Chapter 4 Good Coffee

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(y/n) pov:

I got up as usual. I got dressed and went into the kitchen. Some of the other girls were awake. I got breakfast for myself and sat down at the table. I noticed Pandemonica seemed busy. I have been seeing her busy most of the time lately. After I finished my breakfast, I went up to her.

(y/n): morning

She yawns before answering.

Pandemonica: morning (y/n). I am busy right and maybe later we could do something.

(y/n): what are you working on?

Pandemonica: I work for customer service for... my company. I have papers and calls to do for a few hours till I'm free. I could really use some coffee, but I want to get this done first. Go draw or tv to entertain yourself but not too loud.

She does seem pretty tired. I felt a bit bad for her. I then got an idea on how to make her feel better. I went to the coffee machine in the kitchen. I looked at instructions on how to make coffee. I think I did it fine. I was a bit confused on some of this stuff, but coffee did come out. I got the cup and headed back to Pandemonica. I saw Zdrada laughing a bit and I don't know about what. I got to Pandemonica.

(y/n): I made some coffee for you

She looked at me and confused.

Pandemonica: you made it?

(y/n): I read the instructions

She then slowly took it from me. She took a sip from it. She then seemed surprised and... bit different?

Pandemonica: well, whatever you did with this coffee, you made it pretty good. Even better than what your dad makes. Thank you for this.

(y/n): your welcome

Pandemonica: I thought it was some prank. If it was, I would have punished you. I think I might get my work done faster.

I then went back to watching some tv. After around 2 hours, I saw Pandemonica was done working and came to me.

Pandemonica: come on, let's go somewhere

I came with her on a walk. We ended up going to Starbucks. She got herself some more coffee. She got me a cookie and some hot chocolate. We sat down near the window. We looked at each other.

Pandemonica: now tell me about yourself and maybe stuff about your dad

(y/n): okay

No one pov:

They talked for a while at there. Pandemonica got to know (y/n) better and a little more about Helltaker. After that, they went for a little walk in the park before going back home. (y/n) and Pandemonica got to play a game of monopoly. Pandemonica liked it when she won and spending time with him. (y/n) made more coffee for her and she was thankful. She got back to work and (y/n) went back to drawing. It was then late in the evening. (y/n) was tired and was next to Pandemonica. He yawned and went to sleep while having his head on Pandemonica's lap.

Pandemonica: (y/n)?

She figured he was asleep. She smiled and thought he was cute sleeping. She decided to put him to his bed. She put the blankets over him. She then closed the door behind her and said.

Pandemonica: goodnight

She thought he was a nice kid and someone who makes great coffee. She thought it would be nice having him around more often and maybe more. She realized something.

Pandemonica in mind: what would Modeus do?

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