Solid Gains

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Christmas break was out, and classes were back in. Actually having to do stuff again felt... weird. So much had changed over the last couple weeks. Most importantly, I am officially a gainer now, and I'm gonna take this seriously.

The rules of this game were simple - eat. Eat as much as possible. Ana actually started waking up earlier to stuff herself to the brim with the funnel, and then dozing off for half an hour to digest. Afterwards she would still have what was a big breakfast for regular people, and pack some snacks for her trip to class. She was also serious about eating full meals every single lecture, bringing boxes of nuggets or ramen. At least I'm not the only one eating in class... Though three course lunches and a couple of cookies aren't really on the same level.

But like a true fatass, as soon as Ana got home she darted to the funnel. And, as soon as she felt there was a tiny bit of room in her stomach, she brought out all kinds of fattening goodies. Sometimes, Ced would come over to properly stuff his little piggy. There was just one little problem though - her poor little tummy hurt. EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of the day. The poor thing was always red, bloated and gurgly, hard as a brick, protesting the ridiculous amount of calories. Ironically, this is a lot like exercise. If it hurts, that means you're doing it right. That sucker better be stretching.

Even though it hurt, Ana loved the feeling of being stuffed 24/7and weeks whooshed by with her barely noticing, and at last the changes on her figure were becoming noticeable. Her tiny muffin top now transformed into full-fledged love handles, and in the rare moments when her midsection wasn't bloated there was a nice softness. Even her stubborn thighs and butt were getting a bit  bigger. And here I thought the day would never come.

Ana hadn't weighed herself since before winter break, since she wanted to see substantial progress between weighins. But right now, stuffed to the brim from the crate of ice cream she just devoured, felt right. She texted Ced just three words:

Bring the scale

No further context was needed. A few minutes later there was a knock on her door, and her boyfriend came in. "I can smell the ice cream a mile away, chubs." He leaned in for a long, passionate kiss. "I'm glad you want to do this" he whispered. Ana nervously placed her foot on the scale.

"Hey, wait a minute. We need to properly fill you up first."

"But Ceeeeed. I'm already so fuuuuuull."

"I can fit in a bit more."

Without further discussion, his strong hand grabbed the first food he saw. It turned out to be some leftover donuts, which he quickly stuffed into Ana's face.

"*mphh* hey! *blargh**mmm**mrughmp* fine!"

With a silent grin on his face, Ced managed to stuff half a dozen donuts into the fatty, leaving her panting.

"You may now weigh yourself."

"I'm too bloated to get up. My tummy hurts. Jerk." Ana said with a pout, but was secretly turned on.

"So your little fat ass needs help getting up?" Ced's grin widened. "Whatever my queen says."

He lifted her up, but Ana could see that, for the first time, it wasn't effortless.

"Let's do this."

"I'm hoping for 150, but I don't want to jinx it."

She placed her foot on the scale,  and the cold metal set a chill down her spine. The machine bleeped, and like last time, the numbers kept rising. But this time they didn't stop at 138. Or 140. Or even 150. 

"One hundred and fifty five."

"Damn girl, you are an eating MACHINE. If you keep this up, you'll need one of those mobility scooters to get around by the end of the year."

"Oh, you think so, prince charming? Well then maybe, you should be talking less and feeding this gut more."

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