Chapter Two

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A month has passed since I found out Axel cheated on me my life changed a lot I focused more on myself and I felt free and I got over the hurt feeling it sucked knowing next year was our wedding year but stuff happened for a reason I always believed that. It was October two days away from Halloween I stood shopping for a Halloween costume with Kelly and Ally I was searching for something hot and something out of the ordinary for me. Kelly decided on a hot version of an angel and Ally and I was still searching. After an hour of shopping, I decided on a hot nurse I bought black fishnet tights and heels to match and I couldn't wait for the Halloween party on Halloween night. The days leading up to the party were normal I studied and kept myself busy I avoided any guy because I was healing and I was fine being single. Axel and I haven't talked his mom called me a couple of days after we broke up to tell me she is sorry and it was nice to hear her voice. My parents were nice about the situation they offered me to come home but I didn't want to because I couldn't show Axel or anyone I was hurting it was just the type of person I was. Tonight was Halloween night the morning I had classes but once I got back home Kelly and I started getting ready I felt so odd in something so short and slutty but I needed to try something new. I slid my outfit on and Kelly walked into my room she said "new Naomi I like it." I said, "I do too I feel brand new." We laughed and Kelly helped me with my makeup. Around seven we got into Kelly's jeep and drive to pick up Ally she lived on campus so we waited in the parking lot I texted my mom to check-in and she was glad I was going out and showing my ex I deserved better. After Ally came and got into the jeep we drove to the party spot which was at the lake nearby I barely came to any parties here but I was nervous to meet new people. When we pulled in cars that were parked all over we got out Kelly said: "the guy who is hosting this party is the dean's nephew he is hot as hell." I said, "the dean's family must all be likable."  Ally said, " well I mean his daughter is a slut she sleeps with every guy." We approached a group of guys Kelly said "Hey Jake we made it." Jake was tan and had green eyes he was 5'6 and his body looked built he had to be the person they were talking about. Jake said, "welcome who is this?" Ally said "our best friend Naomi." Jake said, "welcome want a drink, Naomi?" I said, "yeah wine or anything fruity." Jake said, "of course, I'll be right back." After he walked off Ally said, "he likes you or he wouldn't have asked you for a drink." I said, "he is being nice." Ally said, "Jake is not nice trust me he is hot but not nice." Jake came back he handed me a wine cooler he said "here you go wanna go walk alone with can catch up two later." I said, "is it my with you two?"  Kelly said, "yeah we will be waiting have fun."  Jake and I walked into the woods he said"I've been here a few times there is a spot that overlooks the lake." I said, "okay as long as your not trying to kill me I'm fine." We laughed he said, "Nah I'm pretty chill." I said, "so you are the dean's nephew how is it being kin to him." Jake said "amazing I get any girl I want but then again my cousin is the biggest slut around so I have to live with her actions." I said, "ah I know her she slept with my ex-fiance about a month ago." Jake said, "shit I am sorry I had no clue is it, Axel?" I said, "don't say sorry for her, and yeah that's him." Jake said, "they are together and here together just a heads up." I said, "it doesn't bother me anymore." Jake said, "good just a little farther." We finally got to a spot it was a ledge and it overlooked the lake this place was quiet and peaceful I said "how did you find this spot?" Jake said, "I got dumped about two years ago needed time alone I walked and walked and ended up here." I said, "who would dump you?" Jake said, "plenty they hate the attention I get I don't blame them."  I said, "yeah I can see why they get mad." Jake said, "are you flirting?" I said, "maybe I haven't flirted in a while so my game is awful." Jake said, " that was smooth as butter." We talked and I got to know him he was a soccer player he is from a little town in Georgia and he has a younger sister is mom is a lawyer and his dad isn't in his life and he was a nice guy and it felt nice to just talk to the guy and not have to worry about saying the wrong thing I felt comfortable with him. After a while, he said, "we better get back." I said, "yeah my friends worry too much." Jake said, "nothing to worry about with me I'm harmless." I said, "yeah I feel comfortable around you which is odd." I stood  up and slipped off the edge of the cliff I grabbed a rock I was hanging there Jake said "fuck are you okay?!" I said, "not really go get help!" Jake said, "okay I will be back just stay calm switch hands!" I hung there as heard Jake run off I hoped he brought help this was my luck trying to have a conversation with a guy and slide off a cliff. My arms were hurting so bad but a few minutes later I heard a couple of voices Jake said "she is over here." They approached me and there above me stood Kelly, Ally, Abel, another guy, and Jake. They had a rope Abel said, "Naomi as soon as I drop this rope grab it and hang on don't let loose." I said, "what if it breaks." Jake said, "it won't just stay calm." Kelly said, "take a deep breathe and grab it." Abel dropped the rope I grabbed it and I was dangling in the air if I fell I would drop to my death I heard Abel and Jake pulling and saying almost there.  When I got to the top I sat down Kelly said "you okay?" I said, "I'm fine I slipped off this edge." Ally said, "you're okay now." I said, "guys thanks for saving me." Jake said, "no problem let's head back get you some ice your arm is swelling." We walked back down the path Abel said "you feeling okay?" I said, "not really but ill be fine." Ally said, "you worry me to death clumsy ass." I said "no need to worry." Jake said, "I wouldn't hurt her." Kelly said, "we know that we just worry." Abel said, "the good thing is your fine and not over that cliff." Ally said, "good way to look at it jeez." I giggled I said, "I mean it's true at least he is being blunt." Ally said, "there is such thing as being too blunt." I said "true but if his brother was blunt I would have never gotten cheated on Abel is the good twin." Abel smiled and said, "the first time I've heard that normally I'm the disappointment."  We walked to where everyone was the party was strong I said "I need another drink I will be back." I walked to the drink table and grabbed a drink and stopped and talked to a couple of people I knew and made my way back Abel was still chilling with my friends.  I said, " Ally wanna dance?" Ally said, "Abel wanted to go with him." I said, "how about no he is my exes brother someone dance with me." Abel stood up he said, "go with me." I rolled my eyes and said "fine." Abel led me to the dancing area a slow dance came on I said "did you plan this?" Abel said, "Nah I am not that smooth."  I said, "you might be you did save my life." Abel said, "I mean I couldn't let you fall that would be assholish." I said "true." We drank and danced together Abel was hilarious and he was the type that I liked he was the opposite of Axel.  Seven drinks in I whispered into Abel's ear "wanna go somewhere private." Abel said, "where?" I said, "I can get a hotel." Abel said, "yeah let's get a taxi though don't want us getting hurt." We called a cab I snuck away from my friends and we walked to the main road and waited Abel said "you sure you wanna hook up?" I said, "shh don't question it." Abel said," I'm not just don't want you regretting it." I said "your hot and I need to forget my ex-sex and his rebel brother is perfect." Abel said "if you weren't so hot I would be offended," I said, "well good thing I'm hot then." We laughed and talked when the cab pulled up I told them to take us to the Hilton once we got to the hotel I booked us a room. We were in a suite I had extra money and I wanted Abel not sure in what way but at that moment it felt amazing. When we got to the room I kissed him he kissed me back I said "I hope you're amazing in bed." Abel smiled and said "better than my brother." I said "good." He laid me on the bed and undressed me he kissed my body each kiss felt like electricity it felt amazing we made it out and it turned into sex I don't remember a lot but I do remember having sex four times. The next morning I woke up Abel was naked asleep he looked hot even when I was sober I ordered room service breakfast for us both. I shook Abel he smiled he said "good morning." I said, "good morning I ordered breakfast." Abel said, "you sure this doesn't have to be anything." I said, " I don't know what I want but I know I'm not the fuck and leave type." Abel said "fair enough." Abel stood up and I saw him naked he was amazingly hot he had a couple of tattoos and scars but he was perfect standing there I said: "your clothes are probably in the bathroom that is where I found mine." Abel said, "why the bathroom?" I said, "I have no clue." He walked into the bathroom I picked up my iPhone I had 6 missed texts from Ally and Kelly I replied in our group chat I said: "I am fine had a good night." After Abel came out he was dressed and I said "come sit." Abel said, " Naomi look.." I knew he realized this was a mistake I hoped he didn't because I was attracted to him not because I wanted to make his brother jealous it was something more. I said, "it's fine I understand we were drunk both lonely." Abel said "no hard feelings?" I said, "no it's cool." I stood up and said, "I will walk you out." We were walking down the hallway when he said "I felt something but no matter how much my brother annoys me I couldn't do this to him." I said, "I get it we can forget it never happened." Abel said, "before we do let me kiss you again." He kissed me again and I felt the same electricity he said "I better go thanks for last night." I said "yeah bye." He walked away I took a deep breath and I went back to the room I fixed my hair and makeup the best I could and canceled the room service and got a uber home.  When I walked in Kelly said, "who were you with?" I said, "Abel we got drunk and ended up in a hotel." Kelly said, "how was it he is fine as hell." I said, "don't remember a lot but he made it clear nothing can happen again." Kelly said, "did you feel something?"  I said, "doesn't matter if I did I need a shower." I showered and tried to erase it last night it was a dumb decision but I had feelings for him even when I first met him but I knew he didn't want to pursue anything so I needed to forget everything and move on from it.

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