Chapter 4

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Once Annie left Ty at his doorstep, she knew there was no turning back. She always wished things were different between them, that he wasn't so impulsive and reckless. She wished he'd try to put himself in her shoes. 

Annie quickly wiped her tears and sat in the passenger seat of Dana Sue's car. By now her mom knew better than to ask probing questions when Annie was upset. They finally reached home, Annie hugged and kissed her mom goodnight and without saying a word went back to her room.

She locked her room door, grabbed the closest pillow and screamed. 

The thing about love is that it's very fickle, the slightest thing can let off the biggest fuse. You could go 0 to 60 in no less than five seconds. It's a very scary thing, love.

Loving someone to the point of no return was extremely daunting to Annie, she almost didn't want to have that kind of love, out of fear that she wouldn't come back from it. She almost didn't want that all-consuming, ever-lasting love, the type that she often saw in movies and in books. It was exciting to watch and read but putting herself in that position, sounded terrifying.

Now, Annie is so very independent. Growing up with a single mom, an outrageously busy single mom, meant that she was on her own for the majority of the time. Which, looking back, was for the better. Annie found that most people only put up the version of themselves that they wanted the world to see. A very polished and perfected version and the minute that mask cracks...well it was one of two things (i) the person feeling relieved and finally comfortable ( a rare case) or (ii) the person feeling embarrassed and agitated then building a stronger, sturdier mask and with that tough mask, a high wall in front of their hearts.

Annie, even though it wasn't blatant, was the latter, she'd been rejected, cast aside and told "she deserved better" too many times to count, resulting in her 'heart-wall' being as high as the sky.

Her facade or 'mask' was concealed, it was something she had curated over a vast period of time. It was perfection. Most of the people around her assumed they knew her, at least had a gist of her thinking, her personality, her likes and dislikes. When in reality, they couldn't be further away from the truth.

Authors Note:

hello ! how are all of u ? i haven't been very active lately [ lots of apologies, my finals start monday] anyways, for this chapter i wanted to delve into Annie's psyche and kind of what i think she thinks, does that make sense idk. but i have a cold and im sitting in bed, dying a little when i thought it would be great if i uploaded a new chapter, i was feeling very poetic and i needed a lil vent so that's why this is so deep. if u like this style of writing, def lmk cause i love writing like this, more of a poetic, academia, psyche vibe than a young adult, 200 word , basic kinda fic 

( no hate to the people who write like that ofc, i just prefer the former :)

okay bye, thank u sm for reading, leave a comment and vote if u feel like <3

EDIT- OMG we hit 1k reads !!!!! i am beyond grateful, ilysm

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