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A WOMAN approached the bar, her icy, blue eyes sparkled in the dim lighting of the room, catching Jessie's undivided attention. The woman decided on the stool beside Jessie's. And when she noticed Jessie's stare, her eyes narrowed protectively.

The bartender noticed her too, but his intentions were to receive a drink order, "what can I get you, ma'am?"

"A martini," the woman answered him solemnly. Her dignified tone of voice intrigued Jessie further.

"I'm on it," he moved to the further end of the bar, where the ingredients for the drink were stored.

"You're staring," the woman's voice immediately made Jessie's eyes widen. Jessie turned her face to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.


"Aren't you too young to be here?" The woman asked.

Jessie shrugged and focused her eyes in front of her. There was no way that she'd confirm the accusation, nor deny it. Though, Jessie was indeed old enough, plus a few extra years.

"That'll be it?" The bartender placed the martini in front of the mysterious woman, and headed off to another customer.

"I'm Meredith, if you were wondering."


Meredith's eyes flickered over Jessie's face, and towards her dark hair standing above her slender shoulders, "Jessie," she tested it upon her tongue, "you're drinking soda in a bar," her eyes travelled to the can clutched in Jessie's hand.

"Recovering alcoholic."

Meredith's brows furrowed, as though she was contemplating whether to believe Jessie or not, "I see. Did you start drinking in preschool then?"

Jessie shrugged nonchalantly, "actually, in high school. That's when I got really hooked on vodka and tequila shots. It was a nightmare," Jessie's brows knitted, as she pursed her lips, and shook her head in reminisce. But she could tell that Meredith wasn't buying it, and neither was she.

"Hopefully, you're not planning to pursue an acting career, else I'll give you a piece of advice, make your story more believable."

"You've caught me," Jessie's tone was purposely exaggerated, "I'm an underage girl drinking soda in a bar," Jessie looked at her, widened her eyes, and placed her palm over her chest. Meredith looked at Jessie in amusement, before taking a sip of her drink.

"There's no age restriction to sit on a stool with a soda in hand, is there?"

Jessie shook her head, and Meredith laughed. Her eyes travelled over Jessie, once more. That time, they landed on Jessie's cleavage. But, Meredith immediately looked away, probably hoping that Jessie hadn't noticed, "trust me. I can't even hold my head after a bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade. I'd never drink alone," Jessie explained.

Meredith laughed again, and it made Jessie smile. Her laugh was so angelic, and her eyes dazzled as she did, "you're not alone now."

Jessie was flattered. A beautiful stranger wanted to keep her company, how could she refuse? "I see. Hopefully, you can handle your liquor, because my body can't drag you to a cab out front. I'm too tiny."

Making Meredith laugh became Jessie's duty for the night. She couldn't deny that Meredith's happiness made her dark heart a bit more lively, "I hope that's not a fat joke," Meredith said.

For a woman as gorgeous as herself to even think that was what Jessie was referring to, she was pretty humble about her looks, "I'm not that bitter. My mom grew me up to treat a woman better than that."

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