Scarlett Delmonico is your average teenage girl, she takes dance classes and plays volleyball.
She lives with her single dad in Atlanta Georgia where he's a baseball coach, after a few moments of persuading, Scarlett finally agrees to see the team...
Chapter 2, Playing For Fun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
" Well since you're so good, let's play. "
~ Scarlett's POV ~
It was early in the morning like 5:18 AM early, I couldn't sleep anymore. My body was perfectly energized and I was wide awake so I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I looked through my closet in hopes of finding a good outfit to wear, it was hard since I had very good style.
I brushed my hair back and into a ponytail, I searched for my baseball gear and stuffed it in my dufflebag before leaving my room with phone in hand. My dad was still asleep so I wrote him and note and grabbed the house keys.
I went in Google maps and searched for a baseball park around here, I wasn't playing officially, I was just doing something for fun. Once I got a park around here, I went off and listened to some music.
Scarlett's Outfit choice
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As I got there, it was pretty big and the sun was starting to shine. I set my stuff down by the chairs and grabbed my lucky bat and baseball, although I haven't played an a while, I wasn't rusty.
I kept hitting the ball hard that you could hear the crack but I made sure I didn't have to run far to grab it, the sun was shining bright now. My phone was ringing, I looked at the caller ID and noticed it was my dad, I answered with a smile as I moved my hair out of my face.
"Playing baseball again kiddo?"
He said, I could just hear the smile on his face which made a smile creep up on mine.
"For fun dad, nothing official."
I responded as I took out my water bottle and taking a sip from it, it wasn't even that hot but I was sweating from running back and forth. My jersey was sticking to my skin which made me uncomfortable so I took it off, the conversation was cut short when my dad wanted me to continue playing.
I settled my phone back into my bag and went back onto the field, it was fun having peace quiet. I felt like running around the field to get some exercise but then remembered I didn't come here to actually work out.
My thoughts ran wild, I was actually considering of joining the team my dad was talking about but I shrugged it off. Everything was all peaceful, it made me calm.
"You're pretty good."
I heard a voice from behind me say, I turned around and noticed a boy. He was wearing his baseball uniform, I smiled at him walked over.
"Thanks, my dad's a coach so I picked some stuff up."
I said bluntly, he smiled and set his dufflebag next to mine. He was pretty cute, few inches taller than me as well.
"I'm Scarlett Delmonico, I think we're neighbors. Do you have a brother, Javon?"
Now I know that must have sounded weird but I had to get to know whoever was standing right in front of me, but he smiled.
"Yeah, Jaden Walton."
I smiled and watched as he took out a baseball.
"Well since you're good, let's play. "
I smiled and walked with him to the field, I held onto my bat. I was more of a pitcher, I did a good job as well.
"Pitch or bat?"
He asked, I picked pitcher because I was good at that. I went into my place and threw a curve ball hoping he would miss it but he actually hit it.
My jaw dropped, normally my curve balls got out anyone I played but then again I was playing for fun so I threw another one. He hit it again, I was starting to get annoyed.
"How are you hitting that?"
I asked as I walked over to him, he smiled at me and began to show me his technique, it was pretty good as well. He has me stand where he stood and slowly moved his arms around mine and helped me hold the bat the way he did.
He ran over to the pitcher's spot and threw the curve ball, I was able to hit and I smiled slightly. We spoke and bit and played a little bit more, since we were neighbors we walked home together.
"You're actually really good, thought about joining a team?"
I hated that question, more than I ever hated anything in my entire life. I know I was good but I just couldn't risk getting picked on like last time, but if he thought I was good maybe I could give it a chance.
"Not really, I just don't think I'm good enough for a legit team."
I answered, I didn't lie but I didn't tell the truth. What I did was bent the truth a bit, either way I still said it and there was no way I was about to take it back.
"Well I personally think you're great, you're dad should bring you and you can try out with the team."
I smiled at his offer, maybe this was a good choice for me. It'll give me something to do for the summer and something to look forward to when school starts.
"I'll think about it, for now, I'm gonna stick with playing for fun."
As we got to the front of my house, Jaden gave me a small note before walking off to his house. I walked inside and settled my dufflebag down by the front door, I walked to the kitchen and washed my hands.
I grabbed the note and opened it, a bit of blush crawled up my face and a smile crept onto my lips.