to live for the hope of it all.

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The next few hours were hell for the daughter, in Rhode Island, and the father — who is currently on a plane to Rhode Island.

Luke had informed Ashton, MIchael and Calum about their situation at hand and almost insisted they come with, but Luke told them to stay behind and to clean up the house and make it livable for Vivian because she would be coming back with him.

Luke had bought a plane ticket immediately and was now on a plane, stressing over everything instantly. He was contacting everyone who he trusted enough with the information.

Vivian was back in Rhode Island, eating her weight through a hospital cafeteria caesar salad. Niall instantly had her eat when she told him of the current kitchen situation at her house.

The police arrested Benjamin and Cassandra once Niall had called the police. They were currently in custody while Vivian gave proof of everything.

Although, it hadn't necessarily hit her yet. That she'd sent her mom to jail.

A lot of emotions were going through Vivian. She was traumatized, mostly. She was sad. She was upset that her mom didn't do anything to protect her.

When Luke landed in Rhode Island, he wasted no time gathering his bags and getting his rental car. He drove so fast to the hospital, and parked horribly — he didn't care.

Luke rushed into the hospital, greeting people he'd known, and asked where his daughter was.

Niall found him first — seeing him freaking out over asking where his daughter was. Niall walked up to him and said, "Luke, thank god you're here."

"Niall," Luke exhaled fast. "Where is she?"

"Getting her vitals taken. Here, follow me to her room." Niall said, grabbing a chart for one of his patients and leading Luke to the hospital room.

Niall slid open the hospital room door — they saw Vivian talking to the nurse in a soft, shaky breath.

"Is it okay if I touch your arm, sweetheart?" The nurse asked, wary of the situation.

"Yeah," Vivian said with a slightly shaky voice. Slowly, her eyes slid over to Luke.

It was like waterfalls began forming in her eyes as she saw her dad. She choked out, "Dad," with the softest voice and Luke just about broke.

The nurse froze, backed away, and let them have their moment.

Luke scooped her up in the biggest hug. He wrapped his arms around his already crying daughter and her head shoved into his shoulder as she cried.

Luke stroked her hair as she cried, and he felt himself tear up as he closed his eyes and held his daughter. He whispered, "I'm here, angel, nothing's going to hurt you."

Vivian held his shirt in her fists, her tears soaking her cheeks and Luke's shirt. She cried and cried until Luke finally pulled away and helped her take deep breaths.

"I'm so sorry," Vivian said first.

Luke pulled her into another hug so fast. Shaking his head. Saying, "You have nothing to apologize for. None of this was your fault."

Luke inhaled and pulled away again. He tucked a strand behind her ear from her face and said. "After we're done here, I'm going to take you home with me. I'm not going to let you stay here and I'm not going to let you go through anything else alone. Ever again. It's either you and me or nothing, honey."

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