Chapter 7

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I woke up to the sensation of soft lips on my forehead. I opened my eyes to no one there. The space next to me empty. Where is Jean, and did he kiss me in my sleep? I look over to the digital clock on the nightstand. The numbers read 8:15. I sighed. Where was Jean, that he was up so early? I put my hand over to where Jean should be. It was warm, he must have just left. I roll over to my back and lie there. I really don't have the strength to move.


"Jean?" I ask sitting up, randomly gaining strength, hoping it would be him behind that door. Has he come back for me?

"No, it's Eren" I slump back down


"May I come in?" He asks softly

"sure" I roll over to my side

Eren opens the door. He walks over to me.

"The boss asked me to check up on you"

"I'm fine" I say, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Do you want to talk with him?" He asks

"He's here?" I say, my eyes lighting up.

"No, I meant on the phone" He says holding his phone up.

"oh uh yes, I would like to speak with him" I say, my eyes going back dull.

He types on the phone for a few seconds and then hands it to me. It rings for about 30 seconds before a voice asks,

"What do you want" He asks coldly

"It's me Y/n" I say almost whispering

"Oh Y/n, sorry I couldn't be there to wake up with you, I had some business I needed to take care of. I'll be back home soon ok. Did you eat?"

"No, I haven't eaten"

"Ask Eren to get you something"

"I'm not hungry"

"Y/n please try to eat something for me ok?"

"Ok, I'll try" I lie to him

"Thank you, I'll see you in a few" He hung up the phone.

I handed the phone back to Eren. He took it back and put it in his back pocket.

"You want me to grab you something to eat?" He asks

"No, I'm Fine" I tell him

"Are you sure?"


"You want me to stay here with you for a bit? I have some spare time"

"Could you? I don't want to be alone" I say to him

"Of course" He says sitting on the edge of the bed.

"So I heard you like soul" He says to me.

"Uh yeah" I say to him, sitting up from the bed.

"Who's your favorite artist?"

"Well it's more than one, how could I pick?"

"Ok, give me your top five" He says smiling.

"This isn't in any particular order ok" I say making sure he understands I could never rank them. He nods in response.

"OK first we have the Isley brothers, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Al Green and James Brown, there's so many more that I could list off though, don't get that mistaken"

"Wow Jean was right, you do have a passion for music" He says to me

I blush at the fact that Jean told others about me.

Criminal ways : A Jean Kirstein X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now