you have a degree, use it.

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"I don't think I should leave until this bullshit is settled, you know?"

Luke Hemmings' had basically already made it up in his mind. He wouldn't leave until he was 100% sure that Cassandra Goldstein wouldn't go right back to having sex under the roof of his teenage daughter.

"I wouldn't leave either," Ashton nodded. "If you're worried, and concerned, listen to your gut."

Luke put his lip in between his teeth and had his arms crossed over his chest. "I'm just worried. Vivian has hardly said a word to me about the whole situation—I don't want her bottling it up."

"Mate," Michael smiled reassuringly. "Vivian is a smart kid. I'm sure that if she needs to talk about it, she will. Just give her some time."

Luke nodded. "You're right."

In short, Cassandra was pissed that Luke wasn't leaving as early as he was meant to.

She wanted him back in California more than anyone and was determined to make it happen. She wasn't going to let her ex-husband ruin what she had going on, and sure as hell wasn't going to quit her job—But I'm sure you knew that.

"Put on a good girl face, and act like you believe me," Cassandra ordered Vivian, who was staring at her mom with a blank expression. "If you leave me, and go live with your father, It'll just make things fucked. You don't want to leave your mother, do you?"

Vivian just nodded.

Cassandra had the ability to gaslight people into doing what she wanted, as she did in the marriage between her and Luke. She got Luke to marry her by gaslighting him. She wanted her now boyfriend, Benjamin, to stay at her house even though he had someone at home? He would.

She wanted her daughter to do her bidding? Like making calls to her sex clients, telling them if their appointment was canceled or rescheduled? She'd put on tears and make Vivian do it.

And Vivian would shut up and do it.

It was how Cassandra lived her life. Gaslighting into what she wanted. She held a lot of power over the people who let her manipulation sink in like a bee sting.

Cassandra was the bee, Vivian was the arm.

"Your father will be here soon," Cassandra looked up at Vivian. "Go wipe your mascara off and wash up. He'll ask why you've been crying if he sees your face."

Vivian simply nodded. Turned on her heels. And went to her bedroom.

Vivian entered the bathroom and put her makeup remover onto a cloth she had on her bathroom counter and wiped her mascara from her rosy cheeks.

"Fucking bitch," She muttered beneath her breathe. "Manipulating, ugly, piece of shit—"

She slammed her hand down onto the counter and felt more tears enter her eyes. Vivian Hemmings was normally a very put together girl. She'd nod, and say nothing more.

It was easy for people to get what they wanted from her.

After 10 minutes of Vivian really contemplating jumping out her window, her mothers high pitched squeaky voice shouted to her. "Vivian, honey! Your father's here!"

She rolled her eyes at the fake voice Cassandra was putting on and left her bathroom. She walked down the stairs and everything seemed to ease up when she saw her father.

"Hi dad," Vivian said quietly, walking to him and hugging him tightly. Luke happily wrapped his arms around her and smiled into her hair.

"Hi sweetheart." He whispered.

Luke, Cassandra and Vivian all sat down on the island in the kitchen. Luke had his phone set down in front of him, Vivina next to him, and Cassandra across the island.

Luke was the first to speak. "Have you quit your job, Cassie?"

"Cassandra," Cassandra corrected. "And yes. I have."

Vivian saw the lie run straight through her teeth.

"Good," Luke nodded. "I'm glad."

"I want you to raise child support, though." Cassandra demanded suddenly.

Luke's eyes flew to Cassandras in an instant. "More?" He questioned. "I pay you nearly 1,000 a week, Cassandra. Plus the money you ask for. And I give Vivian an allowance of 200 each week. What more can I give you?"

"Oh, you can afford a lot more, Luke." Cassandra scoffed. "Where's my fucking allowance?"

"I'm sorry?" Luke's eyebrows knitted together. "You're an adult. I'm your ex-husband. You want an allowance? Get a fucking job."

Cassandra rolled her eyes dramatically. "It's hardly enough!"

Luke pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't know what to tell you, Cassandra, I can't give you anymore than I already do."

"Why not?" Cassandra insisted.

"Do you have enough for this house mortgage each month?"

"Yes but—"

"Do you have a fridge full of food?"

"Well, yes, but—"

"Is this house heated? Is the plumbing paid for? Do you have cable? Are you able to get Vivian to and from school each day?" Luke asked.

"You're not hearing me!" Cassandra shouted. "I need more money. I can't live off of this!"

"Answer my questions, Cassandra."

"The house is heated, yes," Cassandra answered. "The plumbing is fine. Yes, we have cable. Yes, I take Vivian to school each day. But it's not the point—"

"I can't give you everything, Cassandra, I'm not fucking Bill Gates!" Luke argued. "I will give you what I can. I will give you what you need. But I will not lend you any more money if you do not tell me exactly what you need it for."

"You give Vivian money whenever she asks for it, without question. Why not me?" Cassandra asked.

"She's my daughter!" Luke said, his voice in disbelief. "If she needs money, I shut up and ask questions later. You're my ex-wife."

Vivian watched the fight. It was like two monkeys fighting over the last banana. She watched her mother try to explain why she needed more money, but Vivian knew why.

She wanted money for drugs, alcohol and condoms so that she could have sex with Benjamin all hours of the night.

"It's my business, Luke." Cassandra firmly said.

"Then no fucking money." Luke said back. "Why can't you just get a job, Cassandra? You have a degree. Use it."

"This is unfair, Luke!" She stomped her foot down on the ground. "You are the biggest asshole known to man."

And she grabbed her keys. Flipped Luke off. And Left. 

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