Chapter 14 - Angel

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I've been really sick for a day or so now which isn't bad news to you guys bc all I've been doing is staying in bed and writing sooo. More chapters!


Louis's POV

Last night after my punishment, Harry came in to get me and asked me if I was still in the mood to go out to dinner with him. I said yes and he had me freshen up and made sure I wore something nice.

We drove out to a really fancy looking resturant called Tintoretto's. It was an authentic Italian restaurant that Harry was really fond of.

Harry was such a gentleman the whole time too, and I had the most wonderful time with him, even though our dinner seemed like it cost more than the house I grew up in.

He was being so sweet lately and I was sure I was in love. I couldn't belive I had been so lucky ever since Harry found me. He was so beautiful and romantic and spoiled me all the time and was so....daddy. We have only known each other for a couple months now, but I was positive I was falling harder and harder every single day.

Currently I was sitting on my side of the bed, with my sketch pad and art pencils. I was drawing out a picture of a man with angel wings kissing a broken looking girl. Harry was working in his office right now too, so I was hoping I could finish it and give it to him before he came out. I was adding a bit more texture to the boy's wings and some tear tracks going down the girl's face while listening to some music coming from Harry's headphones he let me borrow.

"Not just a neighbor
Oh hey there I'll ring your bell
Open your door, pucker up
And I'll kiss you well
My lips are sealed
There's nobody that I would tell
Your secret's mine, close your eyes
And I'll make you melt

No one understands the chemistry we have
And it came out of nowhere
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's not like we planned this, it's getting out of hand
And now we're gonna go there
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Walk my way
Mrs All American
Say my name
No need to pretend
Don't be shy
Mrs All American
I'll show you why
You're not gonna walk away..."

I had downloaded the whole album to my favorites Spotify playlist and had listened to it way too many times already. I started to get frusterated as I kept messing up on the man's face, but finally fixed it and settled with it being good enough.

Harry had been in his office for two hours this afternoon, and he said for me to come and get him if I thought he was working too much, which wasn't a very good choice of words. I always thought he was working too much because I wish he didn't have to work at all, but that's unrealistic of me to want of him.

The song had switched to one called Night Changes that I really enjoyed but kind of made me sad sometimes.

"Going out tonight
Changes into something red
Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress
Everything she never had she's showing off

Driving too fast
Moon is breaking through her hair
She's heading for something that she won't forget
Having no regrets is all that she really wants

We're only getting older, baby
And I been thinking about it lately.."

I paused the song and carefully tore my picture out along the dotted line that the paper provided. I smiled happily as it came out with a clean cut look, and hadn't ripped. I set the headphones and the rest of my sketch pad down on the night stand and put my phone in the waistband of my leggings.

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