Chapter 4: Damaged, Really Damaged

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TW: Depictions of self harming behaviours and an emetophobia warning, stay safe my lovelies ❣️❣️

He stayed sat in the chair next to her bed all night, waiting for her to wake up, ending up falling asleep in his hand around 6am as he leant his elbow on the arm of the chair. Veronica's parents stopped by after being called by the hospital but he reassured them she was okay and that he had it handled, telling them he'd call if anything changed, glad to see the back of them.

As soon as he thought he could go to sleep, rest his head and be alone with Veronica, the police showed up wanting a statement from him.

Morning came and she opened her eyes, wincing at the light and closing them quickly before opening them a little again, looking around the room and seeing JD sat by her bedside, the sun rays of the early morning sun shining in through the semi closed curtains on him.

How the fuck did she get here? She guessed she was in hospital by her surroundings, that was about the only thing she could piece together. But why was JD here? Did he find her? She couldn't remember, she must have blacked out, how much time did she lose? How many days had it been?

She tried to think of the last thing she could recall, she had no recollection of how she got here, the last thing she remembered was going to the cemetery...and the Heathers...and Kurt and Ram raping her and begging them to stop and- oh god, she wanted to vomit as those memories came back into her mind.

She swallowed down the bile that arose in her throat, opening her hand and looking at the small barely visible crescent shaped scars in her palm "it's been so long" she thought, before closing her hand tightly and digging her nails into the palm of her hand, reopening the scars and using the pain to distract her from the distressing memories that assaulted her mind.

She wanted to seek comfort in JD but didn't want to wake him, he looked stressed and tired, it was unfair to wake him, she thought.

She pulled herself up to sit up in bed a small bit, wincing a little in pain as everything hurt. She reached her arm over to the bedside table, picking up the glass of water off of it and sitting back against her pillows watching him sleep soundly as she sipped her water, waiting for him to wake up naturally.

It wasn't long before he awoke, he was a light sleeper anyway and was getting the feeling like he was being watched as he opened his eyes, seeing Veronica looking at him, a small smile gracing his lips as he looked at her sat up in bed "You're-you're awake" he said, rubbing his eye and looking at her with love as she sat there before him.

"Yeah" She nodded a little "what happened?"

"You don't remember?" He asked her, a flicker of hope sparked inside of him for her, maybe the concussion had caused her to lose memory of it, it was bad enough to make her lose consciousness for several hours.

"With Kurt and Ram, yeah" she swallowed, feeling like she was gonna cry "I remember that"

"Dammit!" He thought

"I mean how did I get here?" She finished, lifting the glass to her mouth, taking shaky sips

"I found you and brought you here" He answered, noticing her starting to get upset and cursing himself for being such a dick to ask her if she remembered "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm awesome" she gave him a flash of a smile

"You're not" he got up, sitting on the bed next to her, weaving his hand into hers and taking the cup from her, placing it on the side and putting his arm around her, not being able to ignore the pang of hurt he felt as she flinched away from him "it's okay" he looked at her, putting his arm across the back of the bed instead

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