Chapter 2

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Dani’s POV:

Honor slowly unfolded the envelop flap to revel a neat hand written letter. She read it quietly to herself as tears of joy streamed down her face. Giggles interrupted her steady breathing as she glanced over to her mother. Just as she was about to put the letters on the kitchen counter a pink credit card fell from the pile. Honor stood there mouth dropped in amazement.

‘What the fuck?’ she questioned.

Her mum goofily stepped forward, ‘Yeah, Dani’s parents and I got you both credit cards to last you though out the summer, we can trust you now, so we know you will spend it wisely!’

Honor faced me, eyes wide with happiness. I know she was thinking what I was thinking.

Just as we fought the surprises had stopped there was one last thing Honor had to revel from her envelop she ripped open all the flaps and what was left inside was a ‘summer in the city’ ticket. We both dropped to the floor screaming to each other, trying to breathe. I let go... tears just poured down my face I couldn’t, I just couldn’t ... It was actually too much for me to emotionally handle.

After Honor and I recovered from our little ‘nervous breakdown’ (extreme fangirling) earlier it was time for me to open my letter. As I pulled out of red envelop I smoothed out the folded creases in the paper.  Unlike Honor’s letter mine was scruffily written, but that’s what made it special and unique to me.

The letter read ‘Dani you have worked so hard these last few years and we have always wanted to give you a gift for it. You have never once asked for anything from us, and this is what makes us so proud. We have spoiled you a little but you have shown us you’re mature. Watching you grow has truly been a blessing and we are so grateful to be your parents. We have given you money and a ticket to ‘summer in the city’ but we all know that it’s not the ticket or the money that’s the gift. Our gift to you is the gift of happiness, stay true to yourself.

Mum and Dad x’

I love my parents; this is going to be a summer to remember...

Honor’s POV:

Two weeks had passed now and ‘summer in the city’ was tomorrow. I woke up to light rain pattering on the window. The first rainy day of the summer break so far. I turned to look at my alarm clock currently reading 3:23 am... “Fuck sake” I sighed... “I’m up early yet again”. My sleeping patterns are turning weird on me again and I’m starting to feel really tired during the day.

I text Dani ‘Hey Dan, I seriously can’t sleep again its so annoying, are you up?’ No response, that’s frustrating I keep telling her to keep her phone on at night, typical.

Tweet: I can’t sleep anyone awake? Over 200 RT but no tweets back, that’s weird. I’ve randomly started gaining loads of followers on my social networking sites. I don't understand it.

Twitter can be so boring when no one is awake. So I decided to go onto Tumblr, and when I went to look on my dashboard a gif of Jack Harries appeared on my iphone screen. My body froze as a sharp, shiver shot down my spine, I laid there lost in his beautiful eyes reaching total ecstasy as I watched his perfectly shaped mouth move in sink to the words titled across the screen. He was beautiful. My body stiffened as I clawed the sheets which were spread across my bed. Just as I watched him turn his face ‘BAM’ reality just hit me. My phone vibrated violently in my hand, it was Dani.

“Hello?” she worriedly questioned from the other side of the phone.

“Hey!” I croaked back. “Sorry I just couldn’t sleep again” I quickly added.  

“Ohh right, you got me worried for a second, are you okay though?” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, yeah I’ve just been feeling a little stressed lately, maybe it’s my lack of sleep?” I asked.

“Perhaps? I’ve seen your recent tweets; you need to get off your phone Honor... stop tweeting at night. Just relax; we have been waiting for ‘summer in the city’ since year 10. A very long time right? And as soon as you realise its round the corner you freak out, no we’re in this together.”

“Okay Dani I’m sorry, I just have a lot on my mind”

“It’s cool I understand and me too, I guess we just have to deal with it! Now try and get some sleep”

“Okay, I’ll try, night!”

“Night chick”.

I shut my phone off, it wasn’t coming back on until morning I turned to face my alarm clock which read 4:23 am... an hour wasn’t too bad.

*Authors note*


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