Little Gains

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"Beep beep beep beep" the alarm blared angrily, interrupting Ana's sweet sleep. She mashed the off button clumsily, not quite ready to wake up. It was Monday, and her college education officially began today. Ana took a quick ice cold shower to wash away the grogginess, but while drying off, she noticed something. The tinniest layer of soft, jiggly fat appeared. After a weekend of constant stuffing, it was nice to see some permanent changes, unlike the bloating that disappeared in hours. She tried to play with her blubber, rubbing it, squishing and twisting. Yet there was simply not enough. The thought simply encouraged her to gain more.

As she shook away her fantasies, Ana realized she had to be in class in 15 minutes! Well, looks like my breakfast is coffee. I can't be late on my first day of class. She sprinted to the auditorium, and waltzed in just before the professor. The class was fairly simple, Graphic Design 101. Some things about contrast, colors, and Photoshop basics were explained, and the  first homework assignment was given: they had to retouch a photo to make it look better. 

Yet Ana couldn't focus. After only half an hour, her stomach began protesting over the lack of food, emitting loud growls. So loud in fact, that a guy next to her scooted away from her, after giving a weird look. Class dragged on forever that day. The teacher probably talked about a lot of interesting and important stuff, but she literally couldn't hear him over her inside's rumbles. Ana slipped into the daydreaming world, fantasying herself with a huge belly she could play with (unlike her underwhelming shower experience). A few grueling hours later, class was dismissed, and the students began to shuffle out.

Not Ana though. She RAN to the school cafeteria as fast as she could. At that moment, food was the only thing that mattered.  Her mouth drooled without her even realizing, as all the food options were surveyed. Trays of nuggets, fries, rice, and other goodies were up and on display, and were accompanied by a dessert buffet, condiment station and soda fountain. The place was mostly empty, since it was still an hour or so before the lunch crowd arrived. Only a few other people were there, silently minding their own business. 

It was an all you can eat, self serve kind of place, and Ana grabbed the largest plate and began piling stuff on. A burger, a pile of french fries bathed in ketchup, a side of mac'n cheese. It didn't matter if she couldn't finish her greasy concoction. She took a seat as far from the others as possible, and began devouring her meal. Ana's brain knew this was far from the best meal she ever had, but her heart, taste buds, and empty stomach told a different story. 

A few huge bites later, a tall, toned, guy approached  her. Oh great. Is he gonna start teasing me about my plate? Laugh at my gluttony? I wish people learned to mind their own business."

"Mind if we eat together?" he asked timidly. 

"Wuh..What?" Ana was so taken aback that she spit out a bit of mac'n cheese. The dude's small plate, only containing 3 nuggets made her self conscious  about her own portions. Yet she didn't have the courage to say no, and besides, he was so polite. 

Both ate in awkward silence for a while. Ana slowed down her speed a bit, so as to not seem like a complete pig. Noticing that her companion barely nibbled at his own food made it worse, so she tried to start a conversation.

"So uh... My name's Ana. Anastasia Brooklyn. You?"

"I'm Cedric."

Looking him over again, Ana noticed some familiar features.

"Wait a minute...You're that waiter from Big Ben's!"

"Yeah. I work the night shift on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays." replied Cedric, blushing for some reason.

"So I'm taking an Associates degree in graphic design... You look older by the way." Ana said after a silence that lasted too long for comfort.

"Cool. I'm trying to major in Computer Science. And I'm a junior, halfway there. Interesting that you decided to take an associates, not many people do that here."

"Yeah, this is my first year of college, and I'm not sure what to do with my life yet. However my parents want to see me with a higher education, so I'm just stuck in this awkward gap for now."

After a few more minutes of conversation, they became a lot more comfortable with each other. And then Cedric did something unexpected. He grabbed a few fries from Ana's plate, and tried to feed them to her. Awkwardly, she opened her mouth and swallowed.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that . I ju-just thought-

"Keep going. I like it." She was already comfortably full, maybe even a little stuffed. Now came her favorite part about eating: feeling her skin stretch, her stomach becoming a rock, the sleepiness washing over her. And having someone else feed her in this stage... it just felt good.

A few more fries came in, and the half finished burger. Ana was wearing jeans again, and they began to dig into her skin.

"Should I unzip them?" A voice whispered in her ear. She nodded. Her once again bloated belly protruded and she quietly moaned in relief. She looked 5 months pregnant and there was a big red line from the tight pants. The already familiar pain of over eating washed over.

Without being prompted, Cedric began to massage her middle, slowly relieving the pressure. Yet the sweet moment was broken as he glanced at his phone, and exclaimed "Dang it! I need to go to work". Ana was disappointed with how things turned out, but at least he promised to text her on Thursday, after she gave him her number.

Despite the abrupt end, Ana was very happy. Ignoring the pain, she walked right back to her apartment. Something about Cedric being there... it just took all her reasons to eat food and tripled them. Ana didn't remember the last time she was this happy, or this turned on.

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