Chapter Five

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The last two days I was home I spent it with my family and some with Kolby it was nice for us as a couple but it has been Two weeks since I left and nothing has changed I had college classes and exams and I stayed busy I face timed Kolby every night most of the time he was working and he looked hot in his uniform. We were growing something amazing and I was happy we were working out. My family and I got closer back home so I heard from them a lot more. Kelly is starting to show and her being pregnant she craves random things. Ally and I go out sometimes but not often where I am dating Kolby. Tonight is a Thursday I sat typing a paper when Kelly came in my room she said " Abel and Axel are here." I said, "they left this college why are they here?" Kelly said, "no clue they are in the living room." I rolled my eyes and said, "wish me luck." Kelly said, "good luck I love you." I said, "love you too." I walked out into the living room they sat on the couch with a box I said "do you guys not believe in texting?" Axel said, "sorry we were packing and ran into some of your stuff." I said "okay thanks for bringing it by." Axel said, "we are leaving for Colorado."  I said, "I heard congrats on your big move." Abel was so quiet I could tell he was bothered by something. Axel said, " want to grab a drink with us?" I said "I am studying and writing a paper I would but I can't,"  Abel said, "she is dating some guy back home." I said, "I am and I don't cheat so I wouldn't go if I wasn't busy." Axel said "who?" I said "Kolby but besides the point are we done here?" Abel said, "yep let's go, brother." I said, "wow Abel your acting so cold is it bad I moved on?" Axel said, "work this out I will be in the car." Abel stood quietly until his brother left he said "I don't know what to say I thought we had something." I said, "we did but you're leaving and didn't even ask me anything." Abel said, "I got a job out there and I was drunk writing that note I didn't know how to tell you." I said "then why be mad at me I moved on and I deserve that after your brother." Abel said, "I am happy for you I need to go I found some photos of you I never knew you were sick as a kid." I said, "yeah I was but I am good now." Abel said, "you're a strong person anyhow I need to go see you later." He walked out of my life and it sucked if he would have turned around and told me he wanted me even though I am with Kolby I would be for it but life is not a fairy tale. I spent the next three months with Kolby we traveled a lot I saved money and got a passport we visited Hawaii and France it was new but I love being with him we grew closer and we got into arguments but we built something together it was strong after we got back from our last trip he told me he is buying a house out here which was news to me but I am glad to be closer to him. These three months opened my eyes a lot and I know my worth because Kolby treated me amazing once in Hawaii he carried me all over the beach just because I forgot my sandals. It was three months later we were on the flight home I was asleep on the plane I was exhausted we got back from the Bahama things were perfect we had an amazing connection and I hoped Kolby was my future. We got back to my apartment when I opened the door the past hit me Abel and Axel sat talking with my friends I didn't know what to say but Kolby said: "hey I will go shower meet me in the bedroom." I said, "okay be there in a few." I stood quietly and Kolby walked off. Axel said, "We heard you were on your way how was the beach?" I said, "nice not to be rude but why are you here?" Kelly said, "we wanted to tell you together." I said, "tell me what?" Everyone was quiet which meant something was happening and it annoyed me I was being treated like a baby. Ally said, "your mom called me while you were on the flight your sister and aunt.." I flipped and said, "what they are what fucking tell me?" Axel said, "they were in a crash." I said, "fuck you couldn't call while I was on the way here where are they?" Kelly said, "home...your sister and aunt is in an ICU unit." I said, "what the fuck I am leaving." I ran to my room and grabbed a bag of clothes Kolby came out he said "baby what's wrong?" I broke down he held me and helped me pack a bag and he grabbed some stuff and my friends, boyfriend and I drove home I was texting mom what I was getting told they were driving home from a concert my aunt bought my sister tickets to her favorite band for Christmas and a drunk driver hit them going 90 and they had to cut them both from my aunt's car I was so worried I couldn't even think straight. I was quiet and my friends kept trying to talk to me and I zoned them out the fact my ex and boyfriend together didn't even faze me. My phone rang it was mom I said "mom.." I was breaking down mom said, "baby don't cry be strong your sister is asking to see you." I said, "I'm coming we are thirty minutes away." Mom said, "okay stay calm for her she is hurt really bad your a good sister Naomi." I said, "how is Aunt Melinda?" Mom said, "not too good baby at all your brother is here I will rent you a room for all of you to come but come to  the hospital, and then you need to get rest." I said, "I'm fine I need to be there." Mom said, "baby you are exhausted." I said, "family is more important I will be there soon." Mom said, "okay be careful I love you." I said, "love you too." Kolby held me he said, "it will be okay." I wanted to break down but I held it in. Kelly said, "you want water or tissue?" I said, "no I want to get there can you fucking drive faster Axel." Axel said, "I'm trying Naomi." I said, "fuck let me out." Kelly said, "Naomi you can't walk we are almost there." I said, "let me the fuck out!" Axel stopped and I got out and walked till I saw a taxi and got a car to the hospital when I arrived mom sat with my friends and Kolby's mom said: "why did you walk?" I said, "I needed time alone where is my sister." Mom said, "calm down before you go in." I said "mother I am calm.." mom said, "okay the code is 4456 and her room is 34." I said "okay." I keyed the code in and walked into the ICU hallway I saw my sister and I walked in she lay asleep my brother and dad stood in the corner I said: "how is she no lie mom sugarcoats everything?" Dad said, "not good she has a brain bleed and two broken legs four broken ribs, and a broken arm a lot of healing." I said, "I am so mad and I don't understand why this happened to her.." My brother said, "things happen for a reason it sounds awful but she will be okay." I said, "what about Aunt Melinda?" My dad looked at the floor his sister lay in a bed on the same floor and he wasn't there he said: "she is in a coma uncle Steve is with her she got most of the impact they are not even sure if she will wake up." I said, "Jesus I need like 40 shots." My brother said "me and you both." I walked over and sat beside my sister she lay still I held her hand and said: "I am here stay strong we can do this remember sister power." Sister power was our thing growing up she and I were close my brother being the only boy we gave him a hard time but we loved him the same. I didn't realize it but I fell asleep next to my sister in that chair sometime during the night mom brought a blanket and threw it over me. When I woke mom told me to go to the hotel and get rest she had a cab waiting I didn't want to leave but mom insisted. I sat quietly in the cab and when it pulled in I tipped the driver and went to my room mom handed me the keys before I left. I walked in Kolby was asleep and my Ally and Kelly slept on a couch and Axel and Abel were asleep on the other bed. I showered and it made me realize how exhausted I was. I walked back into the room and fell asleep my friends waking up didn't even wake me. I woke at 12 that evening I checked my phone no texts Kolby sat watching tv Axel and Abel sat eating the girls sat painting their nails. Kolby kissed my head he said, "you feeling better?" I said, "not really but I'll make it." Ally said, "we grabbed chipotle for you." I said, "thank you." Kelly said, "your welcome we love you." I said, "I love you too." I said, "I need to go get dressed and go sit with my sister."Ally said, "your mom is with her." I said, "still when she wakes up I want to be there." Kelly said, "your mom said you need rest." I said, "my mom is always saying I need rest ever since I've been sick." Kolby said, "babe it's true you need to rest another person in the hospital isn't going to help." I said, "I know." He hugged me I felt safe in his arms Abel kept glancing over it annoyed me we had to share a room. I said, "I need a drink anyone have alcohol?" Axel said, "I do but you don't need to drink anything can happen." I said, "are you, my dad or boyfriend?" Axel said, "no but I am your friend." I said, "we aren't even that neither of you are." Kelly said, "not nice Naomi." I said "I mean one we dated and were engaged and he cheated on me and the other we screwed but he left and didn't even fill me in knowing we had something so honestly we aren't friends and I am being a bitch but they are annoying me." Axel said "we can go." I said, "no just don't question me." Abel didn't say a word to me but I did just admit to screwing Abel in front of my boyfriend he never asked but I should have said something. It got quiet I lay in bed watching tv I was going crazy Ally said "come here I wanna braid your hair." I said, " yeah better than getting stir crazy." She braided my hair and we small talked Kelly did my makeup and they tried to make me feel normal. I was standing up when they finished when my phone rang it was mom my heard dropped I answered mom told me my sister is fine but my aunt made a drastic change and they want all family there and I was hurt a lot aunt Melinda I didn't see a lot but when she was around she was the sweetest person after the divorce for 3 years she took my brother, sister and me on a little adventure every month and she made us feel normal she was an amazing person she never had kids of her own so she spoiled us always. We gathered at the hospital with my family and we all stood outside the room taking turns going into the room my heart was so hurt I was lucky I still had my sister but life would be so different without my aunt in it. When it was my turn I went in and sat beside her she was in a coma on life support but I held her hand and said "I hate that this had to happen you always treated us amazing and we are so lucky to have someone like you in our life you treated us so amazing after the divorce and I'm glad you were my aunt I love you." My eyes teared up my uncle stood in the corner I said "remember when she took us to the beach every month that summer?" My uncle smiled he said "yeah used all her savings she wouldn't let my pay for it and she learned to surf." I said, "yeah this sucks so much." He hugged me he said, "I will always be here for you kids family is family." I said "I know I appreciate everything you guys did for us." I looked over at my aunt and said, "she loved you so much." My uncle said, "I know she was my soulmate." I knew after my dad they would take her off the life support and she would be gone and I dreaded it because all the hurt and sorrow would leave a hole in the family I wished I could fix all of it but I keep reminding myself things happen for a reason. Around 6 that evening my aunt passed and I prayed the whole time a miracle would happen but nobody could control things like death. After I left the hospital I stopped and grabbed a drink at the bar alone I didn't want sympathy or support I just need a shot of whiskey I didn't like it but it numbed a lot of my pain. I sat at the bar and ordered two shots of Jack Daniel's and drank them a lady came over with a guy they were young the guy said "bartender get her another shot on us." I said "thanks, guys." The lady said, "no problem I am Ellen this is my little brother Chris." I said, "nice to meet you I am Naomi." Chris said "pretty name you from around here?" I said, "yeah I moved away for college but yeah I've grown up here have you guys?" Ellen said, "no my mom owned a business here so we came out here to help her run we have been here 4 months now." I said, "oh what business?" Chris said "the bakery in town." I said, "my favorite place when I was little I would save money up just for a dozen of her donuts is she sick of something?" Ellen said, "yeah she has cancer and I can't see her business being sold so my brother and I are taking it over." I said, "that is sweet." Chris said, "I'm bold and will regret this but are you single?" I smiled and said, "don't regret it but no I'm not I am taken." Ellen said, "told you she's too pretty." I said, "thank you I was single not too long ago just bad timing." I talked with them a little more and paid my tab and headed to the hotel when I walked in everyone but Kolby was there and it was pretty awkward when I walked in I said: "hey guys." Kelly said, "Hey sorry to hear about your aunt." I said, "thanks I feel so mentally exhausted." Axel said, "we are all sorry." I said "thanks." I sat quietly on the bed and slid off my shoes I said "where is Kolby?" Ally looked at the floor and said "Naomi..." I said, "Ally just tell me." Kelly said, "he got wasted and took off with that girl Regina from high school." I said, "Jesus this is just a great fucking night." Axel said, "you deserve better I know what I did was wrong but this is way worse." I said, "where did he go?" Kelly said, "her house is what I got they were both wasted." I said, "can one of you drive me to her house she lives past that stupid diner on west street." Abel said, "you  are wasted and not thinking just rest." I said, " I'm so fucking exhausted." Abel walked over to me and sat beside me he held me he said "it's okay." I didn't want to push him off I let him hold me I sobbed on his shoulder I fell asleep in his arms Abel and I haven't been on the best terms but it meant the word he was here with me he didn't have to be he drove from Colorado to be here. I woke the next morning Abel was still asleep I sat up Kolby was packing his things I walked towards him and hit him in the face he said "what the fuck!" I said, "you cheating piece of shit was it worth it?!" Abel woke up the other three were gone he grabbed me he said "Naomi not worth it calm down." I pulled away from Abel I said: "I trusted you, Kolby, I believed you and you hurt me was she worth it?" Kolby said, "your messy Naomi you have problems and two messy people don't make it." I said, "just leave get your stuff and go your pathetic cheating on me was that your only option." I walked out of the room and went to sit on the patio area to calm down things were so complicated right now I was single again and I just lost my aunt and my sister is better that was the only good thing about all of this I know things happen for a reason I need to take my own advice but I am so tired of the hurt.

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