Chapter 3

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I woke up to a blindfold over my eyes and my hands tied behind my back with a rope. My ankles were chained to something.

"HELLO IS ANYONE THERE? PLEASE LET ME GO!" I yell with a sense of urgency.

I wiggle my arms to try and get the rope to slip off. I suddenly hear a door open. I freeze and hold my breath.

"Don't move so much" Said the voice.

I heard footsteps come towards me. I started to scooch backwards in an attempt to get away from the person walking towards me.

"I'm not going to hurt you"

"Like hell you won't" I yelled back.

"Aye take it easy" He said.

"Please untie me" I said to the voice.

He started to take the chain off my ankles. He then took the rope off my hands. I took the blindfold off to see a man with a buzzcut.

"Who are you and what do you want from me!?" I questioned.

" My boss told me to take care of you so here we are"

"And this is your way of taking care of me" I was angry.

Why was this happening to me all of a sudden? Who is this man and what does he want from me?

"Yeah pretty much" He said

"My name's Connie by the way" He said

"I could honestly care less" I told him bluntly.

After I said that his phone began to ring.

"Hold on I gotta take this"

He stood up and pressed the phone to his ear.

"Yeah I'm with the girl right now. Yeah she's fine, I promise. Yes I understand." With that he hung up the phone.

He grabbed my arm forcing me to stand up.

"Hey what are you doing? Where are we going?" I asked, unsure of where he was taking me or worse, what he was going to do to me.

"You'll be fine"

He took me out of the room and we walked down a dimly lit hallway. At the end of the hallway was one elevator. The walls were very dingy and looked old. Connie pressed the up button and we waited for it to open. Once the doors open we walked inside. There were more buttons in which he pressed the one labeled Twelve. There are Twelve floors? The elevator walls were painted a dark gray. They had markings and splatters on them. They look like, dare I say, ...Blood. That sent shivers down my spine. Seriously where am I? I just want to go home. The elevator suddenly stopped when we got to the 12th floor. What was going to happen? Am I going to die here? In such a place that I've never seen before? I wish I could have said goodbye at least to my friends and family. Maybe me dying was the best thing that could've happened. I was not contributing anything to this world anyway. Hell, I was a stripper for god's sake.

"Come on" said Connie as he grabbed my arm once again. This time his grip stronger than the last. Leaving a nasty bruise on my arm.

We walked down another hallway. This time it was bright and the walls were painted with a deep red. We got to the end of the hallway and stopped in front of two large doors that were painted the color black with gold handles. Connie knocked on the door twice.

"Who is it?" Said the voice on the other side.

"Connie, Sir" He responded

"Come in" He said

Connie opened the door and walked in.

"What are you waiting for, come on" Said Connie as he motioned for me to enter the room.

When I walked in a saw two large sofas facing each other in the middle of the room. In the back was a large glass desk. Sitting behind the desk was a familiar face. Jean. Of course

"So you're behind all this? You're sick" I said with tears forming.

"No, that's not it. You passed out at the restaurant so I decided I make sure you were safe." He said with concern.

"You kidnapping me and tying me up is not helping, if anything it's the exact opposite"

Jean looked angry and looked straight at Connie.

"I thought I told you to take care of her, not treat her like shit Connie" He said in a stern voice.

"I- I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again" He said stuttering.

"Damn right it won't happen because you'll be dead before you ever touch her again"

He stood up from behind his desk and grabbed Connie by his shirt.

"Please sir, have mercy" He pleaded.

Jean let go of Connie and sighed. He turned away from him and walked over to his bar and poured himself a drink.

"Get out" He said coldly.

Connie walked out and closed the door behind him.

"Sit" He ordered me

"Like I'd ever listen to you" I said with an attitude.

"Sit the fuck down" He said glaring at me.

I sat down on the couch as fast as I could. As I sat down his face suddenly changed. It was more soft oppose to the angry face he had painted on seconds before.

"Sorry you had to see that, it's just that he didn't follow my clear and direct orders to be gentle, it just... infuriated me." He said Truth welling within his eyes as he looked at me. He sat down in the empty space beside me. He took a sip from the glass and offered me a sip.

"Want some?" he asked.

"No thanks, What I do want is to get out of this place and to go home" I told him.

"Yeah about that..." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean!? I NEED to go home, you can't keep me here forever!!" I yelled in his face.

"Actually I can"

"I'm calling the police!" I said as I ran to the phone on his desk.

"Go ahead and try, they won't do anything, they work for me"

This is it. I'm definitely going to die here. I fell to the ground. How am I going to get out of here? Why won't he let me go? What does he want from me?

"Woah there" he ran towards me and lifted me up.

"I know it sounds bad but I don't think I could ever let you go again"

"You sick pervert, I hate you" I cried.

I began to hit his chest. He grabbed my arms to stop me from hitting him.

"Come with me" He said.

Criminal ways : A Jean Kirstein X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now