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Something gently touched Ana's shoulder, and she snapped awake. "Huh? Excuse me?" she said confused. As the grogginess left her, she became more aware of her surroundings. Ana was half sitting, half lying in the same booth, drooling over her shirt. Her belly was mostly uncovered, covered in sauce and crumbs. Adding  to the embarrassment, she noticed a waiter standing next to her. 

"It's 11 pm, we're closing" 

"What?! I've been here 3 hours?!" the girl blurted before she could stop herself.

"You actually did quite well, for a first timer" the waiter said winking, looking at the half finished food.

Ana blushed and left quickly. The bloat had slightly diminished, but was still very much there. She felt her belly brush the shirt, and the tightness of her skin; it was hard to walk, and her insides might as well be rocks.

Sleep came hard for her that night. Why did I do that? Probably just the brownies. Yes, that's it. They had brownies and I wanted to try them. A mistake, nothing special. Yet as she lay in bed, she couldn't help but think about the meal. That wonderful warm blanket that covered you after you ate a bit too much. How tight her clothes and skin felt. Ana couldn't help but smile.

The next two days passed by quickly. She ate even less than usual, carefully avoiding junk food. The tiny little pudge she gained was completely gone. Yet something was missing. In a strange way, Ana missed that feeling of fullness, of how her body was pushing out. How she fell asleep mid meal. And how she had a new layer of blubber after the feast. I'll try again she thought. After all, this is college. When else will I be able to explore my interests, if not now? If I don't like it, I'll just stop.

And so she ordered a 12 inch medium pepperoni pizza. Normally, Ana would only eat 4 slices, but this time she was determined to stuff herself. In a few minutes, her order arrived. She poured a big glass of soda and dug in, eating straight out of the delivery box. It was warm and greasy, a good change from the salads and boiled eggs she'd been eating lately. The crust was thick and crispy, and the toppings were piled up generously. The first 3 slices came down easily. On the fourth, Ana slowed down, taking smaller bites and sipping soda between them. Halfway through the fifth, she was comfortably full. This is where the fun begins. Forcing the pizza down, little by little, she marveled how her middle expanded with each bite. With a bit of effort, piece number five was finished.

However, Ana wasn't done yet. Three slices still remained, and her belly wasn't as hard and full as in Big Ben's. So without thinking too much, she bit into the sixth. However, in just four bites she realized she was too tired. Too tired to hold the pizza, too tired to chew, too tired to sit up. Sliding down to the floor, pizza still clenched in hand, she began to massage her belly, touching every bit of skin that was stretched to its limit. First moving her finger around the swollen contour, then rubbing the most protruding part, until finally arriving to the sunken in belly button. Ana let out a moan involuntarily. It hurt quite a bit, yet it was the good kind of pain. The enjoyable kind.

After the little pleasure session, she lay on the floor smiling. Yet out of no where, a giant "UUUUURRRRRRPPP" came. Ana had never burped with such intensity, such passion before. She knew she should be ashamed, but instead she giggled. A bit of room in her stomach had been created. So, of course, she finished the slice of pizza lying next to her on the floor.

Then she remembered the glass of coke still on the table. If I finish that, I would drink 1 liter of coke! And also, this meal was close to 1700 calories. Amazing! Gulping down the last of her soft drink, Ana put the rest of her pizza in the fridge. That's when she realized how much walking hurt when you were stuffed to the brim with junk. Strangely, that also kinda turned her on. 

She collapsed into bed, just like the night of her arrival. But now, there were no doubts, only satisfaction. She played with the rock that was her belly, and right before the warm darkness took her, she thought: Soon, this will be just a small snack.

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