Chapter Six

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Two weeks passed I was still at home my classes I got switched online, for now, I needed to be with my family my Aunts funeral was a week ago it was a beautiful service my sister got to attend she got out of the hospital a day before her funeral she is doing a ton better she has to stay in a wheelchair until she heels but she is alive and healing. My friends and Axel and Abel headed home I appreciated them being there my whole life was a mess it still is but I'm dealing with it the guy at the bar we met again about six days ago we talked all night and I ended up sleeping with him I am meeting him again tonight not dating just for sex I wasn't ready for someone right now and Chris wasn't either so we were content. Abel and I haven't talked a lot I hoped we mended things but we have a lot of hurt towards each other and I hope eventually it changes. I sat doing my work online while my sister does hers for high school my brother sat across from us texting somebody. I got a text from Chris we were renting a hotel room for the night a nice one beside the lake and it had a spa so I was excited. I finished my work and hugged my sister and told mom I was going to be gone nobody knows about Chris, not even my friends I wanted it to be a secret. I packed a bag of sexy clothes and got in the rental car mom rented me while I was there and drove to the hotel where he was. I pulled in around 8 and walked to the front desk the lady handed me the keys and told me where my room was it was on the fourth floor and I got on the elevator and went on the fourth floor and went into the room Chris lay on the bed in his boxers he was fine there was no doubt about it he had short curly brown hair and green eyes he was dreamy before he took over his mom's bakery he was in the navy he was built that was for sure. I said, "you look amazing laying there." Chris smiled he said, "thank you come here." I laid beside him on the bed he kissed me he said "I like to make-believe." I said, "yeah all the real stuff without meaning anything." Chris said, "exactly I'm glad we get to do this while your here." I said, "yeah until I have to go back to college." Chris said, "or I could pay you to be my sex slave fuck me and you can spend all my money." I said, "so you would be my sugar daddy with all the perks." We laughed and he said, " jeez if we weren't so screwed up I'd fall for you." I said, "two broken people never work." Chris said, "exactly you hungry?" I said, "yeah order whatever I am going to shower." Chris said "okay." I went in the shower and cleaned up and slid on a sexy Lingerie outfit it was lace and walked out Chris saw me he said: "fuck you're amazing come here." He lay on the bed I sat on top of him we made out until it turned into fucking I rode him until the food interrupted us I slid a robe on and grabbed the food and tipped the driver. I went back inside Chris said, "ruined that we were going hard to." I said, "yeah I know but if you are up to it we can do it again." Chris said, "I'm a horny single guy, of course, I will be". I said "good." We ate Chinese and watched a movie I felt comfortable around Chris this was the second time we did this but it felt like more we talked and I slowly learned all about him. After we ate we had sex three more times and finally fell asleep I woke to my phone ringing it was Axel I said "uh yeah?" Axel said "hey we need to talk." I said "okay about what?" Axel said "my brother." I said "okay what's wrong?" I hoped he was okay I listened as Axel told me Abel got in a car crash and that the only person he wanted was me not even his girlfriend which I didn't know he had. Axel told me he booked me a flight and if I'd come he would get me a hotel so I could be here with him. I was worried about him so I agreed I left a note for Chris and headed home nobody was home except my sister I told her everything and packed a bag and was on a flight at 5 I arrived in Colorado at 8 and met Axel in the lobby Abel would be the only person I'd drop everything for on the drive to the hospital Axel told me he was driving home from work when a school bus hit him and it totaled his car and he was okay just confused. We got to the hospital their mom and dad and Abel's girlfriend sat in the ICU lobby Abel's mom said "goodness you made it he is dying to see you I'm sorry it was such a short notice." I said "no problem anything for Abel." His mom pointed me to his room I walked in the door and his room was 4 doors down from the lobby door I walked in his room Abel said "you actually came." I said "of course how you feeling?" Abel said "like shit I am slowly getting my memory back but I have a broken arm and bad brain injury but I'm alive." I said "yeah that's the good thing." Abel said "sit down." I sat beside him and he said "this means a lot I just I missed you and the only person I can think about is you." I said "we are friends and your hurt so I will be here." I held his hand he said "are you seeing anyone?" I said "nope but you are she is in the lobby." Abel said "yeah we have been dating three weeks Nicole I met her at a bar nice girl." I said "as long as your happy." Abel said "truthfully I'm not but I'm content." I said "then find the person you want to be happy with." He smiled and said "I'm looking at her." I blushed I wasn't sure if it was his Brain injury or the medication he was in talking. I said "you have somebody and we both know I'm not that person." Abel said "when I get out I will end things then will you come here with me?" I said "Abel you are asking a lot plus your hurt your just talking random things your girlfriend is out there waiting on you it means she cares for you." Abel said "it's not anything I've nonstop thought about you my brother might get mad but you drive me crazy being here and you back home I wish I could be there with you." His girlfriend stood at the door she heard everything I seen a tear in her eye he looked at her he said " I appreciate you being here I do Nicole and this is awful timing but I don't connect with you and your beautiful and we have had fun it's just someone else has me and I can't seem to let them go." I looked at the floor I said "I'll give you two a minute." I walked out and back into the lobby Abel's mom sat drinking coffee she said "the boys went to grab food how have you been?" I said "good life has been crazy but I'm alive and well." Axel's and Abel's mom was a sweet lady we always had a good connection even after Axel and I broke up. We talked when Nicole walked out she was upset I stopped her and said "I didn't know about any of this we are friends always have been." Nicole said "I know no hard feelings he loves you I can tell treat him well he is a good guy." She walked off Axels and Abel's mom said "what happened?" I said "they broke up Abel wanted me here to tell me he wants me here with him." She said "bad timing these boys are going to put me in an early grave." I said "I know." She replied "do you love him?" I did but how was I suppose to answer I dated her other son. I said "I have feelings yes we connected in a way I can't describe." His mom said " Axel will be hurt but I can tell the way he talks about you he cares for you I don't have any hard feelings you know that." I said "I know I am going to go back I just gave them a minute." His mom said "okay." I went back I said "did you be nice to her she is a sweet girl?" Abel said "I'm always nice." I said "are you though." He smiled and said "yes don't play I'll come out this bed." We laughed and I said "what are you watching?" Abel said "the wizard of oz." I smiled I said,I love this movie." Abel scooted over a bit and said "come watch it with me." I laid beside him and watched the movie and I dozed off I didn't mean to but the flight was exhausting. I woke the next morning I could sleep through a hurricane. Abel said "sleep well?" I said "yeah sorry I was so exhausted." Abel said "it's fine I wasn't alone all night at least." I said "yeah true." Abel said "Doctor came in I get out tomorrow you going to stick around?" I said "I mean if you want me to."  Abel said " I do I want to show you around make you fall in love with this place." I said "okay I am going to go to the hotel did your mom leave a room number?" Abel said "yeah your stuff is in the corner Axel left it here is your room number and key card." He handed me the key and I said "I will be back rest I mean it." Abel said "okay I will." I hugged him and walked out the door I took a taxi to a hotel, of course, it was a fancy one Axel and Abel's parents are rich one thing I hated they always did things extravagant even the littlest things. I got to my room this hotel had a spa and I called mom and updated her and of course, told her what Abel said, of course, she was not for it because his brother hurt me but I honestly had no idea how felt. I had a couple of texts from Chris so I dialed his number he answered and said "make it okay?" I said "yeah I am in my hotel." Chris said "does this mean this is over?" I got quiet because I didn't know what this was and not even sure how to answer. It was quiet he said "I like you do I have to scream it I normally wouldn't let a girl stay the night." I said "Chris I can't answer your question it was nice but things are complicated." Chris said "your exes brother how do you think that will plan out I know Abel my mom knew him you want a life with no worries with a man who loves you that will be me we can grow into something you will see it soon." I said, "let me call you back." I hung up I couldn't even think about him one reason I didn't want anything to happen between him but when I drink I make dumb decisions I called Kelly her being pregnant she was straight forward we talked I told her about everything including Chris and she told me to follow my heart and that she knows it will be Abel she wanted me with him for months but things didn't plan out that way. I showered and slid on a robe I texted Abel I said "laying down I will be back tonight." He had his phone beside his bed so I hoped he read it. I fell asleep the beds in this hotel were like sleeping on clouds it was amazing when I woke I had 14 calls from Abel I opened my texts he texted "who's Chris he is texting me saying your his fuck buddy why lie to me?" I was livid I called Abel's phone he answered he said "decided to answer me now?" I said "Abel I was asleep I didn't lie we aren't dating I was sleeping with him that's it I was lonely and hurt and made a dumb decision." Abel said "go back home I can't be with you my parents know his mom." I said,"Abel you don't mean that."  Abel said ," I do I can't do this anymore I won't call you anymore I'm sorry I'll get you a flight tonight." I said,"Abel I fucking love you I flew all the way here for you would I do that for anyone? No I am here quit letting worry ruin this." Abel said, "I gotta got Nicole is here." I said "you hang up and I will not be back ever." He hung up I booked my own flight and flew home I went straight to a bar and of course Chris was there and I got drunk and went with him I was so messed up but I was so hurt and annoyed. Over the next five months my life was crazy I quit college and went with Chris we traveled and partied we lived a lifestyle I didn't want but at that moment it drowned my hurt. We fucked whoever I had like 10 one nightstands during those months which wasn't like me at all but he still told me we were together we were toxic but I was too drunk to realize that I stayed wasted I changed my number and didn't call my family or friends I was selfish and looking back I hate those months I left them. We traveled to Florida and Cali and Hawaii and Mexico anywhere with the ocean the Bahamas luckily it was all Chris's money he paid for it all his sister Ellen was with us she protected me because I didn't realize it I was an alcoholic I stayed drunk I missed so many things like Kelly lost her baby due to a miscarriage and my brother started planning his wedding with his fiancé and my mom and Kolby's uncle announced they were dating a lot of things I missed I was selfish and that wasn't me nobody knew where I was I wouldn't call and when they would figure out I would block the call at the hotel. I was a different person all the hurt built up and I spiraled but Chris was there for me a lot when I'd be drunk and break down and cry I wasn't with horrible people. Once we got back after five months Chris made me check into a rehab for alcohol and Heroin things that I had never done in my life I was somebody I never dreamed I didn't want to go but he told me the only way we could continue a relationship is if I got myself better so I did. He checked me into a nice rehab it was an hour away from home I got clean and got back into a school closer to home I wanted better for myself but in those months I was gone I blocked the world out which was a big regret. A week in rehab mom showed up she held me and cried she forgave me and she told me she would be there my sister came and Kolby and moms boyfriend and my aunt and dad but deep down I still thought about Abel all the time he was a trigger so I didn't reach out. I stayed two months and when I got out mom had me an apartment and a car and all my things all the things I fucked up she was still thinking about me. While in rehab I broke off whatever kind of relationship Chris and I had it was what I needed and being sober and single was what I needed. Now it's been two months out of rehab I have been working and going to college my mom has been my rock so has my friends Ally and Kelly I didn't deserve it after what I did. It was a Friday I was getting ready to work a double shift I got a job at a café I slid my apron and tennis shoes on and went to work I got decent pay it was a high-class café a lot of big companies came here for coffee or lunch this café had the best sandwiches. I picked up a shift for a young girl I worked with she was going dress shopping for her wedding she reminded me of myself before I screwed my life up. After my shift Kelly and Ally drove in for my birthday we ate at a fancy restaurant and it was nice to have them here with me they talked about college I missed it but I needed to be here for now. After we ate we went shopping and went to an arcade we always went to these growing up Kelly was the best at pinball. We were driving home when Kelly said "so Abel reached out to me he wants to talk to you." I said "I can't with him these last nine months have been hell and he wasn't there he pushed me away all over a one night stand." Ally said "I know your healing small steps." I said "exactly." We got to my apartment I showed them around it was nice I decorated it and I even got a German Shepard Alaska she is my spoiled fur baby I adopted her at the animal shelter I got her once I got out of rehab. We sat and watched movies my friends made me feel normal for once. Kelly's phone rang it said Abel Ally said, "he wants to talk to you." I said,"I have no idea what to say." Ally said, "that is okay he blames himself." I said, "fine but call him on your phone Kelly I don't want him having mine." Kelly dialed his number and Abel said, "hey Kelly." Kelly said, "hey she agreed to talk to you." She handed me the phone Abel said,"how are you Naomi?" I said, "I am better." Abel said, "I am sorry I know I caused all of this I was cruel and how I responded was pathetic you are so strong." I said,"my actions are mine I am better now it was a learning experience." Abel said, "I though you were missing for months I would call your mom and she would be upset god I am glad your okay." I said,"I was fine Chris was an idiot but he protected me but he couldn't protect me from myself."  Abel said, " I am going to be home in a week can we meet up for coffee?" I said, "your a trigger for me and I am slowly recovering what we had is gone Abel that night it showed me a lot." Abel said, "understood I hope you the best remember I will always be here no matter what." I said,"I know." Abel said,"you deserve the world your past is gone don't look back." I said, "yeah I know and don't blame yourself it wasn't you." After we hung up I felt weight lift off of me I was at peace and all I know now is I can look forward and get my life straight.

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