Chapter Thirteen: A Someone Not a Something

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"Okay, I think we're good here." Dominic says in a hushed voice.
I give Dominic a small smile before replying, "Okay good, I was getting really tired."

Dominic starts walking towards the old hotel. I soon follow.

Dominic opens the old rustic looking door. Once open a few black birds fly out, as I scream. "Shh" Dominic says, trying to get me to calm down. I whisper a small 'sorry' before we keep walking.

Dominic and I walk up a small flight of stairs, before we hear a small creak of the old wooden floor.
I quickly look around and don't see anything out of place.

"Red, it was nothing. We're fine." Dominic tells me, as I continued looking around the small hallway.

"I disagree. Dominic, I really do think there is something here." I say no louder then a whisper.

"I'm a someone, not a something!" Yelled a figure of a man, standing in a the doorway exit. The figure slowly walked closer, just close enough to see what he looks like.

I looked up and down at the man, he was a pig, standing on his back hoves, with a shot gun!

"Your a pig with a shot gun!" I yell stating the obvious.

"Good, your not blind." Says the sarcastic pig, as he walks closer. "The names Zoltan (ZOHL-tahn), yours?" Ask Zoltan.
"I'm Red, and this is-" "Dominic. Say I feel that I've seen you before... I can't put my finger on it." Say Dominic interrupting me.

"I've been places, but say what where you guy running from? I saw ya' running from someone."

"That stupid son of a gun. Mr. Wolf, man do I ever hate him!" I yell.

Zoltan smirks a little, before a chuckle escapes his mouth. I give Zoltan a confused look. "Don't worry, I hate the living guts out of the guy." Say Zoltan.

"Why?" I ask.

Zoltan let's a small sigh leave his lips. "Do you know the story of The Three Little Pigs?" He asks, I just nod my head as an answer. "Okay, well do you know their names?" I slowly shake my head.
"I was never tolled their names." I say.
"Well their names were, Ziyad (zee-YAHD), Zuberi (zoo-BERT), and Zoltan." As soon as Zoltan said that, my mouth most likely hit the floor.
"Well, yeah I was the Third Pig, and Ziyad, and Zuberi were my brothers too. But the main reason why I hate that Son of a Gun is the fact he killed my brothers. With out thinking twice about it. It makes me sick, just thinking about him!" Yells Zoltan.

"I'm sorry Red, and Dominic, it's just when you lose someone, you lose a part of yourself." Zoltan sighs before continuing. "You two are probably tired. There's a bedroom on the next floor that you two could sleep in."

"Okay, thank you Zoltan. Have a good sleep." I say before closing the door.

Dominic and I make our way to the next flight of stairs. We soon start to make a long walk along the mountain of stairs.

We soon find the room Zoltan was talking about.

A small bedroom with two single beds, and two dressers, one lamp. With old white and gray walls. It would have look beautiful when first made, but now looks like a mess. Yet good enough to stay the night.

After I finish looking around the room, I say goodnight to Dominic. I crawl into the single bed. Trying to fly a sleep yet all I can think about is what Zoltan said.

'When you lose someone, you lose part of yourself."

'Did I lose part of myself, when my father died?' I ask myself.

I'm soon knocked out of my thoughts by the soft snoring of Dominic. I giggle a little bit before falling a sleep to the soft sound.

Okay if any of you are wondering what Ziyad, Zuberi and Zoltan all mean here you are:

Ziyad (zee-YAHD) meaning: To add or increase.

Zuberi (zoo-BERT) meaning: Strong.

Zoltan (ZOHL-tahn) meaning: Life.

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