Chapter 5

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After my shower, I put my pajamas on. I walk over to my bed and get under the covers. As I lay my head down on the pillow, I start to think about everything that's happened so far. I got kidnapped by this super wealthy (attractive) man and was forced to live with him. Seriously what does he do for a living? But why me? Why was I chosen to live this nightmarish hell?

I woke up from a horrible nightmare. I never want to go back to that place. I look around my room. In the corner of the room, I see a figure standing there.

"Who is that!?" I scream


"Shhh it's me"

The shadow moves closer into the light, where I could see.

"It's me Armin, It's ok"

I am now fully sitting up on my bed.

"Oh my god Armin, what are you doing in my room?" I ask

"You were yelling in your sleep, so I decided to see what was wrong" He explained.

Just as Armin finished his sentence, the door flung open. It was Jean standing in the doorway, breathing heavily.

"Y/n are you ok? Why is Armin in your room? Armin I swear to god if you did something to her"

He began angrily walking towards Armin with his fist balled up. I jolted from where I was sitting and put myself between them.

"No No it's ok, Armin was just checking up on me. He heard me talking in my sleep." I explained to an Angry Jean.

"Armin get out NOW" He yelled

"I promise he didn't do anything" I said with my hands up.

Armin walked out of the room quietly, with his head down.

"Don't talk to Armin like that, He's a sweet boy who wouldn't do anything to hurt me. You said it yourself that he's the person you trust the most." I said with tears welling up. I felt bad for Armin, that he has to work this egotistical jerk.

"I don't give a literal fuck, who I care most about is you" He said with his eyes softening.

He walked towards me. I started to back away from him. As much as I wanted to feel the touch of his skin on mine, I was still afraid of him.

"I see, you're still scared of me" He said, still moving closer to me.

He then stopped right in front me. He got so close to my face, I tried hard to keep the blush that so desperately wanted to form. He wrapped his arms around me. I melted into the warmth of his body on mine.

Tears began forming. I couldn't control them. I haven't been hugged like this in such a long time. Before I knew it, I was sobbing in my kidnapper's arms. He only hugged me tighter. I felt sort of safe with him in this moment. A part of me was exposed to him. I was so vulnerable in his touch.

After about Five minutes of me crying in Jean's chest, I wiped my eyes. Jean still holding on to me.

"Sorry I walked in on you yesterday, I never got the chance to apologize" I said between breaths

Jean froze. His face heating up and a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Oh right uhh it's fine, I should have locked the door" he said

A grin slowly appeared on his face.

"Did you like what you saw?" He asked smirking.

"God you're such a perv" I said in a disgusted tone.

Criminal ways : A Jean Kirstein X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now