Scarlett Delmonico is your average teenage girl, she takes dance classes and plays volleyball.
She lives with her single dad in Atlanta Georgia where he's a baseball coach, after a few moments of persuading, Scarlett finally agrees to see the team...
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CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE once again, Scarlett must make the decision of staying with her father and living her best life in Georgia or go back with her mother to relive the memories she's scared of reliving in New Jersey. Now we all know what she chose but it doesn't mean that she gets to get away from her mother forever, she still has to visit her every once in a while.
Feeling like this whole thing was her fault, Scarlett tries to make things better with her mother which doesn't work one bit. But what makes Scarlett question everything is, was this the reason her parents originally divorced? The thought made Scarlett sick to her stomach as it would to anyone else.
Scarlett wants to find out the truth without having to ask either of her parents, so she asks her best friends and boyfriend for help on deep diving. She thinks this is the best idea and it would maybe give her some type of closure, as well as it might make her relax.
Scarlett has no idea that this would make her see her mother differently, very differently. But we'll let her find out on her own for the purposes of her being stubborn and never listening to anyone.