him feel what it's like to have an ugly face," Pran ordered.

 "Khab," answered  two people in front of him, wai and Korn.

 "Awwww," Chang's moans filled  warehouse behind the school When wai and korn hurt his face.  Pran came closer, he pulled Chang's hair.

 "You deserve this, say goodbye to your beloved school that always boasts of you," Pran whispered before stab a knife into Chang's stomach.

 "Take care of him, I still have other business," Pran ordered.  Wai and Korn nodded.

 The atmosphere of the basketball court looks very busy this afternoon, they are doing competitions between classes.  Korn and wai joined them.


 A plastic filled with water hits Lotte's shirt, Wai's classmate.  At first they were normal, they thought that there were students playing pranks.  But soon the fishy smell spread.  They suspect the bag was filled with red water earlier.  Lotte touched the broken plastic on the basketball court earlier, he screamed when he realised that it wasn't syrup or sauce but fresh blood.  Everyone ran into the classroom.  Korn and Wai looked panicked.


 A student walked inside the room his body was shaking, before  foam came out of his mouth.

 "Mheng, are you all right?"  Ask wai.  It was too late, the student was no longer breathing.

 "Korn and I are going around, you all stay in the classroom. Don't go anywhere," Wai called out.

 Everyone is silent in class.  Wai and Korn went into the boys' restroom.  At first they were normal until something dripped on Korn's shoulder.

 Korn and Wai raised their heads.

 They were surprised to see Mark hanging above them.  His face was full of wounds.

 The two of them ran out of the toilet.  They have the same destination, the warehouse behind the school.

 "Pran, this is outrageous. You're crazy," said wai.  His voice trembled.

 “Pran, you promised you would only hurt Chang, but in fact you killed all the students,” Korn approached.  He pulled  pran collar.

 "Why? Blame Pat, he was angry and jealous of wai until he didn't go to school because he was lazy to meet me even pha said he was going to change schools," replied pran.  He removed Korn's hand from his collar.  Soon Korn fell on the floor, his clothes covered in blood.  Wai glared, he didn't expect his friend to be this crazy.

 "Why? Do you also want to say something? Wai, you are a jerk. Because of you Pat got angry and dumped me," said pran. He approached wai, wai tried to run away.  But too late, pran stabbed him with a knife.

 Pran smiled sarcastically as Wai's body fell at his feet.

 Pran came out and walked to the field.  A gun was in his hand, "Pat, goodbye,"

  "Mheng!"  Pran turned his head for a moment before he fell on the grass.

 "Pat, you're coming," he said softly as Pat took on his lap.

 "Mheng, hold on. You can't leave me. Stupid!"

 "Thanks for coming back. I love you Pat," said pran.


 Pat screamed hysterically as pran closed his eyes.

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