Scarlett Delmonico is your average teenage girl, she takes dance classes and plays volleyball.
She lives with her single dad in Atlanta Georgia where he's a baseball coach, after a few moments of persuading, Scarlett finally agrees to see the team...
I said into my phone, Cora was on the other line helping Layla pack up her things.
"So are we, we're totally coming to cheer you on!"
Layla shouted, I smiled and grabbed an old baseball jersey I had. My dad bought it for me because he believed I wouldn't be able to leave baseball for long, sadly he was right.
Scarlett's Outfit
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This was the same outfit I met Jaden in, I ran downstairs with my baseball gear. I had my baseball cap and met with my dad.
"Ready to go kiddo?"
My dad asked as he tossed me an apple, I was about to nod when I realized I forgot to grab my notebook. I ran back upstairs and grabbed my notebook.
"Now I'm ready, let's go!"
My dad laughed and we walked outside, I hopped into the car and stared out the window. The song was stuck in my head, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
"Wake up, we're here."
I woke up and smiled, I got out of the car and grabbed my dufflebag. Now I was super nervous, he held my hand and walked me inside.
As we arrived to the field I got a glimpse of boys throwing baseballs and hitting them. Some were practicing catching and others were stretching, that's when my dad decided to blow his whistle and gather his team around.
"Alright, this is my daughter. Scarlett, she's here to try out for the team."
I smiled awkwardly, nobody spoke or did anything. They all just nodded and waved, but other than that it was dead silent.
I looked around the team and a familiar pair of eyes caused butterflies in my stomach, I smiled at him and he returned it.
"Is she a pitcher, catcher or she's a batter?"
I looked at my dad and he encouraged me to answer it, I smiled.
"Pitcher, I've got one hell of a curve ball."
Jaden smiled and agreed with me, I found myself removing my jersey once more and walking to the pitcher's spot. Jaden was batting, I sighed knowing he was going to be able to hit.
He smirked at me and I threw my curve ball, I made sure to practice a bit before today. I was glad to see he missed it, I threw a couple of more and he missed the rest as well.
"You did great!"
Jaden praised me as we hugged, I smiled at him and looked back at the team who looked dumbfounded. They looked to have the same thought as they began to cheer, I'm guessing this meant that I would be on the team.
The day was dragging, I was back in the car. Dad turned on the AC and I began to hum the melody of my song, I looked out the window and saw Jaden.
"I wanna feel all that love and emotion, be that attached to the person I'm holding!"
I sang out loud.
"You've fallen for that kid hard huh?"
Dad asked as he began to drive home, I looked at him and nodded sheepishly. That boy have known me for almost a week now and it felt like forever.
"The song was written about him. "
I admitted, he deserved his own soundtrack if I could write one. He was the only one I've found myself drooling over and I hated it.
I truly wanted to feel all of the love and emotion people feel in movies, I wanted to fall hard in love and never get out of it. This was what I wanted, so why was it so difficult for me to have it?