Chapter 7- Late Night Crime

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"Well, everybody go to sleep. I don't want any of you tired in tomorrow's killing spree." Shigaraki stood up and walked to the bar's door, followed by Toga and Kurogiri.

"Goodnight Crusty, Toga, everyone else, I'm off." Dabi declared, opening a nearby window.

Almost every League member went to bed, 'almost' is a keyword since A.F.O, Dabi who went out from said window and Kiyoshi stayed up.

"I'm going as well, bye, sensei." They said, sprinting to the stairs that lead to the ceiling.

A.F.O didn't respond, and they assumed he was asleep, he's a 200 year old man, it was safe to assume he was snoring already.

Except he wasn't, he was planing a backup plan for Shigaraki, who didn't ask for it but given 90% of the time his plans failed, it was absolutely necessary.

"Ah! Kiyoshi! There you are!" This was Chisaki Shoko, Overhaul's daughter. She wasn't exactly a villain, but she was also not a hero or vigilante, no one really knew what she was.

"Hey Shoko." They gasped for air from running from a hero that was wandering around.



"I'm not even surprised, do you wanna rob that one grocery store again or...?"

"Nah, I think we should get out of that habit."

"Okay then, what do you suggest? We could kill someone, I won't do kids, but that rule is debatable if the kid's a prick."

"Nope, too risky. How about we just steal some chocolate and eat 'em here?"

"I mean, sure, quick and chill, let's do it!"

Later that night...

"So, you know how you said you wanted to be chill tonight?"

"...Yes. Why?"

"Well..." She mumbled nonsense. "I kinda maybe have to break my dad out of prison..."

"...Oh... No big deal, who's your dad and where is he?"

"Yeah... About that... He's Overhaul, he's in Tartarus right now..."


hey stood there in silence.

"Your father is Overhaul? Like, Yakuza leader Overhaul?"


"Why do you have to break him out though? I thought you didn't like him."

"Oh, I don't, it's just that years ago my mom broke him out, made a plan just in case one of them was caught, had me as part of said plan and got arrested for a second time immediately after."

"Oh God."

"Yeah, my life purpose is basically committing a crime. How lovely. Let's go."

She stood up and started sprinting, they followed.

Knock knock

"State your identity and your business here."

A rifle-like sound could be heard on the other side of the door.

Shoko sighed.

"Alright... Shoko Chisaki, plan."

A woman opened the door, Kiyoshi figured this was Shoko's mother.

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