Chapter Four

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When I woke my phone had four messages one from Kelly and the rest from Abel which was odd because I thought after last night we were done being friends. I got up out of bed and threw a robe on and grabbed my phone and went downstairs tomorrow was Thanksgiving and it was going to be busy after I got done here I had to go to my dad's. Mom stood making pudding I said "good morning mother." Mom said, "Hey baby your grandma and aunt and sister went to the store leave it to me to forgive half the stuff." I smiled and said, "it's a lot to remember I can't imagine shopping for all of it." Mom said, "how did last night go?" I said, "ah last night was a blur but it was messy Axel kissed me after he found out I slept with Abel." Mom said, "he got jealous which he deserves how he did you." I said, "I'm not that person though." Mom said, "baby we all like making men jealous it's our thing." I said, "I don't." Mom giggled she said, "We all do also I wanted to talk to you about something." I said "okay." Mom said, "I'm seeing someone it's Kolby's uncle he is amazing to me I haven't told many people to see how it worked out but we are five months strong." I said, " I didn't imagine you ever getting together with someone else." Mom said, "it's time your dad moved on and I decided to be happy your not mad are you?" I said,"  no not at all but Kolby huh is he showing up with his uncle?"  Mom laughed she said, "yeah Kolby has had it rough don't know if you heard or not his mother passed 7 months ago and Evan has been there for him he has been the best uncle to him." I said, "that's good I'm happy for you mom." Mom said, "thanks baby it means a ton." We talked it was nice us connecting mom and I before I left had a ton of anger towards each other but me moving out changed that. Back on topic with Kolby, he was my crush since third grade we never dated because we were both shy and never had good timing we were friends not best friends but we talked to each other and hung out from time to time Kolby was hot I mean super hot he reminded me of a younger Bradley cooper. Mom and I talked while I ate breakfast I wasn't ready to answer Abel just yet. Around 11 I went to my room to put clothes on I put on a college shirt and leggings and put my hair up Adam and Kolby was coming over but I didn't feel like getting dressed up. I sat down and checked my phone it was drunk texts from Abel he was drunk that early in the morning one text said: "I like you a lot Naomi we have something let's say fuck it be together might be the alcohol talking but I mean every word."  I knew he was lying because sober he hid his feelings. I replied  and said, "your drinking when your sober text me the same thing, and please be safe." I walked back downstairs my mom and Adam and Kolby sat my aunt and Sister and grandma were in the kitchen I waved at my sister she waved back Mom said: "Kolby you remember Naomi." Kolby smiled he said, "of course, I do we were friends in high school." I said, "yeah I'd hope you remember me." Kolby said, "always wanna sit and talk with me being the third Will is awkward." I said, "yeah we can walk outside I need some fresh air."  He got up and followed me outside we sat on the porch swing the cold November air hit my face as we swung and small talked we talked about our life he finished training and became a deputy here in our small town he says he loves it and he also told me he was single and I told him about college and my relationship status which in college I am going to college to become a dental assistant  We were talking when he said: "you smoke?" I said "cigarettes? No." Kolby said "no Mary Jane the devil's grass." I said, "nope I don't do anything but drink really." Kolby said, "we can go back to my place you can try it and we can hang out more that's of course if you want to." I said, "maybe let me check with mom and how do you smoke when your a cop?" Kolby said "very good at hiding it." I said, "I see but what if I'm not used to it and do something embarrassing." Kolby said, "you know me I will protect you." I said, "I know let me check with mom." Kolby said, "I drove separate from my uncle so once you are ready we can go." I said, "okay I will be back." I asked mom she of course let me go because she dreamed that Kolby and I got married even in grade school but things didn't turn out that way. I walked back out and Kolby and I drove to his place he told me he rented a place in town a little townhouse which means his pay grade as a cop must be decent. We pulled into a townhouse it was a brick house and had a fenced-in yard.  We got out and went inside toys lay on the floor one thing he forgot is something about a kid so I asked: "you have a kid?" Kolby said, "I was going to wait to tell you after our smoke session but yeah a little boy Devin he is the best kid he isn't here though at his mom's." I said, "you a dad that is so odd." Kolby said, "yeah it shocked me too because his mom and I were together four months then broke up and a month later she called and I had a son 8 months later." I said, "I bet he acts just like you." Kolby said, "he does he is two and he is the sassiest, funniest kid." I smiled and said, "remember when that was our dream you were going to sweep me away and marry me and then have kids." He laughed and said, "yes that was what 8th grade." I laughed and said, "yeah we had it all planned out." I said, "we did but let's smoke if I trip you have to help." Kolby said, " I will promise." We sat on his couch and lit a blunt we both hit it and I started feeling it I said: "wow that hit hard and fast." Kolby said, "I smoke because well I don't know if you heard." I said, "Heard what?" Kolby said, "well I have cancer which it's being cured and it only staged two but it has been hell." I said, "what no that's crazy I am sorry Kolb." He smiled he said, "Kolb geez it's been years Nay." I smiled back at him and said "I wish we were kids again." Kolby said, "me too then life wouldn't be such a mess." We talked and he was the same Kolby just hotter and funnier I never thought we would be smoking together and acting like we have been friends for years. We were talking and he said, "so I heard about Axel." I said, "ah that was such a mess I don't like even thinking about it." Kolby said, "is that over?" I said, "yeah has been." Kolby said, "so I can be honest?" I said, "of course we are friends." Kolby said, " I want to fuck you so bad." I smiled and said, "I.. what about our friendship if we fuck wouldn't that ruin it?" Kolby said, "Nah we can blame it on the weed." I smiled and said, " fuck it." We started making out Kolby was an amazing kisser he ran his hands down my pants he whispered "you're so tight." I relaxed while he fingered me after a bit he followed me to his bedroom and closed the door he laid me on his bed and undressed me he said "your so hot Nay." I said, "you are not too shabby yourself." He smiled he said, "good bend over and let me take care of you." I bent over the bed and I felt something for him which is so odd it has been years I bent over and he fucked me and he did not disappoint he was huge and luckily nobody could hear us he was amazing in bed I thought he was going to be gentle but that was not the case. After we had sex I slid my clothes back on while he showered I was speechless he walked out shirtless I said "that was.." Kolby said, "amazing it was long overdue." I said, "yeah it's crazy we had something for that long." Kolby said, "tension builds want a water?" I said "yes please." He walked out and grabbed us a water and he sat beside me he held my hand he said: "This feels nice." I said, "be even nicer if it was real but we both are messy." Kolby said, "that is true and you live far away and I have a kid jeez our timing sucks." I said, "hasn't it always though." Kolby said "just know that I will always love you it's not the weed it's me talking when I saw you walk down those steps it hit me like this is the girl I dreamed of in school and when this happened god it felt extremely amazing this wasn't just a fuck it meant something at least to me." I said, "yeah I feel the same way." He hugged me again we talked a few more minutes and I said "I better get home I have an early morning I appreciate all of this even the dick part." We laughed Kolby said, "it was my pleasure to assist you in dick next time you are in town text me on Facebook."I said "I will it will probably be Christmas." Kolby said, "geez I hate your leaving and going back to college ." I said, "I know if I could stay home and go to college I would but it's impossible." Kolby said "I'm proud of you like you worked your ass off I saw an article on your school's website I wasn't stalking my niece goes there with you." I said, "awe your sweet." He kissed my head he said, "I mean it." I said "I have to go I'll call a cab we both are still high thank you again." He said "no problem." I called a cab and stepped outside and a Cab pulled up when I got home it was 7 I walked in Mom was cooking with my aunt I said "hey." Mom said "hey chick what did you and Kolby do?" I said "talked and watched a movie." My aunt giggles she said "which means you had sex." I said "geez you are bold." Mom said "did you use protection at least you do know he has a kid." I said, "mom I am not discussing this I need sleep." My aunt said "I forgot Axel's brother came by I told him you were gone he left a note." She handed me the note I opened it and it read "so Axel and I are moving he got accepted to a college in Colorado he needs new scenery I didn't want to tell you in person because I wouldn't go if I saw you first after thanksgiving we are headed out it was nice getting to know you Naomi." This was so odd I knew mostly it was Axel wanting to forget me but asking Abel to go is so we can't ever be together. My mom saw my face she said, "you okay?" I told her what the note said she knew I was upset but who wouldn't be. I said "I am going to rest." My aunt said "if you need us just yell." I said "okay I love you guys. They told me they loved me too and I went to my room upstairs I took a shower my mind was racing with thoughts first what happened with Kolby and I then Abel that I would never see him again. I got out of the shower and sat on my bed I texted Abel and said  "I just got your note sorry I was not here call me once you get a chance." The message was undelivered which means he blocked my number I was angry because no matter how mad I got I never blocked him. I was drifting off when I kept hearing a noise at my window I got up and looked down it was Kolby he had flowers I smiled and opened the window I said "what are you doing here?!" Kolby said "trying to show you how much I care about you it works in the movies!" I giggled I said, "go meet me at the front door!" I opened the front door he came in we walked to my room and sat on my bed he handed me a bouquet it had roses and daisies and tulips my favorite flowers. I said, "thank you this was sweet." Kolby said "when you left I felt dumb because I want more this needs to be our time we have waited and waited and I know life isn't perfect but with you, we could be in a cardboard box and it would be fine with me." I smiled I said "you mean that?" Kolby said "yes I need you in my life." I said "what about the distance I mean you said yourself its a long drive for you?" Kolby said "being with you is worth the long distance I will drive it and once your home we can make time together I am not perfect but Naomi I love you I always have." I felt a tear run down my face Kolby said "hey don't cry I am sorry.." I said "no you're fine it is a happy tear." He held me and kissed my check Kolby said "we can make it work and take it slow we don't need to rush we can build something baby I am yours." I said, "okay we can try and see where it goes we have chemistry and I have healing to do so patience is key." Kolby said "I know after everything you deserve patience." We talked and it felt nice we were finally a thing he fell asleep in my bed I cuddled him I hoped he didn't have any place to be. We woke early I said "hey good morning boyfriend." He smiled he said "good morning girlfriend feels good to say that huh?" I said "after all the shit we went through yeah." Kolby said "let me run home and I can come back spend Thanksgiving with you then around 4 I have to go eat with my kiddo at my grandma's." I said "okay sounds good." Kolby said "love you beautiful I will be back text me if you need something." I said "okay love you too." I kissed him and the chemistry we had jolted through my body. He said, "see you soon." I got up and showered and threw a long sleeve orange and brown dress and boots on I curled my hair and walked downstairs Mom was finishing up cooking everyone was here my brother and dad and stepmom and her two kids and it was nice to see everyone here. Mom said, "we decided to have a dinner together." I said, "it feels nice." Mom said, "We love you kids wanna help your Aunt and me and tell us about Kolby walking out." I smiled and said "yeah." I cooked and told them about Kolby coming to my window and they told me to take a chance and I told them I already did I wanted to see where this went. Thanksgiving was amazing I got to spend time with my family and Kolby he spent all day with me until five then he left to eat with his son and being together as a family felt normal life has been crazy lately but having my family together made me feel a lot better I hoped life started looking up like it did today on Thanksgiving.

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