{2} Blind Faith

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~12 Months Beforehand~

3rd Person POV:

Harry was sat in the trio's usual compartment and was waiting for Hermione and Ron to arrive at the compartment. He was rubbing his shoulder which was particularly sore after Petunia decided to hit it repeatedly with the hot frying pan after he had grabbed, and heat heated the wrong one. Harry was only 5ft 2 so his feet did not reach the ground, so for his entertainment he was swinging his legs and humming a soft lullaby, but he could not remember where he had heard it from. The train had a slight breeze that made him shiver as it went through the thin fabric of his over-sized threadbare shirt.

Harry looked out of the window on to the platform, it was fairly empty at the moment considering it was only 9am. The Dursleys you see wanted to get rid of Harry as soon as possible. They quote on quote 'had to put up with the freak enough.' Harry liked watching the slow trickle of students walking onto the platforms. The old and the new. The joy of seeing the train and having their faces light up or having the students who dread the crimson steam engine. The best thing in Harry's opinion was the first years seeing the platform and train for the first time and being in the same awe he had 7 years earlier.

The windows were slightly blurred around the edges. At 12 o'clock the platform was pretty much full up, each family rushing to get all the trunks and pets on board before the train departed at 1. At this point in time Harry was reading a potions text book for 6th years, he was determined this year to improve his grades and try his hardest to improve. He had gotten about half way through when Ron and Hermione walked in arguing about something.

"What are you arguing about now?!" Harry exclaimed in an exasperated tone.

"Don't you worry about it Harry. Ronald just said something completely and idiotically stupid" was the response he got from Hermione.

"...okaaay then well anyway how were your summer never did get find out about them did I" harry said pointedly.

The two friends shared a look.

"Urrr yeah sorry about that mate you see Headmaster Dumbledore told us we shouldn't write to you and that even if we did because the wards were strengthened any owls wouldn't get through so there was no point" Ron tried to justify.

"Ron is correct Harry we couldn't break the rules" Hermione said in her usually snobbish know it all tone.

"Like that has ever stopped us before. And why also all of a sudden do you obey Dumbledick's every order, nobody would tell me what was going on" Harry was getting angry now.

"Harry! Dumbledore is our headmaster and superior you should show him some respect"

Harry scoffs and turns away from the two. The train had just started moving. And they were off, they had sat in the uncomfortable silence for about half an hour when a knock on the compartment door brought them out of their misery. The sight before them however shocked them. Draco Malfoy was stood calmly at their compartment door.

"What does that git want now?!" Ron muttered bitterly.

"I wanted to speak to Potter" came the aristocratic tone.

"What do you want Malfoy?" sighed Harry slightly exasperated, slightly hopeful. Harry had wanted to talk to Malfoy for a while. He had regretted the decision of denying Draco's hand in first year.

"I wanted to settle for truce with you Potter, if that is expectable to you"

Harry thought and debated the outcomes for a bit. He was already questioning Hermione and Ron's friendship, it would be good for him to have other friends in case something went wrong.

"Heir Malfoy, I agree to your truce. I hope we have a strong friendship and alliance" said Harry as tradition should. Malfoy had looked temporarily shocked before it was hidden under his Slytherin mask.

"And I you Heir Potter" and with that he bowed respectively and left. When Harry turned away from the door he was met with incredulous expression of his friends.


"YOU JUST MADE AN ALLIANCE WITH THE HOUSE OF MALFOY AND WITH THE CORRECT STATEMENTS AND WORDING?!" Hermione and Ron exclaimed at the same time or well in Hermione's case shrieked.

"When did you learn wizarding politics harry?" Hermione asked more softly but there was a hidden glint of annoyance in her eye which harry couldn't figure out why it was there.

"Over the summer I did a lot more reading" replied harry. "I also don't see what the big deal with me making an alliance with Malfoy, he is powerful and influential."

"HE'S A BABY DEATHEATER HARRY AND A SLYTHERIN" shouted Ron as if it justified everything.

"Ron just because his parents are doesn't mean he is--" "OF COURSE HE IS JUST LOOK AT HIM PLUS HE'S A SLYTHERIN HE'S PROBABLY ONLY GOING TO USE YOU!!"

"What like you and Hermione are hmmm?" Harry questioned with a hidden venom.


"Oh, I have no right!? What gives you the right to shout and belittle me oh and I was meant to be in Slytherin, and I am not evil" turning to his 'friends' harry saw that they had faces of disgust.


SAID YOU WERE DARK," shouted Ron.

Hermione slowly approached with an angry expression. Then suddenly Harry was looking at the compartment door with a burning sensation on his cheek. He turned back to see Hermione had raised her hand to his cheek. So, with that Harry summoned and shrunk his belongings. The turned to the former golden trio members and said in a cold voice.

"You know what the funny thing is Slytherins are expected to be evil, yet they never turn each other but the lions they are thrown out with no hesitation." Then he abruptly stormed out the door.

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