Chapter Three: David POV

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"Bonjour Mon fils comment vas tu."Vous avez de nombreuses responsabilites qui vous attendant a' la Maison." ( Hello my son, how are you? You have many responsibilities waiting for you at home.)

" Bonjour Pere, Je suis tres conscient de mes devours." ( Hello Father, I am very conscious of my duties) David relaxed his cell phone in his hand.

Closing his eyes and opening them. "Father, my studies are going well. I have settled in Kentucky quite nicely. I do enjoy this country, it is very different from France and Great Britain. Americans seem to eat for sport and not because they are hungry. How are Mother and Sisters doing?

"David, why are you speaking in English?" David remains patient as his father talks to him. Something he learned as a child was not allowed to interrupt his father while he was speaking.

"Father, I speak, read, and write 7 languages. Let's not forget 21 dialects as well." Stop being boastful, my son, and call your mother more. She gets worried when you don't call." David looked at his cell as his cell hung up.

He leans back in his chair as he realizes the fact he has fallen for this young American woman. A beautiful sight to behold watching her running along the training area was the first time I saw her. I had my driver stop as I got out to watch her run along the trail.

"Samuel, find out who she is and report back to me asap. I want pictures, but keep this on the low low. No one is to know of my interest in this matter."
Samuel was from Sudan, and like the rest of my men, I trust him with my life.

Samuel had a wonderful fiance waiting on his return. He misses and loves her very much. I joked with him from time to time about his dedication to her. I have come to the realization that I may have been wrong to mock Samuel.

I reached over to my briefcase using my fingerprints to unlock it. Pulling out her folders filled with her photos. "Oh Mon Amour" ( Oh my love) I can't sleep, concentrate, or keep my Zizi ( penis) from aching with the longing to eat your Zezette (Vagina) until I drain you dry of your sweet cream. To bury my ten inches deep inside of you, planting my seeds into your womb...'

Thinking back, Samuel did his job well within days I knew all about her. I first acted as if I was curious about her. I started tracking her every movement, placing Michael and Samuel on her night and day. It was quite easy because Americans have a false sense of security. I felt she had no idea how dangerous this place we call the world is.

On my request, I had two tracking devices placed on her car. Our first meeting was not planned. we were driving back from class, and I noted her car was parked at the Post Exchange ( Department Store). I instructed Paul to pull in, and I got out followed by my men. I just wanted to see her up close to face to face.

As I saw her, I stopped just staring, not able to control my desire to grab her and take her out of this place. My 6'2" height placed me above the shelves in the store, so I was able to watch her every move as I followed her around the store.

It was not long before it became apparent she was aware of me following/tracking her every move. I immediately spoke French, speaking to her, giving me time to compose myself.
She didn't respond, so I spoke to her in Mandarin (Chinese) because of her almond shaped eyes and her light cream tone complexion.

"Can you speak English ?" she asked. I answered her, enjoying her smooth sounding tone. I had lost control of the situation, knowing she had become startled by me. For the first time ever in my 35 years of life, I froze, not knowing what to say or how to react. I noticed Paul stepped closer to me when I saw and heard another female. Paul engages with the female while I collect myself.

'Neisey, it would have been better for the both of us if you hadn't come across my horizon. You belong to me, and I will never let you go NEVER.' I relaxed, placing her photos back into her file and locking my briefcase.

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