Chapter 1

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*Authors note*

So guys, this is my first fanfic sorry if there are any mistakes I’m working on it. I'm hopefully going to update every week so please stay posted! Yeah, I'm in this and also my good friend Dani!

The Cast: 

Jack Harries 

Mazzi maz 

Finn Harries 

Alfie Deyes 

Marcus Butler 

Sam Pepper

Caspar Lee



Bertie Gilbert

This story basically follows two 16 year old girls through there first year of freedom as they have recently broke up from school and receive there GCSE results! :)


Dani's POV:

"It's six o'clock and you're listening to 'Heart Breakfast' 106.2. It's a sunny day in London..." I blocked out the rest of the DJ's voice with the pillow as I wrap it round my ears. Morning. Time to get up. Already? Soon mum will be shouting for me to get up (just in case my alarm didn't go off)... wait for it... "Dani, time to get up!" I drag myself out of bed and walk to the bay window, which is already filled with morning light. Cold creeps through the glass from the outside, crawling over my skin until I wrap my arms around my body.

The DJ said "a sunny day in London". It definitely is one. The sky stained colours of pink and orange as the sleepy sun arises, beautiful. It is a lazy morning. Quite. The trees stood motionless in the yard, no wind rustling through the leaves, leaving them lifeless and naked for all to see. The grass is apple green, seeming more cheerful with the morning frost covering it and glittering like a thousand diamonds. The only object ruining the scene is the torn rubbish bag (must be the work of foxes or squirrels during the night) that has left our waste covering a small part of the lawn. That'll have dad fuming.

Waiting patiently in the driveway is our navy Volvo. Soon mum will be playing taxi as we make our way to school, results day. The road is quite, with cars rarely finding their way into our corner of London; only the mornings and evenings cause traffic in our little street. During the afternoon it transforms into a football pitch; a racing track for bicycles; a meeting place for idle teenagers.

The DJ's voice pulls me from my daydream about the many adventures in our quite little street: "Here's Jim Hendricks with the morning's news. It's ten past six on London's favourite station..." No time for daydreaming; I've got a big day ahead of me. I can already smell burnt toast downstairs and Honor will be here any minute, which means mum will come looking for me any second!

After a quick shower I'm ready, Navy toms and a floral summer dress. I let my shoulder length brown curly hair air dry as it was a hot day. I run down stairs to find my whole family sitting around the table waiting for me and surprisingly enough I was greeted with hugs and kisses.

"Morning sweetheart, good luck for today, all your hard work is definitely going to be paid of" Dad said as he squeezed me, kissing me lightly on the forehead.

Mum just stood there next to Dad, beaming at me trying to fight back tears. "My baby is... growing up" she blurted out, letting a small tear escape, and run down her left cheek. She grabbed me and cupped my face in her hands "Whatever happens, we are so proud of you" she whispered pulling me in towards her so I could inhaul her scent.

"Thank you... I'm going to have to get going, Honor's on her way".

"Sure that's fine, Call us the moment you get your results" They replied in unison.


I stood in my kitchen pouring a large glass of orange juice to drink along with my cereal. Just as I was about to dig into my meal the silence was interrupted by pounding on the front door and the door bell being hit repeatedly. I also heard a familiar voice from outside.



"That's delightful and not until you ask nicely!" I shout back, holding in a laugh.

"DANI I SWEAR TO GOD!" Begged Honor.

I laughed and ripped open the front door. Honor ran in almost knocking me to the floor.

"I'm desperate!" She shouted racing towards the toilet.

After Honor had done, she stood in the door frame, she was mixed race with light brown skin, her hair pulled back in a tight bun revealing her multiple ear piercings. She wore studded, high waisted shorts and a loose band tee tucked in. She also was wearing her black toms, typical.

Honor literally stood there smiling like an idiot at her Iphone. "What?" I questioned moving towards her to see what was on the screen. A tweet: '@jacksgap Hey guys! Tickets are now up for summer in the city, go and grab yours!’ She looked up at me and we both said in chorus "We're going".


I shifted nervously in my chair on our way to school, breathing heavily, my hands intertwined with each other continuously as the bus pulled up at our stop. Tears pricked the back of my eyes as me and Honor was reunited with old school mates.

There stood my lifeless school. Five years, of my life were spent here, so many memories that were shared. We were then greeted by our old school teachers, that was nice. 

I got in the queue behind all my friends, it felt like the school lunch queue all over again. When Honor and I approached the front we were both in a state, sweating and breathing like idiots. We were handed two A4 brown envelopes and then ushered to move along to the outside seating area.

The first thing I did was call up my mum so herself and dad could be the first to hear. I pull out what was inside the brown envelope, gripping the paper so tightly that it crumpled and wrinkled at my touch. 

I nervously read out my results down the phone to realise that I had done so well.  "YES!" I screeched, fist punching the air, until I realised I was being watched, so I awkwardly put my hands down by my sides. I think the phone was dropped on the other end, I take it my parents are proud.  I ran over to Honor who was sitting on the floor results spread in front of her, she had tears pouring down her face, which had ruined the makeup she had put on and was happily speaking to her mother on the other end. 

This is actually the start of a new beginning.


Honor's POV:

It was extremely weird to think that both Dani and I had got into college, Dani at Art College and myself at performing arts. It was so surreal. 

Dani and I walked arm in arm back to the bus stop where my mother was waiting, standing by our black jeep. She squeezed us both really tight ''Well done!'' She whispered as she pulled away. 

The car journey was a blur. It was hot and humid in the car and I felt uncomfortable. Dani just sat there looking out the window, with a blank expression on her face. I found it difficult to read her sometimes.

Soon enough we arrived at Dani's house her parents stood outside hand in hand, waiting for our arrival. Her mum beamed as we pulled into the drive.

"Ahhhhh welcome" her mum exclaimed as she pulled us into the house. 

Dani and I just stood in the hallway, shocked to be presented with two red envelops. One with 'Dani' on the front and the other with 'Honor'...

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