Chapter 54 Job offers

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"So what happens now?" Peter asks and father answers.

"Now, young Peter, I suggest that we leave Milan and Leonard to rest for at least an hour, so they can get their energy back. I invite you all to my chambers in the meantime. After that we will decide further."

Still, Milan tries to sit up. "I can go with you, Your Majesty. I'll be fine..."

"No, your not." Both Amanda and I say, forcing him back into the cushions. My cousin makes a sound between a sigh and a growl, which, for some reason, makes Amanda giggle.

"If it helps, I can take care of your little brother in the meantime..." She adds.

Milan hesitates a moment more, before he finally gives in.

"Fine, I'll rest. But if the healers come and say I am fit enough to join you, I will."

"Good." Amanda says, trying to conceal a smile, then looks over at Leonard. "And objections from you, brother?"

"Nope." He says, swallowing. "I know better than to oppose you on matters like this. I learned my lesson the hard way after that training session..."

"Good. Then let's give these two time to rest." Mother says and we leave for father's chambers.


When we get there, father sends a servant to the kitchens for tea, biscuits and sandwiches. When they arrive, he says:

"I would offer you more, but it's late in the afternoon and I wouldn't want to ruin your appetite for dinner."

"Dinner, that's right!" Brann exclaims making Lisa, my siblings and me laugh. Father raises an eyebrow and we try to put on our straight faces again. We barely manage it.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty." Brann says, also with a smile. "The events of the day almost made me forget I promised my family to be back in time to have dinner with them. We usually have dinner at six."

"I see." Father says, a curious sound in his voice. "Speaking of today's events, you all did well. Especially since most of you haven't had any official training! And Weapons Master..." He looks at Brian, who swallows. "Thank you for disobeying my orders. You have taught them well."

Brian inclines his head. "I merely guided them, Your Majesty. It was my honour."

"You're being too modest, sir." Luca says, shaking his head. "You taught us a lot of things!"

"And what would you say, if I offered you back your old job and share it with your former apprentice? With the upcoming war, we could use you as one of the instructors! I can't promise I won't have to send you into battle, but you would honour me if you would accept." Father says, leaving the man addressed speechless. "You don't have to answer right away, but I ask you to at least consider it." He adds and Brian inclines his head again, still at loss for words. Next, father turns to Brann.

"And what do you do when you're not fighting or hanging around my daughter, young man?"

"I-I do whatever I can to support my family, Your Majesty. When someone offers me a job and I can do it, I will. But usually it's only for a short time or seasonal. Sir." He stammers and I can see father thinking.

"Hmm. You're a good fighter, but, like the others, you could still use more training. However, regular training should help you advance quickly, indeed."

"Your Majesty?" Brann asks, confused.

"What is your last name, boy?"

"Cliff, Your Majesty."

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