Chapter 7

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Caspar's POV:

I hate long tube journeys specially on a hot summers day. I'm currently with Dani and Honor, on our way to an important meeting, they are both such sweet girls I really enjoy their company. They both looked stunning in their cute shorts and flip flops...specially Dani. Don't get me wrong, I don't fancy her but dear good god she is just so beautiful. Besides I think they've both fallen for the Harries Twins, well Honor is heading in  that direction anyway, I'm not entirely sure about Dani. I have noticed that maybe there's something going on with Alfie. But then who am I to judge, I like to just sit and observe and from what I have seen there is something about the way they look at each other...

"Caspar...Caspar don't look at me like that!" Dani stated nudging me with her foot which pulled me out of the little day dream I was having...and funnily enough was really enjoying.

"Oh...Sorry Dani" I said while I straightened my back and lent against my chair.

"What were you thinking about?" Honor said raising her eyebrows and playfully slapping my lower thigh.

She really does know how to put people on the spot... crap! I honestly didn't know what to say.

"Just ignore her Caspar!" Dani said firing a glare at Honor. "What we really wanted to know is what's your relationship status at the moment... We have plenty of time on our hands it's time to get down and dirty with Caspar Lee!" Dani devilishly smirked biting her lip and running her hand through her hair.

This girl is sixteen, I really shouldn't be thinking about her like this but she's so dam hot! I tried to make myself look cool and I just replied with the first thing that came to my head "Well I'm currently single and have been for a while..." I replied looking down into my lap.

When I looked up I was met by Dani's eyes "So majority of your Fans are females and you choose to be single?" She replied confuse by my response.

"Yeah, That's just how it is, haven't found the right person... so what about you?" I questioned her.

"I'm single" she sheepishly replied.

"Really? What about Finn?"

"What about him?"

"Dani don't play with me, are you two an item?"

"No, just really good friends"

"Friends that kiss... Okay well if you're not with Finn what about Alfie?" I asked

The moment I mentioned his name her face turned bright red she hesitated for a long while then she finally replied "Caspar you have it all wrong, we are all just good friends, that all."

Dani's POV:

I get it. I get we are all pretty good friends and that we shouldn't keep things from each other. But some things can be a little too personal. I love Caspar to bits and he is a great mate I just don't really don't know where I'm at and I wish he could understand that.

After stepping off the train which seemed like the longest journey of my entire life we were finally standing outside the offices where the meeting was being held. This building was gigantic, it was completely glass and you could see the elevators inside travelling up and down the long skinny building. Myself and Honor just stood there for a minute or two, just to take in the beautiful architecture.

"Are you two done yet?" Caspar wailed from the entrance of the building

"Hell yeah!" Honor replied scurrying through the door Caspar was holding open for us.

Caspar just looked at me with his 'What the Fuck?' face... I couldn't help but giggle at him.

"She's just a little excited" I said, while I walked through the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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