Scarlett Delmonico is your average teenage girl, she takes dance classes and plays volleyball.
She lives with her single dad in Atlanta Georgia where he's a baseball coach, after a few moments of persuading, Scarlett finally agrees to see the team...
Chapter 33, Ice Cream With Alana ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
" I felt betrayed, the worst part of it all is that I would have never done this to her."
~ Scarlett's POV ~
I woke up with the slight breeze hitting my face, the sun was already up. I got up from my bed and closed my blinds and curtains before I dragged myself back to bed, I wasn't feeling good enough to deal with people.
This was something would happen on a regular whenever I did not feel good, everyone knew to leave me alone.
I turned my phone off completely and lied in my bed, warmth taking over the cool spots on my body which I enjoyed very much. Memories of last night replayed in my head making me cringe, I should have handled that in a more mature way but I didn't.
But I didn't have the energy to rise up from my bed so I forced my eyes shut and began to think of other things until I found sleep again. After a while, I got up from bed and brushed my teeth and walked downstairs quietly.
I dragged my feet down the cold, wooden floor. I was home alone, I wanted it to be like that for a moment so that I can be calk and collective.
I grabbed an apple and sat on the couch, turning on the TV. I sighed and watched SpongeBob, I laughed at the dumb parts and chuckled at the ones that were supposed to be a 'learning' opportunity.
Soon I heard a couple of knocks at the door so I got up and opened it, I smiled and greeted Alana. Dad wasn't with her so I'm guessing he was probably doing work things, I don't really pay attention to what that man does anymore.
"Dad isn't here, I thought he was with you."
I said as we sat down at the couch, she smiled at me and shook her head.
"I was hoping we could hang out, girl day, you know?"
I smiled at Alana's offer and accepted it quickly, I walked upstairs and took a quick shower. I changed and brushed my hair down, I looked through my mirror and at my phone debating whether or not I should take it.
Last minute, I grab my phone and shove it in my pocket. I wanted to force myself to believe that Layla wasn't a horrible person and that she was just going through something.
I sighed and took one last look in the mirror, satisfied with how I looked.
Scarlett's Outfit
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Alana smiled at my outfit choice and walked out with me, I got into her car and put on my seatbelt. I looked out of the window and stared at Layla's house, I felt ashamed to have told her the things I did.
"Don't look, you're better than her."
Alana said as she drove out of the parking spot she had, I looked at her with a smile and took out my phone. I turned it on and played some music for us to enjoy.
I smiled as she parked in front of an ice cream parlor, we got out of the car and walked into the parlor. It smelled really good and there were adorable little kids, I got a swirl with sprinkles while Alana got cookies and cream.
As we sat down, I took a deep breath and began to eat my ice cream. Alana and I were getting to know each other better, she wanted to become an actress which is quite amazing.
As we continued talking, I slowly stopped speaking and zoned out. Everything was replaying in my head from the moment Layla had decided to ghost me.
Alana looked at me and rubbed my shoulder and looked at me with a softened expression. I looked at her with a soft smile and took a deep breath.
"I know for a fact you're thinking about Layla, what happened?"
She asked, I was ready to speak about it but I wasn't sure if it was going to make me feel the way it did.
"I felt betrayed, the worst part of it all is that I would have never done this to her. "
I sighed softly, by now we finished our ice cream and we were in the car. We stood in the parking lot, she nodded slowly and looked at me.
"Some friends are never here to permanently stay, they come and go like the seasons. But you'll never prepare for how fast it comes and goes."
Alana advised as she put her seatbelt on, I put my seatbelt on and smiled. I thanked her for giving me the advice, it was something I had no idea that, that was exactly what I needed to hear.
She drove me back home and I hugged her goodbye, I walked inside and put my phone on the counter. I washed my hands and dried my hands with a towel.
I grabbed my phone and walked upstairs and changed into a lavender crop hoodie and matching shorts. Once I laid down in bed, I turned on the TV and went on my phone.
I felt better, I just felt like I needed a moment to discuss everything. After a while, I decided to take a nap.
But it didn't work, instead I grabbed my phone and called Jaden.
After literal two rings, he answered with a smile. He was playing PlayStation like always, I stood on the phone with him until I felt tired enough to take a nap.
He didn't hang up though, he stood on the phone with me and took screenshots as I slept. This was something I adored about this boy.