Chapter 24 - Pet

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Harry's POV

I woke up with Louis still fast asleep, releasing soft breaths and his small feet tangled in the sheets. I couldn't help but admire him for a few minutes before rolling over and standing up.

I stretched and lazily walking over to the dresser, ruffling my curls on the way. I just grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and slipped them on, not even bothering with boxers.

Before I left, I walked around the bed and closed the curtains so the light wouldn't wake Louis up. I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before quietly walking out and shutting the door behind me.

I was headed down to my office when I passed Mary.

"Good morning sir," she said politely.

"Good morning Mary," I smiled. "After you finish up up here, could you go down to Paul and ask him to get the SUV out of the garage please. Oh, and tell him both of you have the day off. Don't worry, you'll both still get full pay for the day. I have a day out planned for Louis, but if you could make us a big breakfast tomorrow morning, that would be great."

**Mary's POV**

"Oh, of course sir... thank you!" I replied as I watched him walk down the hall.

"And don't bother with the master bedroom, Louis is still sleeping!" He called back.

I took a mental note of that and continued on my way. As I entered the hall bathroom to clean I couldn't help but think about how much Harry has changed since he's brought that Louis boy around.

He used to never smile at us or say please and thank you. He also seemed to just have a lighter air about him and gave us days off so frequently now.

Maybe it was all the sex they had... I keep finding discarded clothes in weird places and honestly am hesitant to use most of the furniture now. Sometimes I heard them upstairs at night when I'm leaving.

I knelt down to scrub the toilet and realized just how bad my back was hurting me today. I'm getting too old for this.

Oh well, all I knew was that Louis was good for him. That boy was always so cheery and polite to me all the time. He brought out the best in Harry, even the soft side Harry didn't know he had.

After I finished I slowly got up, using the sink to help myself up. I made my way downstairs and went to the little security office that Paul was usually in.

"Hey Paul. Harry wanted me to ask you to get the SUV out of the garage and pull it around front and to also let you know he's giving us the day off."

"Really? Again?" Paul said a little surprised.

"Yeah I know. He said we'll still be getting paid for a full day though." I said shrugging. "I don't mind. It just means I get to spend more time with the kids. They've really been enjoying it."

"Have you noticed how weird he's been acting? I think it's that new boy he brought home." Paul said, finally turning in his chair to look at me.

"Well obviously!" I chuckled, "that boy brings out the best in Mr.Styles. I think they're good for each other. Have a good day Paul!"


Harry's POV

I had been searching the web for ways other people had gotten over traumatic events like Louis had and things that helped them along the way. There were many things such as therapy, picking up a new hobby, medication, etc. But there was one thing I kept seeing that nearly everyone was talking about...pets.

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