Chapter 12: Freak, Slut, Loser, Shortbus

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TW:Talk of grape, outdated views, sewerslide, hanging self and all around dark themes, stay safe my loves ❤️❤️

Miss Fleming hosted one of her famous assemblies on the back of Veronica hanging herself.

She clapped, clearing her throat into the obnoxious microphone she held "okay, everybody, one, two, three, eyes on me" she said getting the teeenagers in front of her to stop talking and be quiet and look at her so she could talk and get attention off the back of attention surrounding Veronica "thank you."

"Now I'm sure you're all wondering why I've called this assembly, now, its been brought to my attention Miss Veronica Sawyer hung herself over the weekend, so I trust you'll all be praying for her and her loved ones around her. And let's make it known that we miss her and her walking the halls of Westerberg being the smiling, bubbly teenager we all know and love."

JD scoffed loud enough for everyone to hear, wanting his displeasment to be heard.

Miss Fleming cleared her throat "anyway" she gave JD a pointed look, addressing the students on the bleachers once again "I was thinking we could all make a video together to give to her family so they know we've all been thinking of her and we care about her. Now then" she held up an a5 booklet of paper, the first page open with Veronica's handwriting in.

Oh, hell no!

JD paled "how the fuck did she get a hold of that??" he thought

Miss Fleming continued "now, when you sat down this morning you should have seen a little booklet I put together, if you'd like to open it up you'll see the first page is Miss Sawyer's suicide note, now Ive photocopied this for you all to read so we can understand and feel why she got to this point and didnt talk to anyone about it okay..." She rambled on as JD tuned her out as burning hot rage lit inside him.

No way! No fucking way was he letting this slide! She read Chandler's, but that was different, it had been forged by Veronica herself, if anything he was amused when it was read, watching how easy everyone believed their lies. How society so quickly nodded their heads to the lies and fell in line.

This was different though, this was Veronica’s ACTUAL suicide note, her deepest feelings, her personal thoughts meant only for him and her parents to read, he'd already failed her, he wasn't about to do it again.

He stood up, raising his hand.

"Uh, I wasn't really asking for any participants at this point but sure, Mr Dean, what's your question?"

"You all wanna know why she did what she did, huh?" He looked around at his classmates with disgust and no other word to describe it but raw hatred "because when this fucking school sees any kind of beauty or light, it has to destroy it, you can't just let it be can you, you have to snuff it out, she did what she did because you all drove her to it! You all chipped away and away and away at her and gave her no help" he looked at Miss Fleming "and you pushed and pushed" he laughed unhumourlessly "until she couldn't take it, until the only option was killing herself! Kurt, Ram, Heather, Heather" he glanced at the Heathers, giving them a dark look "all of you, every damn adult she went to abandoned her when she needed them and her supposed friends treated her like trash!" He took a shakey breath "now it's too late"

"Okay, given Kurt and Ram are still missing I don't think this is appropriate Mr Dean" Miss Fleming said "And I help EVERY child, thank you very much" She said in a highly offended tone.

"Is this it?! Is this how you help us?! You wait until its too late and hold a lecture, miss?" He spat miss at her in a venomous tone.

"Jason, if you'll allow me to talk, this is a meeting where we can all express how we're feeling and see how I can help you all okay" she told him in her normal patronising voice

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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