The Party

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"Cutie piee" a voice wispered in Ana's ear.

"Ummm what. Don't talk to me before I finished my morning tub of ice cream."

Cedric had stayed the night over at her dorm, and that meant her tummy was even more stuffed than usual. She was struggling with her typical breakfast, and that frustrated her to no end.

"You know whaat would be fun? My friends are having a party tonight, we should come over."

"No way, I bet it'll just be a bunch of dudes drinking beer over some sports game. Bo-ring."

"Oh cmon, this is a college party, not a middle aged dad meetup. Besides" He showed a sly smile "I've got a buddy that thinks no one can outdrink him. Imagine the look on his face when some freshman drinks him under the table. And  with that gut of yours..." He  slapped her midsection and her entire body started jiggling.

"I mean, when you put it that way... Whatever. I'll go to this stupid little party."

Ced grinned, kissed her on the cheek and rushed to class. "See you later beautiful!"

Ana felt giddy the rest of the day, barely being able to contain herself. Despite her tough act, she's  never really been  to a real party before since her parents kept a close eye on her social life. Instead of paying attention during the lectures, she frantically googled how to stomach as much alcohol as possible. She really wanted to impress Ced. 

For her outfit, Ana opted for a simple black skirt and crop top,  both of which felt way tighter than she remembered. As instructed, when the time to go rolled around, she left her dorm with a bit of food in her stomach, an empty bladder and a whole lot of confidence and determination. A bit too much, perhaps.

When she got to the designated dorm, the party already seemed to be in full swing, with music blasting from every direction. She spotted Ced holding a can of beer  and a slice of pizza, chatting with a few other guys. As the freshman was heading over towards the group, she heard one of the boys mutter: "Really?  You think that girl can outdrink Noah?". Ced shot him a dirty look.

"Look who decided to show up!" Ced picked her up and they kissed passionately. "You ready to win a drinking contest?"


"Don't worry muffin, it's basically like eating liquid bread. You'll do just fine." He pointed to a rowdy sophomore on the other side of the room. He must have been over 6 feet, a wide build but not exactly fat. "That's Noah, your competition. He looks tough, but it's all brute force no strategy. Pace yourself, don't be an idiot, and keep going no matter what. You got this."

Just as Ced finished his peptalk, a deep voice took over the room. "LET'S SEE WHO CAN DRINK THE MOST BEFORE PASSING OUT" 

Ana headed timidly to the table. A ring formed around the contestants: Ana, Noah, some skinny older girl and Ced's friend that was badmuthing her. The table had more cans of beer than she could count, with more being piled on. A bead of sweat went down her face. 

The croud chanted "Three... Two... One... Go!"

Ana did her best to be as methodical as posible and ignore everyone else. She reached for a can, opened it and took a sip. The golden liquid, despite being cool, brought a fuzzy warm feeling to her stomach.  Ced was right. This does taste like liquid bread. Ana chugged the rest of the can quickly and reached to the next one.

The next two cans slid down easily, and with the alcohol not yet having taken effect and still more room to fill in her belly. She checked on the other participants: The two guys were still going strong, with Noah having a one can lead on each of them, but the senior girl slowed down to nearly a halt. Muttering something about hangovers, she clumsily got up and headed to the pizza table.

By now the alcohol was taking effect fast, with Ana feeling truly drunk for the first time. The corners of her vision started to blur, and a warm sense of hapiness and confidence took over. She found Ced in the croud and winked, and opened up her fourth can.

By now the three remaining participants were slowing down, the beer in their insides sloshing around. Noah and Ced's friend had started eating and drinking before the contest however, so she had a chance. 

4. 5. 6. One six pack down. She was absolutely hammered now. Every movement felt sluggish, every word a slurred mess. It took a lot of effort to lift her head and check on the two guys. They were both ahead, ripping into their second crates. Just as Ana was about to give up, she heard a loud retch to her right, with Ced's friend throwing up all over the floor, then colapsing face first into the table.

It was just her and Noah now. Their eyes locked. He was better at handling his alcohol, but she had unrivaled experience in stretching her stomach to ridiculous levels. Ana strugled  to unzip her skirt, with her hands refusing to obey her, but once she did her bloated gut launched forward, bouncing onto her lap like a hard rock. With all the pressure building up inside from the fizzy drink, Ana thougth she might puke. Instead, she let out the largest burp she's ever experienced, taking over the room. Despite her body screaming in protest she reached out for another can. 

Ana kept swallowing, and as the 7th can emptied the all-too-familiar feeling of her tummy stretching took over. She was near her limit, but to her delight, so was Noah. The sophomore's face was lobster red  as he did his best to keep going, but it was obvious he wasn't used to stuffing himself like this. The lead he had on Ana was nearly gone, as they were both on their eighth drink. It was down to willpower now.

Chug, chug, chug. Ana had no idea were she was, or what was going on. All she could remeber was that she  had to drink. Her hands seemed to have a mind of their own, and her vision was covered in dark splotches. For the first time this night, she was ahead, reaching for the 9th can. Any moment now, she was going to burst. She sipped a tiny amount scared of her body betraying her. It's over. 

Just as she felt the vomit rise up inside her, a loud thud rocked the dorm. Noah collapsed  onto the floor, and the croud cheered. Ana put down the half finished can and smiled drunkedly, before everything cut to black.

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