Chapter Eight

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Abel stood in a flannel and jeans he looked nice I said "you look so nice Abel." He smiled he said, "you do too." I said, "where are we going?" Abel smiled he said, "it's a surprise." I said "all these surprises." We drove for a bit and while he drove we talked it was nice to be alone I held his hand and it took a lot not to kiss him but I didn't. We pulled into a lake nearby Abel said "a picnic I made some amazing sandwiches and got the fancy water." I smiled and said, "this is sweet and thoughtful." Abel said, "only for you." I smiled and said "your the best." He hugged me and said, "that's all you." We walked down a path to an overlook spot and he laid a blanket down and he opened the picnic basket he handed me a cup and poured bubbly water we sipped it and ate sandwiches it was romantic and I loved the view and how quiet it was." We were done eating we were just  relaxing, talking when he said, "will you stand up?" I stood up and he got on one knee he said: "Naomi we have had the worst timing and we have brought so much hurt to each other but there is nobody else in this whole world I want to be with I love you when you walk into a room my heart races and all I can think about is how long I will get to be in your presence we have had a rough past but I love you even more now your the strongest girl I've ever met and I'm so lucky to have you." I teared up he reaches up and wiped my tears he said "I know this is rushing but I can't stand another minute without making sure I have you for life your my soulmate and I can't find anyone who makes me feel the way you do will you take this ring and make me the happiest person in the world we can take it slow and be engaged however you want?" I smiled and said "yes." He stood up and placed the ring on my finger and kissed me we made out and the feelings I had I had a million at once I was so happy we were finally together and finally going to be together through this crazy life he was an amazing guy and knowing after all this time I got to settle down with him was the best feeling. We took pictures and the ring he got me was beautiful it was rose gold my favorite. We made out and almost had sex when Abel's phone rang it was his mom I sat on the blanket while he talked to her she seemed happy for us and I was glad I finally get to be with him. After he got off the phone we packed stuff up I was over the moon happy so was he I was his girlfriend after all this time that passed. We drove home we talked and he promised me to take care of me and the way he made it sound showed he meant it. When we got back to the cabin everyone hugged us and I showed them the ring even Axel was happy we talked and spent time together they were all moving back here but they would be busy and this would be hard to get for a few months around ten I said: "I'm headed to bed you want to join me, Abel?" Abel said, "yeah goodnight guys." Ally said, "don't moan too loud." I laughed and said "gross." We walked upstairs and into my room we watched tv and he cuddled me this was amazing just us and knowing he would be my husband once we planned everything made it even more amazing. We didn't even have sex it was more of us kissing and showing each other how much we care when we fell asleep we were out I was exhausted but today was an amazing day. We woke around eight Abel woke me up by kissing my head once I woke up he helped me pack then I went to his room and helped him and we walked downstairs we had to be out of the cabin by twelve everyone ate cereal and talked Everyone was going back to Florida and Colorado Abel and Axel were going to be here by Friday and the girls were going to be here the following week then I wouldn't be alone I hated leaving Abel because we just now got engaged but adulting sucks. After I ate I hugged everyone and said goodbye  Abel walked me to my car we made out for five minutes he said "I am going to miss you." I said, "I know last night we were in the same bed and it felt was amazing." Abel said, "I know us being engaged is amazing." I said "definitely." We smiled I said, "if you want once you get your stuff you can move in with me I won't have to be alone and we can be wake up together every morning plus I make amazing breakfast." Abel said, "you mean that?" I said, "yes baby I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it." Abel said, "if you mean it once I get here I will bring my stuff to your place." I said "good I will finally have you alone and we can build this into something amazing." Abel said, "I know can't wait to see what we build together." He kissed me again I said, "I have to be at work at 12 I don't wanna go but I have to I love you, Abel." He said, "I love you too beautiful be careful text me once you're at work." I said, "I will." I kissed him again and drove to work the week flew by the time I knew it I was helping Abel move in of course that week sucked not having him there but he texted me and Video chatted me often. Friday I took off which I never did so I could help Abel and I spent the day moving his stuff in my apartment and unpacking we were making big decisions but I knew, in the end, it was worth it I would have him in my life forever I've always wanted him. That night after we finished up we ordered Chinese and watched movies together and showered together where we had sex and it was amazing I didn't remember it last time but this time it was mind-blowing. Then after we showered we fell asleep together. I was content with my life we were engaged a year and a half while I saved up money and planned the wedding we decided to have it at a church and it was a huge wedding I wore a lace white wedding dress and he wore a black suit with a maroon tie our colors were maroon and black and pink. When I had his last name I felt so amazing he was an amazing husband like he was a fiancé we never fought we fought one time and it was over me shutting him out which I tend to do but I worked on it. On our honeymoon, we went to Hawaii this time I wasn't wasted and it was with someone I loved and it was beautiful we laid on the beach most of the time and had lots of sex. I loved him in ways I've never loved anyone else two years into our marriage we welcomed a baby boy into the world we named him Jackson he was a tiny baby and he looked so much like his father I was out of college and working full time as a dental assistant and we bought a house a year into our marriage it was a huge house four bedrooms three bath and had a huge yard luckily we did because not too long after we had a baby. Abel was the best father he stayed up with the baby while I slept and he was so gentle and I was so glad I met Abel we fell in love when I was young and we had awful timing but we built something beautiful he was a saint he treated me like a queen and my family and friends loved him and I loved his everybody told us we were the dream couple. We had twin girls Ariel and Amelia three years after Jackson and decided not to have any more twins were hard but we made it through. I thanked God for my family daily and we were perfect in my eyes. For my other friends Ally got married to the guy she was with they moved to a small town next to us and raised a baby girl and Kelly she found a guy who was a lawyer they stayed around here so I saw her often mom finally married Kolby's uncle and my sister she graduated high school and is working on a degree in science. My brother got married as well to his wife they don't have kids but they seem happy and that's all I wanted is a happy life with someone I love and all my family happy. A lot of people ask how Abel and I met and I tell them they looked shocked but our story wasn't perfect but what we built from it was beautiful we have three kids and a huge house and a marriage that is unbreakable and I couldn't ask for anything else in life being happy is important in any marriage because happiness builds a bond that can never be broken and with Abel, we built that and some I am the luckiest person on the planet and every morning when I wake up and see Abel I smile and he kisses me and we lay in bed a moment until we hear our kids up those moments together helped build that bond. Axel and I are close even though we are exes and I'm married to his brother he and I still talk and I trust him he got married as well to a preachers daughter and it was a beautiful wedding like ours so, in the end, Axel and I broke up and it was awful I loved his brother but we both found our person and we are fine with it I wanted the best for him as he did me. Your soulmate is the person you connect with on so many levels and even when you are mad at them it feels like you aren't because you love them so much it bothers you to even be mad that is how Abel and I are and knowing he's mine until we take our last breath is all I needed in life.

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