Chapter 10: You Changed My Heart

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TW: talk of suicide, after effects on family and friends of it, child loss and general grief and dark themes, you guys know the score, stay safe all of my lovelies, you all matter and a world without you is a changed world, not for the better❤️❤️

Mr Sawyer went through his daughters room, taking anything he even suspected she could use to hurt herself, not knowing the full extent of what was happening. Upon going through her stuff he saw her diary entry with the suicide note written, mentioning JD.

He went to Veronica's blue landline phone, seeing JD in her call log, and called JD.

JD finally answered the third time he was called "what do you want, Veronica? I think you've made your feelings pretty clear, don't you, you know you're just like the Heathers, you say you're not one of them but..."

Mr Sawyer cut him off "let me stop you right there, you're not talking to Veronica, you're talking to her dad"


JD felt an awful pit in his stomach. No, please, no, God, he shouldn't have stormed off, he shouldn't have left her, he had the damn item in his hand of what she was gonna do for God sake! He knew she was gonna hurt herself! His breathing quickened as he panicked, God, he shouldn't have left her, he didnt care what she said to him amymore, he needed to know if she was okay. He needed her to BE okay!, He dreaded the answer but he had to ask "what's happened to her?"

"She hanged herself, she wrote a note, it mentioned you, I thought you ought to know"

"Thanks" he simply said, not admitting that he had in fact read the note and still fucking LEFT. God, he hated himself right now, no one could hate him more than how much he hated himself in this moment "Uh" He cleared his throat, he dreaded the answer. Please be alive, please be alive, please be alive.

He finally worked up the courage to ask, a minute of silence between them before he said "where is she now?"

"She's in hospital, she nearly didn't make it"

"Okay, I'll come and see her" he hung up, briefly feeling relief as her father told him she was in hospital, before feeling his heart sink right back into that pit in his stomach as he finished that sentence.

JD put his phone down on the cradle softly before picking up the whole telephone and throwing it at the wall in temper with a growl of anger "argh, idiot!" only just getting a new one from the last time he threw it. He was physically shaking as his body wracked with sobs, begging whatever the fuck blessed him with meeting Veronica that it'd keep her alive.

"Ah" he screamed and punched the wall, making a massive hole in it, earning a yell from his father as he woke him up.

"Stop punching holes in the fucking wall, Jason!" He yelled at him across the house, hearing him, but he didn't care, he wanted to kill every last person that hurt her and then himself for this.

He left the house, getting on his motorbike and speeding off to the hospital.

Mrs Sawyer sat with her daughter, praying for a miracle, watching her as her chest moved up and down with each breath, all too aware it was the machines doing it for her. She heard the door open but didn't take her gaze off her daughter.

JD walked in, holding flowers he picked up from 7/11 on the way, dropping them as he saw her condition, asking where she was and being told the paediatric icu"no!" He involuntarily cried out.

Mrs Sawyer heard him and looked around, her voice soft but monotone, like she'd given up hope on Veronica already. What had the doctors said??

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to call you, she uh...the doctor's um said she'll probably never wake up again" she bit her lip as her voice started to wobble.

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