Girl With thousands of Mystery 👩‍💻 (part -1)

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Long black wavy hairs like a dense dark forest and eyes were of evening sky blue colour , her face mesmerized me completely that I felt like falling for her and rising for her. She wore a long kurta with blue jeans, while I was busy noticing her and lost in her, she looked towards me and stared starring at me. " Wait, what? Is she starring at me? Or is she judging me? Why is she coming towards me ? What should I do then? Okay first I should take my eyes away from her". I then turned to my left and from the corner of my eyes I glanced at her. I am not wrong her steps are coming in my direction. I guess, I was looking at her very hard I should have controlled myself.

" Hey, excuse me" she repeated her statement.

I turned towards her and avoid looking at her so my eyes were on those green grass and I noticed her black scandal which she was wearing then I looked at her face her height might be 5'4." Take your eyes off me otherwise you will be off from your life" saying this she went to college building.

What she meant, is she is from political background or is her father is police officer or IAS officer or is she just trying to scare me but why will she try to scare me? I don't think so I was starring so hard that she might have felt insecure, okay whatever now I have to stay away from her. Standing in that same position I was thinking all this in my mind. Suddenly I herd my name Vivan. Ohh my friends are calling me I went there and they started bombarding me with thier questions. What I was doing there? Where I was lost ? As they say that they called me 6/7 times and I didn't responded and from no where Nitish my friend he came and asked who was that girl talking to me? All of my friends who were standing there were looking at me with their suspicious eyes like I murdered someone and trying to hide that. I tried to divert the topic and with them I went for my Msc biotechnology 1st year class.

It was just one month I joined this college not only college but also this city "City Of Dream" yaa you guessed right Mumbai. So everything here is new for me not so much as I used to regularly visit here and my home is not so far it's just 3 hrs distance approx to reach Pune.

Sitting in class I am not able to think anything else but her. After the lecture 2nd yr students came and invite our batch for freshers. I thought freshers could be the right place where I can get a chance to know her. So today is 6th March and freshers is on 20th March. Still a long way to pass.

In afternoon I was with Nitish in our college cafe having a sip of hot coffee. While I was busy talking with Nitish and having sip of coffee, my eyes again saw that girl entering in cafe she set alone in the corner of cafe for five minutes and then went. I didn't noticed that I was so lost in her that from the middle of conversation with Nitish I got distracted and lost but Nitish clearly noticed that and with some concern he asked me " she is that girl who was standing there with you? " I replied " yaa, she is that girl. You know her?" Nitish took a pause for about a minute and then warned me that not to be with her or think of her.

Nitish is from Mumbai infact he live near the college. But what is in that girl that he is telling me to stay away?
I asked him but he didn't reply and we together went for our afternoon class.

My mind is still busy thinking of her. Now I am becoming more curious to know her that who is she? Why Nitish told me stay away from her? and didn't even answered this question of mine. My image of that girl became of a mysterious girl and I need to connects all the dots which I will hopefully.

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