Chapter 33 Skya castle

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We land in the huge library of Skya castle.

"Does this library works the same way as in Sanctuary?" I ask my cousin and he nods.

"Alright." I sigh and put my hand on the inventory book. "We are looking for books on the Dark..."

For a few moments nothing happens, then a few titles appear.

"'Light and Dark, a brief explanation' is on the fifth row, third section, highest shelf. 'The rise of the Dark' is... but that can't be right." I read and frown.

"What is it?" My sister asks and I let her read.

"The throne room? I thought this was just a large estate!"

"Nay, it's not. This was the castle of Celestia and Caerune. At half an hour walk from here is the outer wall, now crumbled. Together with Peter I can return it to its original state and I will probably need his help to open the throne room too. Let's get that other book and return to Sanctuary." I explain and we all walk to the location.

"How will we get to it?" My brother asks, looking at the top shelf. At the same moment, the book rises from it and flies straight into his arms.

"Like that!" I laugh and after a shared look, we blink back to Sanctuary.

"You're back already! Is everything alright?" Peter asks when he comes into our chambers a few minutes later, his grandfather, sister and her husband behind him.

"Yes and no. Aye, we were able to find the book, though it's not the one Luca is holding. It's... in the throne room." I tell him.

"The throne room?!" He exclaims and I nod. "So we need to return it to its former glory?"

"Indeed. Come to think of it, Milan, is the west wing still in use?"

"The west wing of the estate? There is none, my child!" A voice behind us suddenly says and I turn around to face my grandparents, aunt and uncles.

"But of course there is! It's..." I start, not knowing how to finish.

"I'm sorry, what I meant was that there isn't one anymore. It was destroyed generations ago! All that remains is rubble that can't be moved and a door that can't be opened." Grandfather explains, which makes more sense.

"I see. Well, if everything goes well, it will be rebuilt. How about right now?" I suggest and all are quiet for a moment.

"Are you sure that is wise? It is still daytime!" Grandmother asks and I nod.

"I agree with Lucy. It will be safer to do it in broad daylight then when the evening falls." Peter says and after a few silent minutes more, my family agrees.

"Alright, let's Blink to the outer wall then..." I say and we Blink.


As soon as I lay eyes on the wall I feel the Magic and I frown.

"It was done with Magic!" Peter says beside me and we lay our hands on the stones.

They immediately begin to glow and the ground begins to rumble as stones fly around and the wall rises up again before our eyes.

After about five minutes, our hands stop glowing and we look up at an impressive wall of seven meters high and, after opening the grand wooden gates, three meters thick.

"Incredible! How did you know this was here?" My aunt asks and Peter and I share a glance.

Shall we tell them? With a nod, we decide we will.

"We saw it in a vision." I tell them and grandfather frowns.

"A vision? Like flashes of another time?"

"Something like that. For now, I suggest that we Blink to the castle for it is a half an hour walk otherwise." I quickly say and the others agree.

We Blink to where the west wing is supposed to be.

All we see is rubble and closed doors on the side of the castle. I look at Peter and nod, but before we can restore the west wing, Milan stops us.

"Wait! Don't you want to know why only the west wing is gone? I mean, what happened here?"

"You're right." I sigh. "Maybe touching the rubble will trigger something." And I touch one of the larger pieces.

Immediately, my vision changes and everyone is fading from view. I quickly grab Peter's hand who in his turn places his other on my cousin's arm to keep them sharp.

We see the west wing as it once was. Seven stories high and with huge banners reaching from top to bottom. Celestia and Caerune stand before it, the Celestial Queen obviously pregnant.

"I think we need to destroy our wing once our child is born, should they ever find out. I have been able to hide it with my magic before now, but it is taking a lot out of me now that it's almost time. Once uncle knows, he will probably tell the enemy that we have an heir and our child will be in danger!"

Peter Arun sighs. "I still don't like the idea of you pushing your limits like this, my Star. True, your uncle was at the hideout and disappeared before we got attacked. But he is still your family, as will our child! He can't really be that heartless!"

"I hope not, but how can we be sure? We need to at least think of someone we can trust to take care of our child should we not be able to." Lucy Maya says, worry on her face.

"I may have an idea. How about my sister and her husband? They, too, expect a child one of these days and could say it is theirs. Does that sound alright?"

"It does. Ah!" Celestia gasps, her face full of pain. "Ah, Peter I think it's time!"

"What?! Alright, let's go inside." He says and sweeps her into his arms.

Suddenly we're inside the castle and night has fallen. Peter Arun is looking out of the window when we hear a knock on the door.

""You may enter."

"My king, you have a daughter..."

We gasp as we return and the others frown at us.

"By the sudden look of confusion on your faces, my guess is that we missed something without time passing. Am I correct?" Uncle asks and I nod.

"Indeed. Now, let's rebuild this wing..." I say and Peter and I lay our hands on the rubble. Five minutes later we look upon the once again restored wing.

We walk back to the great front doors and look for the first time in so many generations upon Skya Castle.

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