Chapter 13 - Bars

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Louis's POV

It had been a little over a week and a half now and all I had to do was get through two more days. In just two more days I could get this damned cock cage off. Harry told me yesterday that all I had to do was get through the day today, and tomorrow afternoon, he'd let me take it off.

He usually worked from home but currently Harry was at work because he got an urgent business call when we woke up this morning and had to actually go in. He didn't say when he'd be back, but he did promise me it wouldn't take too long.

We had already eaten breakfast before he left and now I was upstairs getting dressed for the day. I picked out some soft pink panties, short cut basketball shorts and Harry's purple jumper. I had to slip on some white socks too, because my feet got cold easily. Especially with the hardwood floors.

After I was finished, I did the rest of my morning rutine like brushing my teeth and hair in the bathroom. Harry hadn't really instructed me to do anything while he was gone, just left me with a peck on my cheek and a promise to be back home soon. So now, I had to occupy myself with whatever I could find.

I went downstairs, thinking I'd play the Xbox some, but wasn't really in the mood for it once I got down there. I heard Mary in the kitchen, probably cleaning up from breakfast this morning. I'd never really talked to her for more than a couple of seconds, so I decided to go in there and give her some company.

"Hey Mary." I greeted as I walked in with a smile, even though her back was turned towards me. See turned the sink off and set the dish she was holding down, turning to face me.

"Hello sir. How are you?" She asked politely.

"Oh please, call me Louis. And I'm doing fine thank you. Just a little bored." I answered.

She smiled back at me and turned to keep doing her work while saying, "Alright Louis, I'll call you that as long as he's not home. I'm not sure he'd like that if he knew. He likes us to be more respectful and formal around here."

I scoffed under my breath so Mary wouldn't hear me. I spoke up though saying, "Oh you shouldn't worry about him. He's just a big softy once you get past his hard shell, trust me." I joked.

"Oh well, I'm sure that's true for you, but Hard Shell Mr. Styles hired me, and I'd like to keep my job. However, I have noticed that ever since you came around that Mr. Styles has been a lot more lenient and nicer, for a lack of better words." She concluded.

"I guess that's true, and I could never picture him being harsh on you guys. Well, I don't want to picture it that is."

"He's never harsh, just strict. Plus don't worry about us Louis." Mary assured. "I love my job here, and the pay is really great. I'm the only one that provides for my three children, so I'm more than grateful for having this job that Mr. Styles has given me. It helps us tremendously."

"I'm glad to hear that. You seem like a very nice, hardworking woman." I complimented her.

"Why thank you very much Louis. I try my hardest." she smiled back at me.

I sat behind her at the island in silence for a while until I decided to ask, "Hey Mary?"


"Um, do you know if Harry has any computers besides the one in his office?" I inquired.

"No, I'm sorry, I don't think he does. And he doesn't let me in there, even to clean, unless I do it while he's in there working."

"Oh it's alright, but thank you. I think I'm just going to go preoccupy myself until he gets back." I confessed.

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