pizza love

254 16 2

"Ohm, are you sleeping at Mae's place tonight?"  Nnn asked before they left university.

"No. The day after tomorrow, why?"

" I want to teach you how to make pizza."  Nnn said.

"Khab. I'm  leaving now drake waiting for me,"

"Hmm, see you,"


Ohm smiled as he opened the gallery on his cellphone.  Some nnn photos there.

"Hey," Drake called out.

Ohm surprised when Drake and his friends came.

"Ohm, do you want to come with us for a drink tonight?"  Ask Drake.

"I have something to do with nnn" 

"You've changed since you were close to nnn"

"Is not your business,"

"Come on, we don't go out together very often," snorted Mark.

"I'm going home first, nnn is waiting for me. Next time I'll treat you,"

Ohm ran away from them.  The longer there will make it difficult to choose between hanging out with them or going home to meet nnn.


Tonight ohm is forced by nnn to accompany him to make pizza in the kitchen.  At first he refused but in the end he complied with nnn's wish.

"Mheng," said ohm

"Khab,  why?"

"May I borrow your ring finger?" Asked ohm

"For what? Dig your nose?"  Nnn jokes.

"Ihh gross, not for that."


Ohm took nnn's right hand and then he took the middle of the onion which had been cut into a circle.  Ohm put a small piece of onion into nnn's finger.

"Meanwhile, let this onion circle on your ring finger. Later I will replace it with a real ring, at the right time and a heart that already sticks together. Like cheese in pizza," ohm kissed nnn's hand.

"Hahaha," nnn released the onion from his finger.

"This may sound like a joke, but I'm telling the truth."

Ohm stared at nnn for a moment before leaving the kitchen.  His face was grim.  Not as cheerful as before, nnn felt guilty.

Even when the pizza was ready, ohm was still silent.  Not as excited as usual.

"Ohm, look at me," said nnn.

Ohm still kept silent

"Ohm, if on the count of three you don't turn around I will..."

Nnn hasn't finished saying his sentence yet. Ohm turned and kissed him.

"Sia ohm!"

"Hahahaha, I love you na"

Ohm ruffled nnn's hair and then embraced him into his arms.

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