Chapter Twelve: Washington D.C.

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Samuel pulled the SUV onto the private runway in Louisville, KY. He was concerned when Sir carried Neisey out of the house. Paul called for him to pick them up he had no idea she was unresponsive. Joining the other SUV already on the tarmac, he sees Paul and Michael carrying luggage onboard the plane.

Samuel opens David's door, lifting Neisey out, holding her until David gets out, handing her back into his arms. Samuel goes around and lift the travel cases out of the vehicle, carrying them to the plane. He noticed her shivering as he walked to the plane. Walking pass Paul carrying a blanket to cover Neisey. David told Michael and Samuel to drive back to Post and wait for his instructions.

David board his BBJ, walking to the master bedroom, laying Neisey down onto the bed. Walking back up front to talk with his pilot. David asks the pilot, "Sommes-nous preys a decoller? ( Are we clear for take off?)" The pilot replied."Oui nous sommes clairs. (yes, we are clear)." The door was secured, and Paul took his seat. David went back to the master bedroom with Neisey.

Laying on the bed holding Neisey secure in his arms as the plane taxi down the runway. Their travel time was just under two hours to Washington D.C. / Maryland. The drops placed in her mouth may not keep her asleep until they reach the Fairmont hotel in Georgetown. David had arranged for a medical doctor friend who graduated from Yale to meet them at their clinic. D.C.

Looking down at Neisey David whispered, "pourquoi m'as-tu fait re blesser? ( Why did you make me hurt you?). tu es ma reine tu es tout pour moi. (You are my Queen. You are my everything)" Once they were airborne, David covered her up as he turned down the lights, closing the door quietly.

Walking out to Paul, taking a seat beside him. Paul asked, " What happened to her? and how badly is she hurt?"
David paused for a minute before he answered, " I lost total control of my composure. I beat her, I slammed her into a wall, and I raped her brutally until she lost consciousness."

Paul shook his head and ask he "why did you do such a thing to the woman you love, Sir?" David looked at Paul saying," I don't know, I really don't know the answer in which you seek." David remained quiet for a few minutes before getting up and walking back to the bedroom, closing the door.

David: POV

The Embassy's SUVs will be waiting when we land in Maryland. Neiesy came to while laying inside my arms. I watched as her fear filled eyes moved to look at me. Placing her hands on my body pushing away from me. I tightened my arms around her.

Blinking her eyes as tears silently rolled down her face. I stared into her eyes, hating the knowledge I placed the fear there. " pour ne pas avoir Peru we moi. (Do not be afraid of me. I will not hurt you again.)" Neisey stirred in my arm, looking around. When she asked me to use the bathroom. My heart aches at the sound of her voice.

Removing my arms from around her, I moved to stand up, lifting Neisey and carrying her to the bathroom. Standing with my back against the door, placing her onto the toilet. Neisey holds onto my arm as I stand her up to wipe her.

I look to see how much blood is on the tissue and in the toilet. After flushing and cleaning our hands, I lifted Neisey up and carried her back to bed. She asked for some water, which I held along with her shaky hands as she placed the mouth of the bottle onto her lips.

The pilot announced we were 20 minutes out. I carried Neisey out of the bedroom and placed her into a seat. Seating into the seat beside her, I buckled Neisey and myself in.  Captain Mark made a smooth landing. The vehicles were in place for us to exit the plane.

Neiesy started screaming and fighting me as I unhooked her seatbelt. Paul stepped forward, asking if he could be of assistance. "NO," I said, not turning
to face him. Forcibly, opening her mouth, placing two more drops into her mouth. The drops help sedate Neisey as I carried her off the plane.

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