Chapter 4

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Just Fought I'd upload something small, as I have so many exams! It's really going to be hard to update but i'm going to try my best so please bare with me! Next time it will be longer! :)


Honor’s POV:

Shock struck my face as I remembered the context of last night. There are feathers literally everywhere. A thin blanket of feathers swept across the whole room. I looked over to Jack who was peacefully sleeping, his head partly buried in a small mountain of feathers; he looked so innocent and gentle.

I swung my feet over the bed to be met by the soft feathers which tickled the bottoms of my feet, I shrieked in excitement then suddenly stopped to realise Jack was still asleep. I quickly shuffled over to the little coffee table where my phone was and I had a text from Dani ‘Come to my room when you wake up young lady! ;)’. I walked into the Bathroom and splashed my face with water while looking at my reflection, I looked awful. My hair done up in a messy bun with the odd feather poking out here and there. My eye makeup looked horrible and crusty... I am definitely not the ideal person to wake up next to. I helplessly looked back at Jack, I felt sorry for him he was wonderful and I was just... well me.

I tried to avoid waking him as I lightly shut the door to our room. I turned to figure out which room Dani was in until I suddenly saw Marcus standing over at the lift.

“Hey Marcus!” I half shouted hoping that my voice travelled far enough so he could hear me.

He turned and hesitated while squinting through his glasses “Ohh hey Honor!” he replied.

“What are you doing up this early?” I said a little confused.

Marcus stood there awkwardly looking at the floor in front of me for a moment, his facial expression changed and small creases appeared on his forehead until he finally spoke “Just going to see Alfie” he said.

I stood there rocking back and forth on my feet for a while debating on weather or not to question him more because I didn’t really know him that well, I didn’t want to make things too personal.

He broke the silence laughing to himself, “Is someone wearing hello kitty pyjama bottoms?” He questioned pointing to my clothing.

“Yeah...” I chuckled trying to hide my embarrassment.

“That’s adorable!” he replied putting on a posh high pitched old womanly voice.

I was just about to turn and leave but Marcus spoke again. “Wait... Is that Jacks tee-shirt” he questioned raising his eyebrow. Before I could reply he spoke “I knew it! I bet someone had fun last night!”

Is that really what they thought...? I’m just great at making good first impressions.

“Is that what you think about me? You think I’m a slut!” I fired back at him. I could feel the anger brewing up inside me, my hands turned into fist I really felt like breaking something.

Marcus just stood there shock written all over his face he opened his mouth to talk but I turned and walked down the hall, I really didn’t want to hear it.

Dani’s POV:

 I was happily lying in my bed alone, until I was disturbed by the doorbell. It was Honor; I pulled her in my room before she could say anything. I then went and sat on my bed motioning for her to sit beside me.

“Tell me everything!” I beamed at her.

She sat down on my bed and half smiled at me “He kissed me...” she replied her voice sounded shaky.

“Is that it?” I said trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

“No, we kinda had a massive pillow fight, I’m going to have to pay so much for the damage we have done” she said looking up for the first time throughout the whole time she had been in my room.

“Typical you, Honor, Only you would do that...” I sighed

Honor got up and looked around my room as if she was searching for something.

“Where is he?” she questioned with a slight warmer tone then before.

“Who?” I replied

“Don’t do that...” She said laughing.

“What am I doing?” I said shooting a puzzled look at her.

“You’re crunching up your nose and Finn does that...” she said falling about laughing on my bed.

I instantly realised what she was talking about and stopped immediately. “You can’t blame me I’ve just been hanging out loads with him recently!” I said trying to cover my embarrassment.

Honor was literally having a laughing fit on my bed. “Dani, I know you too well, you like Finn” she said between laughs.

“Honestly Honor you have it so wrong” I said trying to laugh it off.

“Sure Dani, sure... Well I best be getting back to see if Jacks awake” she said grinning at the mention of Jacks name.

“Honor are you alright?” I said just before she opened the door.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Marcus just annoyed me a little earlier” She replied not even turning her head to face me before she left.

 Honor’s POV:

 I tried to be as quiet as possible when getting back into bed. “That was cheeky...” Jack said turning to face me with a slight frown on his face.

“Sorry, I had to take care of something” I replied, I felt really guilty.

“You were my little hot water bottle, it went all cold when you left” He said while sticking his bottom lip out.

I just sat there looking at him speechless at his cuteness.

“Look at this mess!” I said plucking a feather from his hair then looking around the room.

“No Biggie, We’re not paying for it!” Jack said searching for his jeans to reveal a credit card form his wallet.

“Who’s credit card is that?”

“Summer in the City event organisers, this is to pay for our accommodation and anything extra such as taxis and meals.” He said grinning.

“Well I don’t come under that?”

“You do now, because you’re with me” He said pulling me on top of him.

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