Chapter 13

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Liam's P.O.V

It was already 7 and Trisha will be here any moment.

Boys are so excited to meet her.

We are all sitting and talking about the regular stuff and doorbell of the house rang and everyone stopped talking and started with their hootings.

"Finally she's here. Go liam open the door" Harry said with a wink.

I got up and opened the door to reveal a beautiful Trisha.

She was looking so pretty. I welcomed her inside.

"Hii" I said

"Hey" she replied smiling

She was about to say something but till then zayn came wrapped her in tight hug.

Zayn what is he doing. Has he gone mad.

Harry came beside me and wispered "She's Beautiful". I gave him a smile

"Hii Mommy i missed you." He said.

"Zayn i'm not your mom we have just name in common." She said laughing.

Her laugh is so peaceful.

"No you don't have only name's in common but you are pretty just like my mom. She also use to look pretty like you when she was our age. And now too she is pretty." Zayn said.

Yeah he said right.

"Thank you. Yes she is no  doubt" Trisha said with a beautiful blush.

"Now get me to the birthday boy i need to wish him" she said.

We took her to Louis who was with Eleanor.

"Lou this is Trisha." I said

"Oh Hi Trisha we were waiting for you. And here you are." He said

"Hi. Happy Birthday and this is for you" she said and giving him a bag probably with gifts ofcourse

"Thank you." He said and gave her a hug smile and a hug.

"This is Eleanor."

"Hi. Ofcourse I know. But I just wanted to tell you both you both look perfect together." Trisha said. I don't know what made her say that but she said it too cutely.

Thank you" Eleanor said. And they both hugged her.

"Okay now let me open your gift." Lou said and started unwrapping the gifts.

"Hope you like it." She said nervously

One gift was an expensive watch and was really good.

"Wow this. I loved this watch. Thank you."

He said smiling widely and started opening the other and it had carrots. Shes brought totally a fan gift.

We all started laughing.

"Carrots.. Carrots.. Carrots" lou started yelling like an song

"See Trisha brought me Carrots" he Said.

And we all bursted in laughter.

And Trisha looked some embarrassed.

"Sorry about this but when i saw a grocery shop i couldn't stop myself. So i took these. Sorry about this." She said

"taylor was right not to give this but I'm really a idiot. A stupid too." She mumbled in a tone only she could hear it but i too heard it.

"Hey hey you are not stupid. He does this everytime when he sees carrots. Don't worry he loved the gift" i whispered to her.

Then suddenly lou wrapped her in a hug and said "Thank you so much Trisha this is the bestest gift i have got today and these carrots. Thank You for bringing it. You are the best. You don't have to be sorry. I really loved it" he said making her comfortable. Wow lou you have done a right thing.

She gave her a big smile in return.

We chatted for some more time. And she was very comfortable with Lou and Eleanor.

Wow good she is comfortable with Zayn and Lou and El now its turn for Harry and Niall. Let me take her to them

"Common let me introduce to other boys." I said and i took her to harry and niall who were talking.

"Haz and nialler meet her she is-" but i was cut off by their loud hoots "Trisha" they both yelled and both of them wrapped her in a hug. Wats up with these boys why are they hugging her.

Oh yes i forgot harry told everyone one to hug her when she meet them so she could feel comfortable. Wow and he was right.

"Hi" she said to both of them

"Hi and promise to bring me food on my birthday-" he was cut by harry "And me bananas"

Then we all started laughing. And she embarrassed again but she said "Yes Promise" embarrassedly and i shot a glare to Harry and Niall.

"Oh Trisha" they both yelled and gave her a hug again and she giggled.

Breaking the hug Zayn dragged her in the other corner of

the house near music system. I was still with harry and niall watching them. I don't know what they where talking probably in some other language

and both were laughing. Suddenly Trisha yelled "Dj MALIK in the house" and they both burst in laughter again. I loved watching her laugh. He giggle and laugh and smile face was just a beautiful sight to watch.

"Get her before its too late." He said pointing Zayn and Trisha. They both were getting close which seemed watching them.

"Okay cake cutting time" Niall yelled.

We all gathered near the table were the cake was placed. Zayn and Trisha were standing beside each other wispering and giggling. And I a here standing other side watching them and getting jelous. No way zayn and Trisha will get together. Liam stop thinking this shit. I got my mind out of this and we all started singing "Happy birthday.. Happy Birthday to u" song for lou.

Cake cutting was soon done.

"Lets play something" Harry said.

"Lets eat" Niall said.

"But Niall you just ate the half of cake. Are u still hungry?" I asked

Man he eats so much

"Yes" he said bringing a bright smile on his face. Which made us all to laugh.

"No. We will play. Lets play 20 QUESTIONS. I was thinking as we don't know much about Trisha lets play this to know her more" harry said to us eyeing Trisha.

"Y-yes okay" she said nervously.

"But we are 6 people" zayn said

"I and El will ask question together" lou said and Eleanor nodded in agreement.

We all sat down rather than couches. We sat forming a circle. And now finally sat beside her on her right and Zayn on her left.

"Okay Trisha we all ask u 4 questions each and then u can ask us questions. " Harry said to Trisha and She nodded nervously. Her face expressions said she was nervous. But there was nothing to be nervous.

"Okay lets Play. And if anyone us doesn't give answers then he/She had to do a dare given by others". Lou said and this made Trisha more nervous.

We all nodded in agreement.

"Okay so who wants to ask questions to Trisha first" Harry said.

This made Trisha more nervous.

"Me first" Niall Yelled

And the game started


Hope u all liked the chapter.
Finally she meet all the boys. What's next?
Wait for the next chapter to know more and also this game gonna be fun.
Thank you for reading :)
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