never step foot again.

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tw. sexual assault is happening in this chapter. 

Niall Horan has indeed informed Luke Hemmings of his sighting of his daughter, freeing, and pale at the starbucks that early morning. And Luke was surprised.

"You'd tell me if something was going on, honey, right?" He spoke through the phone as he sat in his office.

"Yes, dad." Vivian said carefully.

Luke pursed his lips, like he knew the white lie sitting between Vivian's lips. He leaned into his desk with the phone to his ear and let out a sigh. "Okay."

"I love you." Vivian said softly.

"I love you, too." Luke said. "Have a good night's rest, my love."

Vivian and Luke said I love you one more time before Vivian hung up the phone and threw it onto her bed. She brought her hands to her face and covered it.

"Fuck," She mumbled through her hands and set her body down onto the bed. "Fuck."

The next morning might've been hell, with a little bit of Satan added to the mix. With her mother abusing drugs once again, she had been unable to drive Vivian once again—which normally wouldn't have been an issue, but it had snowed nearly 12 inches the night before.

And with her mother, there came Benjamin who had offered to drive her. She had obviously said no and walked to school in the cold.

By the time she had arrived at school, she was not only cold— but her jeans were soaked from the snow being nearly up to her knees.

Vivian trudged through school the best she could. Doing her work as told, turning in homework as told, but she still felt the bubbling sensation within her chest.

Vivian went home that night with a slight sniffle, and a bruised mind. She walked in through her front door and immediately hated what she saw.

Benjamin on the couch—literally doing crack—with his friends.

"Ah, hello." Benjamin greeted Vivian, getting up and walking over to her and putting a hand on her lower back. "Come, come sit."

"No," Vivian mumbled, inching away from his grip. "I've got some homework I need to do."

"Don't be a buzzkill, Vivian," Benjamin hissed. "Try it."

"No." Vivian said quickly, looking up at Benjamin. "I don't want to."

"Fine," Benjamin hissed, walking back to his seat on the couch. "See you later, V."

Vivian instantly walked up the stairs and into her bedroom before closing and locking the door. She inhaled sharply as she set down her bag and started her homework.

That night, Vivian did her homework in peace. Not one disturbance. Benjamin's friends left around 5 pm and her mom got home around 6 pm. She was done by 8 pm. Vivian took a shower, changed into her pajamas and got into bed.

However, around 4 am, she heard her door getting messed with.

Vivian slowly rolled over and heard her door open, and she sat up to see a dark figure closing her door. "Mom?" She spoke.

"No." The dark, gruffy voice spoke. "Not your mom."

Vivian leaned over and turned on her lamp. The room lit up, and lit up one face she prayed to never see at 4 am.

Benjamin staring back at her.

"What are you doing?" She spoke quickly. "It's 4 am—"

"I'm aware," Benjamin dipped into her bed and began to undo his belt. Instantly, her eyes flooded and she went to grab the book beside her to throw at him.

Benjamin grabbed her wrists in one movement and used his one hand to pin them to the pillow above her. He set one knee between her covered legs and tried to tug them down with one hand.

Vivian kicked and screamed instantly, trying to kick him off of her. "Get off of me," She screamed.

Now awake and alert, Vivian was fighting very hard to get this man off of her. This man who came into her life and violated everything about her.

"Fuck you," She screamed.

Vivian began to lose hope as he helplessly tugged down her sweatpants, letting her knees and thighs hit the cold Rhode Island air. She cried.

"Get off me!" She screamed louder.

In one swift move, she brought out one leg and kneeled him right in the side. She brought her knee right into his hip bone, causing a wave of pain to hit the main on top of her.

The man rolled over and held his side, laying on his back on the teenager's bed as she stumbled from her bed.

Vivian went to grab her phone, but she realized it had fallen between the crack of her bed and bedside table. She didn't even bother—he was already standing up and getting ready to grab her.

Vivian jumped into action, rushing out of her bedroom and down the stairs.

Down the dark hallways she once called home.

Vivian rushed into her sandals and opened her front door, running from her house. In the cold air. While it was snowing.

She didn't even bother to close her front door. She knew that once she told her dad what had happened, she would never set foot back. 

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