Chapter 2 - Stay

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Last chapter continued:

As Harry left I looked at my reflection in the mirror and immediately cringed. I had dirt and leaves in my hair and there was dried blood on my face. My lip was still swollen and I just looked plain awful. I can't believe he saw me like this.

After turning in the water I hurriedly stripped and stepped into the shower, sliding the glass door behind me. I welcomed the warm stream of water onto my aching body, letting it gently rinse me off.

After standing under the spray a while, I turned to the little soap shelf and picked up the shampoo. It smelled nice but manly, and I put a big blob in my hand, thankful it wasn't that 3 in 1 crap. I vigorously, yet tiredly scrubbed my hair with the suds, rinsing them out, and repeating it over again with another round of shampoo and then some conditioner.

Next I washed my body with the Dove body soap and did that over at least four times, still feeling gross and not quite clean enough after what Derek had done to me.

Once I felt sufficiently clean, I turned the water off how Harry had shown me and stepped out carefully. I yelped and yanked a plush white towel off of the rack behind me when I noticed Harry was sitting on the toilet seat, looking at me!

I wrapped the towel around my exposed body, and turned to stick my nose at the wall. "P-please don't look!" I exclaimed shyly.

I could hear him chuckle behind me and stand up. "Alright! I'm sorry I'll go. I took your clothes and gave them to Mary to wash. And I also left you a pair of my boxers and one of my shirts to wear. I'd offer you some trousers but I don't have anything small enough. Holler for me if they don't fit."

I waited until I heard the door click shut until I turned back around to make sure he was gone. Right as I was satisfied, he whisper yelled through the door, "Nice ass by the way Lou!"

I immediately blushed redder than a tomato and tried to hide my face even though no one could see me.

Once I calmed down a bit and he didn't come back, I gently dried myself off wincing when I did my sides or stomach or any of the places Derek kicked. I frowned at all the purple spots starting to form on my sides.

Quickly, I changed into his boxers and T-shirt just in case he made a surprise appearance again; clearly not having any sense of privacy.

I opened the door, going back into the bedroom, finding Harry patiently waiting on the end of the bed with his hands folded in his lap.

"Clothes okay? I'm sorry, I don't exactly have anything in your size."

"Yeah. Thanks. They're just fine." I confirmed quietly, with his shirt engulfing me.

He patted the bed on the space next to him and I sat down too. It was rather awkward for me, since we were sitting in his bedroom in silence and rather close. We were strangers just a few hours ago and now this. He didn't seem bothered though.

"Is it alright if I clean that cut up for you?" He said, gesturing towards my busted lip.

"It's okay, I'm fine really." I said waving it off.

"Please, Lou? Just so it doesn't get infected?"

'Lou' , I thought as the nickname made me flutter a little. "Um, yeah, yeah sure."

He led me back into the bathroom and had me sit up on the counter. He got out some disinfectant solution, adding it to a cotton ball, and gently dabbing it against my lip.

I winced at the stinging sensation but did my best to hold still and act unphased.

I thanked him as he finished and we went back out to sit on the bed.

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