Chapter 3

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So I just wanted to put this out there, I’m really lazy so haven’t updated in a while and I’m also getting complaints that my chapters are to short, this one will be super long!

I have also been so excited to write this chapter, this is where it gets interesting; the boys are finally in this chapter. I would also like to mention that yes I have a YouTube channel and ‘Dani’ the main character features in my videos so if you want to check it out you’ll be able to get a better idea of who she is! 0hheyitshonor (0 <---- this is a zero by the way)

My Youtube features in this, It's not that big but lets just say it is so it goes with the story! 


Dani’s POV:

My eyes slowly fluttered open, as my attention focused on the sound of radio, which was swimming around my room. It was morning. I sleepily carried myself to the bathroom, where I flung my pyjamas off and stepped into the shower.  The hot water felt nice against my skin as it covered my body, I felt safe.

As I was coming out of the shower, I heard my phone go off; it was a text from Honor. ‘Just called the taxi, they will be at yours in an hour’.

Perfect, I had time to get everything ready. I squeezed into my tight black skinny jeans and put on my one direction tour tee. Everything seemed to go by really fast and I felt extremely buzzed. In no time I heard the taxi pull into my drive, I was out and ready before the driver had fully parked.

Honor’s POV:

Dani stood in her drive looking flawless, makeup to perfection and she had a cute little outfit on to showing off her love for One Direction.

“Woooahh, someone went all out for this!”  I chuckled as she sat next to me in the car.

“You don’t look to bad yourself, and yes I did, I want to make good first impressions” she said as she winked.

“You should burry your head in shame, loser!” I replied playfully punching her on the shoulder.

We chatted mainly about YouTube and boy bands throughout the whole journey, it was great! We were so deep into our convocation until the taxi driver stopped us to say that we had arrived. Our mouths just dropped, we paid him and awkwardly shifted out of the car.

When we got out we were presented by a massive queue of people, who were queuing to get into the venue. We had pre ordered tickets so thankfully we were able to go straight into the event. The atmosphere was amazing I had never seen so many people in the same place that had so much in common, it was just how I imagined it. Live music was going on in a dark room with a large stage, the music was brilliant and the crowd loved it, everyone was singing along holding up cameras and mobiles to try and get a small glimpse of the stage. The venue on a whole was enormous with ‘help people’ everywhere you turned to make sure you were in the right room at the right time so you could be perfectly scheduled to meet the You Tuber you pleased.  

Dani’s POV:

There was a lot to take in just by stepping into the entrance I felt small and overwhelmed by the thousands people.  Everyone was rushing around trying to find the part of the event they should be in, it was very confusing. I fought the best idea would be to collect a map and find out where everything was. I walked over to the information desk trying to avoid large groups of people. I picked up loads of leaflets and a large map and I turned to hand Honor hers but she wasn’t there...

I felt scared, lost and alone.  I scanned the moving crowd but she wasn’t in site, shit. Everyone seemed to be moving towards a growing huddle of people in the far left corner, maybe it was someone important. My instinct was to see what was happening; as I got closer I could see that everyone seemed to be forcing pens and paper or leaflets towards this ‘important person’. As I slowly walked closer I heard someone screech my name, at that moment I was so happy because Hon...  shit it wasn’t Honor.

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