Chapter Four: Daddy Daughter and Daughter?

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Tatum's POV

I sit in the box worried out of my mind, it's been hours and I'm sure someone had to of noticed I was gone by now, I start to sing the song my parents gave me to calm me down and I can't help but smile as I think of Evie again

This song encompasses everything I feel for her and I'm so happy to have it in my possession, let's just hope Evie doesn't find it or my plan is ruined

Evie's POV

I'm in the clubhouse with Jay and Carlos as we wait for Mal to come inside

"I wonder what's keeping her out so long" Carlos says and I shrug, suddenly we hear Mal yell causing us to run outside to see Audrey standing there with the Maleficent's staff and the crown

"Oh look, it's little saviors" Audrey says mockingly as she laughs evilly

"Oh and Evie....might wanna check on your girlfriend, she may be a little...slimy" Audrey says before disappearing, I glare in her direction before turning to Mal who looks like my mother did when she tried tricking Snow White

"We need a spell for this" Jay says as he backs away from Mal

"No spell can reverse the curse of the septor" Mal says in a husky voice

"Well that's a shame" Carlos says and Celia who ran out with us nods her head

"Don't worry about me, Audrey's out for revenge, all of Auradon is in danger" Mal says

"What should we do" I say making sure she doesn't fall

"The only thing more powerful is Hades ember" Mal says causing Jay to scoff

"Oh like he's just gonna hand that over easily if we go back to the isle" Jay says

"And what about Tatum" I say nervously

"We don't know where his lair is" Carlos says

"I do and so does Tatum, I'm his erred rat, I got the key at my's where Tatum used to be kept when my father was out" Celia says causing us to nod

"Your coming" Mal says causing Celia to groan

"Let's get Tatum first, we have to check her room since Audrey doesn't have her" I say before running off inside but coming back to get Mal

Time skip

We run to Tatum's room and see a box on the bed, I instantly go over to it and open it to see a frog dressed in work out clothes

"Tatum" I say sadly, the Tatum croaks at me causing me to laugh a little

"Come on baby, let's get you back to being'll have to bare the ride though" I say tenderly, Tatum croaks and sticks her tongue out on my hand before retracting it, I try not to be grossed out and leave out with Tatum in hand and her box

We get on our bikes and ride over to the edge of Auradon with Mal and Tatum safely secured to us, we ride get there and park our bikes outside of Dr.Facilier's place

"As fuck" I hear behind me and the sound of something falling causing me to look behind me and see Tatum rubbing her head

"Oh my gosh, Tatum your back" I say happily as I hug her

"Yea I'm back, it was weird to experience what my parents did for a bit there" She says smiling a bit, i help her up and we head down the pathway

"Umm what are we doing here" Tatum says nervously, I notice her hand shaking a bit and I hold it gently

"We're going to see...Dr Facilier then Hades" I say causing her eyes to widen then she just nods, I pull her close as we walk to the door

Tatum's POV

I recognize this place too well and it's bringing back memories of when I was captured, back then on the isle, people with voodoo could still hurt people and thanks to my kidnapping I hope that changed

"It's gonna be ok Tatum" Celia says before knocking on the door, I just nod and watch the door open

We enter into his arcade and I put on a stone face at the place I once called my prison, I watch as he embraces his daughter, suddenly I feel my phone buzz causing me to grab it and see my mom texted to stay away from him

I sighs put my phone away to see him staring right at me

"Hello again little frog" He says and I stay silent

" got your tongue Tatum" He says and I just glare at him as Celia comes in between us

"Daddy please.....don't start this again" She says and her father looks at her then to me

"You know little frog, as much as I'd love to see the look in your parents faces if I had you again......I will not take you again is nice to see you" He says catching me by surprise

"You....don't want to harm me again, what changed from VKDay" I say hesitantly

"Let's just say...someone helped me see the light, in a very demanding phone call" He says as he glances down at Celia causing me to do the same, she smiles at me and I smile back before tru f to Dr.Facilier as I feel a relief feeling wash over me

"You've raises a great daughter Dr.Facilier" I say and he smiles and nods before walking away

"Thank you Celia" I say and she smiles and rubs my arm before walking off where her father is

I look over to see Carlos putting in a coin for the tv, I walk over and see the Auradon news is playing

"Reports of the sleeping spell spreading on Auradon" The man says causing Carlos and i to look at each other

"Umm guys, come over here" I say and they all follow, we listen as the news reports about people being in a deep sleep across campus caused by Audrey

We get out soon to see Harry and his goons on the bikes we came on

"Why guys....thanks for the bikes...lookin good Evie" He says and I go to hit him but Evie pulls me back and pulls me into a heated kiss before pulling away

"Thanks...I know" She says to him as his face falls

"She's really good with her mouth by the way...see ya" He says before taking off with his friends in the bikes

I go to chase after him along with Jay and Carlos but Evie pushes me back

"Stay with Mal and Celia....I got this" She say before kissing me and taking off where the guys went, I sigh and look to Mal who looks at me with a sympathetic look as she grabs my arm and leads us to her fathers lair

I really hate Harry

A/n ok well I finally updated and I'll try to update more so don't worry too much lol


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