Scarlett Delmonico is your average teenage girl, she takes dance classes and plays volleyball.
She lives with her single dad in Atlanta Georgia where he's a baseball coach, after a few moments of persuading, Scarlett finally agrees to see the team...
" You can't just force me to leave, my emotions are not like a light switch! "
~ Scarlett's POV ~
After our date, Jaden took me home, kissing my cheek at the doorstep before walking home. I would be lying if I said I wasn't fangirling the minute I got inside, I locked the door with a smile on my face.
I walked upstairs to my bathroom and took a shower, I changed into a new pair of pajamas I had. I brushed my hair into a bun and allowed my phone and to charge.
Scarlett's Pajamas
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As I walked downstairs, I saw my mom, she was sitting on the couch with my dad. They both looked annoyed to be in each other's presence, I hugged my mom with a smile and stood in front of both parents.
"What are you doing here?"
I asked, I wonder if it was a special occasion and that she was going to do something for me.
"You're moving back in with me, I think it's beneficial for the three of us if you do."
The words stabbed me a million times, I didn't want to leave my father. I didn't want to leave Cora or the Waltons, I didn't think I would enjoy it here but I do and I didn't want to leave.
"No, I can't!"
I choked out, tears began to fill my eyes. My dad looked away, I knew he was crying as well.
"You have to, I don't want you living here anymore!"
My mother began to raise her voice as she stood up, towering over me with anger lacing her voice. I loved my mother to death, don't get me wrong but she needed to know that I was allowed to make my own decisions now.
"By the court of the law, I don't have to do anything without my consent or else you will have a date with me at the court in front of the judge. If I am taken away from my father, from my home, then it will be considered as kidnapping."
The words came out faster than I could process anything, it was wrong of me to threaten my mom that I would take her to court but she needed to see my perspective. If I didn't have any friends or if I didn't feel comfortable here then I would've agreed to leave but no.
"You're coming with me, that's it."
My mom grabbed my wrist as she looked down at me, she wasn't listening to me. My dad now got in the middle, he grabbed her forearm and looked at her.
"Lindsay, let go of Scarlett right now."
He said angrily, there was tension in the air but it was cut the minute there was a knock on the door. My mom let me go and I ran over to the door, I opened it and relieved that there was Alana.
"Come in Alana!"
I said loudly, I grabbed her hand and walked her to the living room.
"Hi, I'm Alana!"
Alana introduced herself to my mom, she didn't get a hello or anything instead my mom just kept her eyes on me.
"You're leaving with me!"
Normally, I was a respectful towards adults but like I said, if I am feeling disrespected, I will disrespect you back. I looked at her and got into her face, what is possessing me to do this?
"You can't just force me to leave, my emotions are not like a light switch! "
I ran off and upstairs, slamming my door. I plopped down onto my bed like a flying squirrel and buried my face into my pillows, I couldn't think about leaving Jaden.
My phone was ringing and there as knocks on my door but I ignored them, tears left my eyes and I felt sick to my stomach. Soon, my window opened causing me to look at whose entering.
"I've been calling you, your dad told me everything."
Jaden said as he walked over to me, taking his shoes off and laying down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, I sighed tiredly and held onto him tightly as if he was about vanish.
"It's okay, just sleep."
Jaden cooed, I smiled weakly and nodded. He stroked my hair and began to hum along to my comfort song, Ava by Famy.
I had totally forgot I told him about that song, I'm glad he listened though.
"If she loves you and I swear I do."
Jaden sung the line that always gave me nostalgia before humming the chorus, I soon closed my eyes and allowed myself to go to sleep. I felt safe and secured in his arms, I felt like I was invincible.
Jaden kissed my forehead and pulled the blankets over me, I think this was where I was meant to be. It was where the universe wanted to me be.